a list of many Aryn and Anārya Desa's', some of which are easy to identify with some parts of India and bordering countries but some are difficult to identify.
As regards the position of women, the author portrays them as socially inferior to men. The repudiation of Añjanāsundari and of Sita ou mere suspicion and public scandal respectively and treatment meted out to Anjanasunduri by her own p:rents as described by the poet will illustrate the point, It is regarded as a wonder that a woman should be born in another birth us man (CXVII.10). The sentiments expressed by Ananāsundars about her pitinble condition on her being banished by her motherin-law and her own parent without caring to know what the truth was? are eloquent of woman's position in Indian society. From the accomplishments of princess Kuikeyi' it appears that girls coming from higher strata of society received education. Sita is said to have given advice to Räina regarding war. She is described as performing dances. A Chāraṇa-Kanya's wondrous dance in the royal court is described. This indicates that the art of dancing was a respectable one in the days of the author. The duscription of Svayathvaras shows that girls at the time of their welding were of marriagenble age. The two parties of the bride and the bridegroom valued highly the Kula-vainsa' of each side? The sentiments of Vira-mahilas when their husbands go out to Aght (and the response of their husbands as well) are very noble and speak of their high culture
The Paümncbariya refers to fragrant unguents for rubbing and cleaning the body, a bathing stool made of Vaidurya, pitchers of gold studded with jewels while describing Ravana's bath. Musical instruments were played upon while Rāvana was taking his bath. It describes also Rāvana at his meal. Astraka, Mosüraka, Vetrasana and golden seats nre mentioned. The food is said to have consisted of 108 entables, 64 condiments anál boiled rice of 16 kinds. Elsewhere, the work refers to Nāranga, Panasa, løguda, Kadali, Kharjara, Nalikers and food prepared with cow-milkos being offerred to monks! It refers also to Payasa (rice boiled in milk), curds, milk and Modakas prepared with inolasses and sugar 11 In another place still, it refers to Laddukas (round balls of sugar, wheat or rice-flour, ghee, etc.) and Mandas. Veat enting is referred to. Kihg Sith hasodāsa is said to have been fond of human flesh.13 Lakshmaņa is described as being fond of wine.
As regards ornaments, it mentions Cadamaņi, Santānaka-sekhara, ear-ornaments, bracelets studded with gems), waist-band, pearl-necklace, n signet-ring. In one place it mentions China cloth.16
The author refers to various weapons such as 'Asi-kınakn. Cara, Khedaka, Vasunandaka, Cakra. Tom:11, Paruśt, Paytsa, Mudgara, Sera, Jhasara, Bl:indi-māla, Gadā, Sakti, Khurapra, Ardha-chandra,
1. Read Canto XCVIII. 57-67, especially,
आहीर-बोय-जवणा कच्छा सगकीरला य नेमाला । वरा य चारुच्छी, बराबडा चेव सोपारा ॥ कसारबिसाणा वि य विजा तिसिरा हिडिवरंबट्ठा। सूला बय्वरमाला गोसाला सरमया सवरा ॥ आणंदा तिसिरा वि य खसा तहा चेव होति महालया। सुरसेगा पल्हीया खंद्यारा कोलउलुगा य ॥
पुरिकोवेरा कुहरा अंद्या य तहा कलिंगमाईया। एए अ य वह लवंकुसे हिं जिया देसा ॥ 2. Canto XVII. 32-35; also note; CII. 436 and CV. 10 vv. 64-67. 3. Canto XXIV. 5.8. 4. Canto XXXVII 34-36. 5. Canto XXXIX. 22. 6. Canto XXXVII. 47-59. 7. Canto XCVIII.S
8. Carto LVI. 13 f. 9. LXIX. 6 16.
10. XLI. 9 11. CXV. 8-10.
12. LXXXIV. 4 13. XXI. 74-75. 14. CXII. 74 75. 15. III. 98-99.
16. VIII-273.
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