[FEBRUARY, 1889.
be taken as an expired year, though it is not qualified as such. And further we are told that the copper-charter was exhibited at the sråhe of this year; but I have not succeeded in obtaining any explanation of the word éráhe, or, as it may possibly be read, asráhe.
The name of the reigning king is lost with the missing fragment of the stone. But the date shews that the record belongs either to the very end of the reign of the Western Chalukya king Sômêsvara II., or to the commencement of the reign of his younger brother and successor, Vikramaditya VI.
The Chalukya Chakravartin Vijayadityavallabha, who is mentioned in line 20, seems to be the Western Chalukya king Vijayaditya, of whom we have an inscription at Lakshmêshwar, dated in the thirty-fourth year of his reign, when Saka-Samvat 651 had expired, and consequently in 'Saka-Samvat 652 current (A.D. 729-30), which records the grant of a village for the benefit of the Jain temple called 'Sankha-Jinêndra-vasati at Pulikara (Lakshmêshwar). The only other person with whom he could be identified, is a certain Maharaja Vishnuvardhana-Vijayâditya, who is mentioned in a Dâvangere inscription, from Maisûr, as a 'son' of the Western Châlukya king Sômêsvara I., and who in 'Saka-Samvat 988 or 989 was governing the Nolambavadi Thirty-two-thousand District in Maisûr. It seems probable, however, that he was not really a son of Sômêsvara I., but only a distant relative of his, in the same degree of descent with a son; and that he belonged properly to the Eastern Chalukya family." And, for this reason, and because of the use, in line 20, of the word munnam, formerly,' which indicates a certain amount of antiquity, I think that we have undoubtedly a reference to the Viyayâditya who commenced to reign in A.D. 696. The present mention of his younger sister Kunkumamahadevi, gives us a new name in the Western Chalukya genealogy.
TEXT." Vri1 ||
Sara U
ante, Vol. VII. p. 112.
10 Pali, Sanskrit, and Old-Kanarese Inscriptions, No. 136.
ming-[e] vig-na
2 y-akaran abhay-akaram dvija-divikaran] -
bhikaram budha-nisâkaran-udgha-yasam Prabhakaram | Ant-enisida perggade 3 Prabhakarayyan-anubhavaneyalu || Om [S]v[as]t[i] Samasta-bhuvanavalaya-nilayaniratisaya-kê valajñâna-nêtratri (tri)tîya"-virâjamâna
4 bhagavad-arhat-sarvvajña-vitaraga-paramêsvara-paramabhaṭṭaraka-mukhakamala-vinirggat
nt-adi-samasta-sâ (sa)str-âmritapârâvâra-pâragarum-anêka-nripati-makuta-tata-ghațita-mani
6 pâravindarum
kharum parama-tapaścharaṇa-niratarum paravâdi-sa (sa)rabha-bhêrund-âpara7 nâmadhêyar-appa śrimat Srinandi-pandita-dê var-âcharyyar-âgi tapô-rajyam-geyyuttamire | Vri Jina"-samay-âgam-âmbunidhi-pâragar-u
gra-tapô-nivåsigal manasija-vairigal sa (sa) ma-dam-ambudhiga! budha-sajjana-stutar= vvinata-narêmdra-ramdra-makut-ârchchita-pâdapayôja
9 yugmar=emb=initu mahat[t]vadim Siriyanandi-munîmdrare dêvar-urvviyo! | Avara sishshimtiyar || Sama-dama-yama-niyama-yutar=vvi
See my Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts, p. 47f. To my remarks there, I would add that the inscription calle Vishnuvardhana-ViyayAditya sarvalókásraya or refuge of all people, which is a very customary Eastern Chalukya epithet, but does not, I think, occur in any of the inscriptions of the Western branch of the family. 13 sc. Vritta; i.e. ' metre.' 1 Metre, Champakamála.
13 From the ink-impression.
15 Or perhaps ant-adum-ang[e].
16 Here, and throughout this inscription, this word is represented by a symbol; not in writing. 17 Read trittyanêtra. 18 Metre, Champakamála.
19 Metre, Kanda.