AUGUST, 1889.)
involved a question to be considered in the present L. 21. -Svasti eriman-npipa-Vikrama-samaya. note, probably the ordinary expired tithi, and not titâ (!) Åshadhadi-samvat 1555 varshế the current tithi, would always be quoted.
Sak[6°) 1420 pravartamânê uttarayana (na) J. F. FLEET.
gatê sri-sury[6] sisarutau(sisirartau)
Magha-m&sé pamchamyår tithau BudhaTHE VIKRAMA YEAR COMMENCING WITH
våsare Uttarabhadrapad[AR]-nakshatré THE MONTH ASHADHA.
Siddhi-nâmni yôge Bava-karanê MinaThe existence of a Vikrama year commenc
risau sthite charndre påtasaha-sri-Mahaing with the month Åshadha became first muda-vijayarajyam(jye) I. known to me, several months ago, through a note There can be no doubt that the inscription has of Mr. Fleet's, on page 79 of the Introduction of
been either carelessly executed, or, which appears his Gupta Inscriptions. Since then, Mr. Fleet more probable, negligently copied. However this has drawn more prominently attention to this may be, it is certain that it is dated in the reign curious year, page 93 above, and it is in re- of the Sultan Mahmud, in the Ashadhadi Vikrasponse to the request expressed in his concluding ma year 1555, corresponding, so far as the day paragraph, that I publish the following dates, is concerned, to the Saka year 1420, on the fifth which distinctly refer themselves to the Ashadhddi lunar day of the bright half of the month Magha, sanat. According to the information collected on a Wednesday, under the nakshatra Uttardby Mr. Fleet, the Ashddhidi year is a Vikrama Bhadrapada, and when the yoga was either year which commences three months later than siddha or Siddhi, and the karana Bava. Caleu. the northern (Chaitradi), or, which is the same lating now for the ordinary (northern or southern) thing, four months earlier than the southern
year, we obtain, as the possible equivalents of (Karttikadi) year; and, assuming this to be true, Magha sukla 5,any dates of the Ashadhadi year falling in any for Vikrama 1555 current, - Saturday, 27th Januof the nine months from Asbådba to Phålguna ary, A.D. 1498, when the fifth tithi of the must, for the purpose of calculation, be treated bright half ended 18 h. 12 m. after mean as northern dates, while such dates as fall Bunrise ; and when, at sunrise, the nakshatra in the three months Chaitra, Vaisakha, and was Rôvati, the yoga Sadhya, and the karana Jyaishtha, must, for the purpose of calculation, Bsva; he regarded as southern dates. My dates, which for Vikrama 1555 expired. - Wednesday 16th fall in the months Mägha, Sravaņa, Vaisakha, January, A.D. 1499, when the fifth tithi of and Phálguna, prove that on this point Mr. Floet's the bright half ended 17 h. 34 m. aftor mean information is correct; and the last date, belong. sunrise, and when the nakshatra was Uttara. ing to a dark fortnight, shows that in this Bhadrapada up to about 11 h. 10 m., the yóga instance) the arrangement of the lunar fortnights Siddha up to about 19 h. 24 m., and the karana of the Åshadhidi year is the aminta (southern) Bava up to about 6 h., after mean sunrise. arrangement. The dates are as follows:
The second of these two days is evidently the 1.-In Archaeol. Survey of Western India, No. one mentioned in the inscription; and this date 2, List of Antiquarian Remains, pp. 264-265, accordingly proves that the month Magha of the there is (what appears to be) a rough transcript of ordinary northern or southern) Vikrama year is an inscription at Adalij, 12 miles north of Ahmada- also the Magha of the same Ashddhidi year; or, båd, which records the building of a well by the more accurately, that, so far as the bright half of Rank RadA, the wife of the Vaghêla chief Vara- the month Magha is concerned, there is no differ. sithha of the DandAhi-déba, and of which the date ence between the northern or southern, and Ashd. is given in the following passages:
dhidi years. As might have been expected, the L. 1.- Samvat 1555 varshê Mágha-másê pam- year 1555 of the date is the expired year; and so
chami - dinê padasaha - Srf - Mahimada- is the Saka year 1420, mentioned together with it, râjâ jyo P);
notwithstanding the term pravartamdnd, by which L. 9.-Svasti eri-npipa- Vikramarka-samayâtito it is qualified.
kalê (!) sâmpratani samvat-panchadase 2. - According to Professor Aufrecht's Cata. tu pamcha-militê varshe ch&pamsati (chalogue of the MSS. of the Bodleian Library, page pamchasati P) I ......... Kaubêrim 348, a manuscript of the Prabhdsakshetratirtha. disam=&britê dina-patau m se cha Maghydtrdrukrama bears the following date :Abhidhê pakshe suklatame tithau phana
samvat 15 Åshadhadi 34 varashë (varshe) bhritô våré Budhasy=Ottart-nakshatré Sravana-sudi 6 Bhabhau)me ad[y]=éha Bha(ba)va-Baujfiake cha karane yoge brf-Kadanapurd ethane påtasaha-sri(érk). Va (cha) Siddhopare(!) ......; and - Mahimada-vijayarajye .....