Maistr, literary folktales from maitamal, a public chest or treasury' ......... 52 Makhdom-i-'Azam = Khoja Ahrer ............ 155 MAkhulaglmva Forty-two, the ; a sub-divi
sion of the Parņa pathaka ..................... 84 Makuta; see MahAkta .......................... 316 Malagasy ethics compared with old Egyptian 28 Malakotta, a country in Southern India, men
tioned by Hiuen-Tsiang under the name of Mo-lo-kiu-ch'a, 239; -- the etymology of the name, 240; -- it was also called Chimo-lo, 241;- it was also known by the name of Malaya, 241;- its boundaries according to Hiuen-Tsiang, 241; - its capital, unnamed by Hiuen-Tsiang, was probably Koskai ............................ ...***
................... 242 Malakata, a name which is to be struck out !
of the map ............................................ 240 MAlavabhadra, Skr. poet, identity discussed.. 28 Malaya, another name for the Malakotta
country, 241; - 'other applications of the
name in Sanskrit, Malayalam, and Tamil... 241 Malays, sacrifice for purification among the 31, 82 MAlêr-Kotl, see kõtlA-MAlêr ............... 329, 330 Mamvåni, Mahamandalákvara (see also Am.
barnath); he may perhaps be of the SilshAra family; but he is not to be identified with Mummusi, 95; - a remark about the
reading of his name.............................. 95 n. Mânapura, the residence of Abhimanyu
(Råshţrakata); it is possibly the modern
Månpur in Malwa ........ ................... 233 Manara pattaid, an ancient territorial division 133 Minava-Dharma-Sastra; notice of Prof. Jol
ly's edition of the Sanskrit Text............... 256 man, heroine disguised as a, in folktales ...... 147 Manchu-Mongol Army, a collection of papers
relating to the, dated 1723-86 ............. Mandagor, chief town of the Mandasör Dis.
trict in Scindia's Dominions; amendments in the rendering of the pillar inscription of Yasôdharman, 219; - and in the 'inscrip
tion of Yasodharman and Vishnuvardhana 220 mani,' an Elder ................................ 275 and n. Maņiari, a pațaka of Abhêlâvatu ............... 142 Mânpur, a town in Málwa; it is possibly men.
tioned as Månapura, the residence of Abhi. manyu .............
..................... 233 Manu, the Code of; notice of Prof. Jolly's
edition of the Sansksit Text.................... 256 manoddi, the special name of certain tithis
which are anniversaries of the fourteen
Manus ........................... Man-yo-siu, an ancient Japanese poem ........ Marasimha (Ganga of Kalinga) ............170, 171 marganaka, or abhinava-marganakq, a fiscal
term requiring explanation ...........
Mark, St., the fate of...
............ 315 marriage customs in Perak ...................... Måsama, Mahabaladhikrita, an officer of
Nikumbhallasakti ............. ............... 270 Mathurs mentioned in the Rajatarang int ... 67 Matila ; see Mattila.............. ................ 289 Mátrichakra, see Mothers, the Divine......... 70 n. Mattila, the name on an ancient terra-cotta
seal from Bulandshahr ............................. 289 Mauladt era of Pipa Sultan of Maisur,
fourteen years in advance of the Hijra... 313, 314 Maung Pauk Kyaing, a Burmese popular hero 275 Maurya question and the Mahabhdshya; reference to a note by Dr. O. von Böth lingk on .........
............. 27 maxims in folktales .....................22, 275, 348 medials hardened into tenues in PAli; e. g. kubhd = guha.............
........... 6 mshao, an abbreviation, possibly of mdhara ...
113 and n. Méhara, an apparent mention of a ............... 115 Merv, Russian accounts of ........................ 156 Mihirakula, mentioned by Kalhaņa as a king
of Kasmir, 98, 102, 103 ; - his accession, according to Kalhana, was in B. C. 704 ; but his real date was about A. D. 515, ..65; -- an amendment in the rendering of the reference to him in the Mandasôr pillar inscription of Yabodharman, 219; - his capital was Sakala in the Pasjab, which
is the modern Sångalawalaţibbê .........226, 227 Mihirapura, a town built by Mihirakula in
the Hôladá district ...........................98, 103 Mihirésvara, a form of Siva, established by
Mihirakula at Srinagart ..................98, 103 misra, a particular honorific title, in mahd.
miérapandita .............. .....134 and n. Mitra, Varuna, and Aryaman, the earliest
Trinity of the Aryans ............. ............ 29 Mléchchhas mentioned in the Rajatarangins
68, 70, 98, 102, 103 Mo-lo-kiu-ch'a, a country mentioned by Hiuen Tsiang, identified with Malakotta
239 to 242 moon and sun, a emblems on seals of grants 165 months, Hindu lunar (see also intercalary); names of them as used in recorded dates :
AshAdha (June-July)......................... 343 Asvayuja (Sept.-Oct.) ...................... 55 Bhadra (Aug.-Sept.)...............86, 131, 214 Bhadrapada (Aug. Sept.) ...............58, 268 Chaitra (March-April)... 58, 86, 90, 109,
238, 345 Jyêshtha (May-June)...56, 87, 95, 127,
128, 259, 285 Karttika(Oct.-Nov.)..83, 84, 86, 192, 235, 316 Madhu (March-April) ....................... 88