Yuvarjadeva (Kalachuri of Chedi); men
tion of him as worshipping the god Sôme. Syari............
........... 215
Zabudeik is the Burmese form of Jambudvipa 275 ZAvur, a place in Kasmir, perhaps mentioned
under the ancient name of JAlära ............ 68 Zuci Khan, the so-called, 51;-Zuel is not a man's name ...
**** 31 zuhra, the paisd of Tipa .....
....... 314 Zukru, a place in Kasmir, mentioned under
the ancient name of Jushkapura ... 69, 72 and 1.
Zabaikailia, is the district east of Lake
Baikal, 157; - history of, a notice of the... 157