Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 453
________________ p. 30 b, No. 21, line 7-8, for Sravana, read Sravana; p. 270, 1. 14, for Parâsara read Pardéara; and at and line 8, for pakshê-valakshê, read paksha valakshê. the end of the line insert ", to mark the end of the donor's speech. p. 35, lines 1 and 2 from the bottom, for dhátriyolu, read dhatriyoiu; and for guḍigereyolu, read guḍigereyolu. pp. 277-278-279, for An-Nasir-li-din Allah, wherever the words occur, read An-Nasir. li-din Allah. p. 40, Text line 38, for umbaliy read umbaliy; pp. 277-8, for Ch. D. Fachu, wherever the words and in line 42, for mishthâyâm, read mishthâyâm. occur, read Ch. D. Fraehn. p. 63 a, line 36, for nirvana, read nirvana. p. 278 b, lines 33, 34, for Khalifas Mustafi B'illah, Muta B'illah, and Tai-B'illah, read Khalifas Mustakfi-B'illah, Muti-L'illah and Tai-L'illah. p. 279 a, line 13, for from Al-Kasar, read at Kazan. ERRATA IN VOL. XVIII. p. 73, line 1, for Kantakotsa, read Kantakotsa. line 9, for (thus, read (thus). line 10, for country), read country, p. 75, line 15, dele the semicolon after them. p. 76, line 3 from the bottom, for másaim, read másam. 33 p. 81, note 1, for meaning, read meanings. p. 82, line 11, for four-months', read four-months. p. 83, Text line 8, for anusâsan, read anusâsan(t). note 15, for apátů, read ápáta. 31 p. 85, note 33, at the end of the note add the words, See Vol. VI. p. 212, note, where it is said that it means Brahmans who had not been fed before, and were not to be fed again. p. 101, line 32, insert a comma after Chakradhara. p. 102, note to verse 299, read of Iranian origin, the term yamusha might &c. The sentence, as it stands, has been wrongly divided by the substitution of a fullstop after origin. p. 112, Text line 6, for Chamu-[m*]-da, read Chamu[m]ḍa-. p. 113, Text line 23, for Vamanasthat-isrika-, 'read Vamanasthali-śrika-. p. 130, Text line 7, for nilin-ânanaḥ I, read nilînânanaḥ II. p. 94 a, line 24, for irima [ch], read éríma[ch]. p. 95 a, line 29-30, read Also, not one of the three lithographs of these inscriptions &c. p. 96 a, line 35, for the colon after Siddhanta, p. 281 a, line 22, for Abu'l-Kabt-Muḥammadsubstitute a full-stop. ibn al-Lais, read Abu'r-Rabi-Muḥammadibn-al-Lais. p. 136, G. line 1, for 21" by ", read 21" by 16" p. 146, note 27, for see note 19 above, read see note 20 above. p. 171, note 50, for paramamahéévara, read paramamáhéévara; and for paramavaishanava, read paramavaishnava. In Vâ sudêva-nayaka, dele the hyphen. p. 200, line 1, for 5-89 m., read 58-9 m. p. 267, note 22, for satru-mardanaḥ, read sakti sampannaḥ. p. 268, Text line 15, for âna danaḥ, read -ânadanaḥ. p. 269, 1. 10, for four-toothed, read four-tusked. 1. 30, for who destroys his foes &c., read who is endowed with bravery, and energy and the (royal) powers. 29 p. 279 b, line 20, for J. Gotwald, read J. Gottwaldt. p. 280 a, line 1, for Miltaurovs, read Melitaurovs. p. 280 a, line 3, for Miltaurov was court captain, read Melitaurov was court chaplain. p. 280 a, line 14 from bottom, for Balabhar, read Balawar. p. 280 a, line 4 from bottom, for Wrestler, read Hermit. p. p. 280 b, line 30, for Taipna, read Taifar. 281 a, line 12, for Ahmad-Ibn-Ali-Karim, read Ahmad-Ibn-Abi-Karim. p. 281 a, line 21, for worshipper of Nabigi, read admirer of Nabiga. p. 281, for mu'allah, wherever the word occurs, read mu'allaka. p. 282 b, line 16 from bottom, for Rudguzi, read Rubguzi. p. 282 b, line 6 from bottom, for Khozudeni, read Khojandi. p. 282 b, line 4 from bottom, for Ta'ash-Shahnáma, read Ta'ashuk-náma. P. 283 a, line 4, for Majális-au-nafaris, read Majális-an-nafais. p. 283 a, line 19, for Haji Bakbash, read Haji Baktash. p. 283 a, line 22 from bottom, for Ilderine Bayazid, read Ilderim Bayazid. p. 283 a, line 15 from bottom, for Mustafa Jalalgada, read Mustafa Jalâlzâdâ. p. 283 a, line 7, from bottom, for Wusrat námah, read Nusrat-námah. p. 284 a, line 19 from bottom, for Abn-Obaidal-Karim-Ibn-Sallâm, read Abu-Ubed-alQasim-Ibn-Sallam. p. 284 a, line 16 from bottom, for Mikhi, read Makki. p. 284 a, line 15 from bottom, for Rajab Isfahani, read Raghi Isfahani. p. 358, note 43, for avatárar-dtri, read avatára. rátri.


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