Aristotle, oriental versions of Arjuna, progenitor of the Kalachuris of
Chêdi... Arjunagrama, an ancient village arms of the ancient Arabs, notice of Dr. Schwarzlose's treatise on ....... Arnôraja, a king who attacked Gujarat immediately after the death of the Chaulukya king Jayasimha .............................. aruna, in Pali aluna, a particular kind of bird
Aryaman, see Mitra, 29; - a member of the earliest Ayran Trinity Aryas mentioned in the Rájataraingint, apparently in contrast with the Mlêchchhas.... 103, 104 Asadu'llah Khan of Kôtla-Maier, his coins, 329; description of them. Asanâra agrahara, supposed to be the modern Chrår 68 Asarva, wife of Krishnapa (Chandella)...236, 237 Asatika, an ancient place, apparently on the Jamnâ...... ............15, 19 Ashadha, 'one of the Hindu lunar months; a year commencing with this month, is in use in certain parts of Kathiawaḍ and in the neighbourhood of Idar, 93; -further notes on this year, and instances of its use, 251 to 253; this year had the amanta arrangement of the lunar fortnights Asiama, a paṭaka of Maniart **********........... Asiatic Societies, inscriptions in the, edited; the Royal As. Soc., 110; the Bombay Branch, 108; the Bengal As. Soc... 9, 14, 33, 129, 134, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142 Aéôka, the great Buddhist king; mentioned by the name or title of Piyadasi and the epithet of Devanaṁpiye, 3, 9, 80, 107, 306, 307; mentioned by Kalhana as a king of Kasmir, 68, 72; in such a way as to place him five reigns before B. C. 1182, though his accession was really in B. C. 260,..65; as adopting the religion of Jina (i. e. Buddha), 68; as the founder of Srinagari, 68; and as a descendant of Sakuni and as the father of Jalauka I., 68; his columnar edicts; M. Senart's texts and translations, rendered into English by Mr. Grierson; the third edict, 1; the fourth, dated in his twenty-seventh year, 3; the fifth, dated in the same year, 73; the sixth, dated in the same year, 105; the seventh and eighth, dated in his twenty-eighth year, 300; the sepa rate edicts; the Queen's edict, 308; Kausâmbi edict
the 309
Asôkêévara, the name of two temples built by Asoka ashṭamipakshá, pakshashtami, the eighth 77 day of the half lunation' abráhe, see érthe 37, 38, 39 n. Assur, the supreme god in Assyrian religion 246 Asthihil, a place in Kasmir, probably mentioned under the ancient name of Hastiáâlâ 67 Asurabhaka vishaya, an ancient territorial division near Allahâbâd Avapati-Gajapati-Narapati-raja-tray-ad hipati, an epithet of Govindachandra, 133;of Vijayachandra, 133; - and of Jayach
74 77
dta, a part of the names of birds in dhdmyâța, gairáta, and vyághráța atham pakha, ashṭamipakshá 'Atâu'llah Khan of Kôtla-Malêr ............... 329 Atharva-Véda; the rites of it were practised in the eleventh century A. D. by the Purohitas of the Chaulukya kings ..... ..... 186 Athor, a village in Gujarât, mentioned under the ancient name of Araṭhaura atita in compounds expressing dates, of the Saka era, 55 and n., 56, 90, 274, 316; and of the Vikrama era.......112, 251 Atrêya gótra included the Kalachuris of Chedi, 210; and the Gangas of Kalinga 164, 171, 175 Avadhata, a magician mentioned in the Rajataramgint.......... ..................................................68, 70 avalaksha, or valaksha, used to denote the bright fortnight 30 Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva; a confusion of him with Agastya..... 241 Avanti, a name of Ujjain; a lord of Avanti was conquered by Jayasimhadeva 115, 343 avaratri-amdvdsyd, the popular name, in the
************* *******************
Kanarese country, for the new-moon of Pausha .........................................................................358 and n. dvasana, or vasana, a termination of village
names, in Chandavasana, Kalavasana, and Nandavasana **********.. .......................................................... 178 Avesta, notice of Dr. von Spiegel's article on the Fatherland and Age of the 27 Ayodhya, the modern Oudh, Oude, or Audh ; mentioned under the ancient name of Uttarakôsala....... ................. .13, 18, 132
ba, an abbreviation of bahula, 'the dark fortnight,' used without the abbreviation di, 128;-ba di and u di continued as separate abbreviations up to about the beginning of the twelfth century of the Vikrama era, 87; later instances in which vadi or badi, and budi, are used, not