Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 433
________________ INDEX 401 Jayasimha (Chaulukya); he had the birudas tem; Prof. Kielhorn's method and Tables of Siddhachakravartin, 115; - and Tribhu for calculating the beginning and end of vanaganda, 341 n.; -he conquered the lord any year of the cycle, according to the so of Avanti, 115; - and the Varvarakas.. 84, 115 called Telinga rule, 202 to 209; - an Jayasimba III. (West. Chalukya), 274, 275; instance of the use of this system of the - he had the biruda of Jagadêkamalla, cycle not long after the period that has 274 ; - his elder sister was Akkådôvi, 274; been indicated for the introduction of it, -Bélar inscription of his time, of Saka- 317; - names of the years of the cycle, Sanhvat 944, edited, 274; - examination of according to this system, as used in rethe date of a Tálgand inscription of his corded dates :time, of Saka-Samvat 950 .................... 379 Anala............................. ............................. 37 Jayasimhadova (Kalachuri of Chedi,) 215, Jaya .......... ..................127, 316 219; – his wife was Gogaladevi, 219; - Prabhava .......... ................. 128 his Karanbôl inscription, edited .............. 214 Vibhava ..............................311 (P), 379 Jayasvamipura, an ancient town in Kasmir 69, 72 Vikrita ................ ............... 91 jessamine king, folktale of the .............87, 88 Viridhin ..................................... 192 Jhulaann, * village in Gujarat, apparently Jupiter, the planet; his Sixty-Year Cycle ; mentioned under the ancient name of remarks on the apparent existence of a Kalavasana .......................................... 178 variety of the luni-solar system, which Jhdet, & town in the Allahabad District; may be named the southern Vikrama luni. it probably represents the ancient Pratish- solar system, 221 to 224; - * possible China .................................... ................. 93 n. actual instance, of the eleventh century Jinachandra, a Jain teacher, in the Kareya A. D.................................................... 272 gana ................ ......................... 313 Jushka, a king of Kasmir, mentioned with Jind, history of the Rajas of..................... 325 ff. Hushka and Kanishka .........................69, 72 Jitenkusa (Ganga of Kalinga)..................... 171 Jushkapura, ancient name of the modern Jitavirya, an ancestor of the Gangas of Zukru.................................... 69, 72 and n. Kalinga......................... ....... 170 jue prima noctis, Arabic origin of the ......... 28 John of Phanijoit; notice of a Coptic MS. Jyeshţharudra, or Jyêshthêsa, an ancient regarding him ................88, 89 temple at Srinagart ................... 68, 70 and a. Jônarkja; he wrote his commentary on the Jy6hthôša, another name of Jylehtharudra, Kirstdrjunkya in Saka-Samvat 1870......... 189 68, 70 and n.;- it was on the Gópådri Jukru, see Zukru ......................................... 69 hill ................. 98, 104 Julian and Gregorian calendars, Dr. Schram's jyoo, an abbreviation, probably of jyotisha Tables for the ................................ 292, 293 113 and a. Jupiter, the planet; his Sixty-Year Cycle according to the mean-sign system; Prof. Kielhorn's method and Tables for calculat- Kachchha mandala, the province of Outeh ing the beginning and end of any year of 108, 110 the cycle, according to the Sarya-Siddhan- kachchhaka, or kasthaka, a word requiring ta, the Jyotistattua, and the Brihat-Samhita, explanation ................................... . 198 to 209; - and for determining the KAdalavalli, another form of the name of occasion of a kshaya or expunged year, Kedaravalli or Kadarolli, 310, 318; -men196; - the corresponding expired years of tioned as the chief town of a circle of the Saks era, within which the expunged thirty villages...................* ****** *... 313 years fell according to the Jyotistattva Kadi grants,, of Jayantasimba of Vikramsrulo, 200 n.; - some slight differences in Sarivat 1280, and of Tribhuvanapala of this respect according to the Brihat-Sam V. S. 1299; identification of the places menhitd rule, 202 n. ; some more handy tioned in them ............. .................177, 173 Tables for the Súrya-Siddhanta and the Kahadigrama, an ancient agrahára in Kasmir Jyotistattva rules, 380 to 386; - according 98, 104 to the Súrya-Siddhanta, the length of Kaitbal, coins of, described, 337, 338; -hieach year of the cycle without bija, is story of .............327 ff. 361.026 72103 days; and the length of each kaivartabhoga, in PAli kévatabhoga, perhaps year with blja, is S61.0346511 days............ 193 'a fish pond' .......... .................. 79, 80 Jupiter, the planet; his Sixty-Year Cycle Kaiyata and Kaiyyața, or Kayyata ; which nccording to the southern luni-solar sys is the proper spelling? ........ ............ 128 . .... .


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