Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 435
________________ INDEX. 403 Karala district, apparently the ancient name Kayyaţa, or Kaiyata and Kuiyyata; which is of the modern Adhvan Pargana............... 68 1 the proper spelling? ............................... 128 karana, an astrological term for half a tithi; kdeint, the anna of Tipa .............................. 314 mention of the Bava karana ................... 251 Kodára, a god, or matha named after him... 116 Karanből, heap of ruins in the Central kemalaça, an adaptation, in Kanarese, of the Provinces, near Jabalpur ; - the inscrip English camlet ................................. 354 n. tion of Jayasim hadeva (Kalachuri), edited... 214 | Késavaditya, Mahardjaputra, father of BallaKåreya ganu, a Jain sect, also known as the ladeva .......... .............. 212 Mailapa lineage ...............................310, 313 kdvala-jidna, 'the (Jain) doctrine of unity'... 36 karmasthana, 'a public building'................70 n. kedvagabhága, -kaivartabhoga..................... 79 Karm Singh of Patiala, his coine, 324; -de- Khagendra, a king of Kasmir..................... 67 scription of them .................................. 336 Khagi agrahara, ancient name of the modern Karna, a king mentioned in connection with Kakapur..................................... 67, 98, 104 Chandradeva ................... .................. 15 khalaka, 'a threshing-floor' .................... 116 Karna, or Karnadeva (Kalachuri of Chêdi) ... Khambhila, ancient name of Khambhel,' a 210, 215, 219 village in Gujarat ............................... 177 Karpadêra (Chaulukya); he had the biroda khanda, particular grain-measure, 'a candy' 115 of Trailokyamalla .......... .................. 115 Khandhaka, an ancient village, probably in Karnats country mentioned in the Blata the Parna pathaka.......... rangint .................... ............... 98, 102 Khabas, a tribe; mention of them in the Kdrttik-odyd panu, a festival, in honour of Rajatara ingin ............... ....................97, 103 Vishnu, connected with Karttika bukla 11... 84 Khasa; an ancient place in or near Karur, place probably in the Cochin terri- Kaimir ......... ..................... 98, 104 tory; mentioned under the ancient name Khårt, an ancient place in Kasmir...98, 104 and n. of Važji......... ................ 259, 265 KhilAl-as-Sabi's chronicle ; ite value for Turki Kårvån, a village in Gujarat, probably men-. history ........... ..... ....... 52 tioned under the ancient name of Kaya. Khinkhila, another name of Narendraditya I. vatára .................................... ....... 176 of Kabmir ..................... ............... 99, 104 Kasi, one of the names of Benares; men. khiars, the half anna of Tipa ..................... 314 tioned as an ancient tirtha...............18, 18, 132 Khoja Abrår, Mosque of, at Samarqand, Kasimovo, Essays on the Tears of, notice described ............... ................. 155 of ............................. Khônamusha agrahara, ancient name of the Kaimir, the early history of, as given in Kal. modern Khunmôh, a place in Kasmir mir ..... 67 hana's Rajatarangin, 65 to 73, 97 to 105; Kielhorn, Prof. F.; notice of his Sanskrit - the previous authorities used by Kalhana, grammar, third edition .......... . .........253 67, 68, 97; -established dates which will Kimnara, another name of Nara I..........97, 100 be of usein adjusting the chronology, 65; - Kirnaragrama, an ancient village in Kasmir other remarks shewing how Kalhana fixed 97, 100 his chronology, 99, 100 ; - lists of the Kirnarapura, another name of Narapura 97, kinge .................. ...................67, 97 101 and n. kasthaka, or lachchhaka, a word requiring ex. Kiņihivattára, an ancient village .............. 235 planation ...... Kiól, a village in Gujarat, mentioned under Katantra, notice of the .............................. 30 the ancient name of Kuiyala .................... 178 Kathiawad mentioned under the ancient name kirtana, used in the sense of a temple'...236, 237 of Surahtrih mandala ..................... 111, 115 Kirtigiridurga, an ancient fort, the modern , Kaubambi, the ancient name of Kóram, 213, Dhogadh ....................................... 238, 239 214; - the Kausambi edict on the Aboks 1 Kirtipurs, see Kitthipura ......................363, 368 column at Allahabad, edited .................. 309 Kirtivarman (Chandella), 288, 289; - his KAvērt, the river; references to it in ancient Deógadh inscription of Vikrama-Samvat Tamil poetry..............................259, 268, 264 1 10, edited 1154, edited ........................................... 237 K&vi, a village in the Broach District, men. Kisukad Seventy, an ancient territorial divi. tioned under the same name in the thirteenth sion; AkkAdôvt had the government of it... 275 century A. D. .............. .................112, 115 Kitthipura, perhaps for Kirtipura, a town of Kavirahasya of Halayudha, the, was written 1. Ravidatta ................ ............... 363, 368 in the reign of a Rashtrakapa king named Kodamaku, an ancient village in the Pannada Krishna ................................................... 185 vishaya .......................... ............ 369 Kâyâvatara, ancient name of probably Kårvån 176 Kökalla (Kalachuri of Chedi) .................. 215 ............... 49


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