Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 428
________________ 396 INDEX. ****...... 14 elephant-goad as an emblem on seals of grants folktales, ancient Indian, 154; - Arabic, 89; 161, 172 - in Burma, 275 ; - in Southern India, emborasma, the Seleukidan intercalary month 267 literary, 40; - in Southern India, 81, 88, English words adapted in Kanarose; kemalata 120, 340; - in Western India..............21, 146 = camlet,' 354 n. ; -99, or getu, = forbidden things in folktales ..................... 350 'gate, 356 n.; - pálisa, = 'police,' 356 fortnighta, lunar; the bright fortnight den.; - raporta,='report,' 357 n.;-billi, = noted by valaksha, or adalaksha, 30; -by bill' or buckle,' 357 n.; - aphil,= 'ap- sita, 87; -- and by fvéta, 211; -mention of peal,' 359; -kortu, = 'court'................... 859 "the first fortnight," without any indication Erai, a village in the Sågar District; re- whether it is the bright or the dark fort marks on the inscriptions of Budhagupta night, 145; - an instance of the use of the and Tôramaņs ............................ 227, 228, 229 purnimanta arrangement with the Vikrama eras, the varions, used in recorded dates : - era in the North-West Provinces, 34; - Hijra.................. ......................... 80 the amanta arrangement was used with the Kalachuri or Chedi .....................211, 213, 268 Saka era in Gujarkt in A. D. 866 or 867, .. Lakshmanasena ....................................... 30 56; - and permanently so by A. D. 888,.. Ganga ...... .......... 145 90; - instances of the use of the amdnta Saka...30, 39, 55, 56, 90, 91, 94, 127, 128, 163, arrangement in the dates of sparions 169, 174, 192, 285, 274, 285, 311, 316, 379 grante, for periods for which the proper Simha ............ 109 (P), 112. arrangement is the purnimdnta............93, 286 Vikrama...11, 16, 20, 21, 80, 85, 57, 58, 83, fortune, seeking, by hero, in folktales... 21, 84, 85, 86, 87, 112, 181, 186, 137, 139, 140, 147 ff., 348 141, 143, 214, 238, 251, 252, 253, 342, 844, future life, the rise of the idea in Assyria ... 246 845, 847 éru, '& river,' as a termination of placenames in Southern India ................ GAdhipura, one of the ancient names of Etawah District, an inscription from the Kanauj ............... .................. 13, 18, 132 edited Gagaha, a village in the Gorakhpur District; etymology, popular, instances of.................. 69 notice of the substance of the grant of expired years; see current and expired years Govindachandra and Rajyapala, of Vikra ma-Sathvat 1199 [the original plates are in the British Museum)............................... 20 Fa-Hien; notice of Mr. Legge's translation of GAhadavila, the name of the family of Jaya his Record of Buddhistio Kingdoms ......... 254 chchandra of Kanauj and his ancestors, fand, self-annihilation in the soft taith ...... 288 15,-17; - inscriptions and general notes farigt, the pagoda (coin) of Tipa ............... 814 relating to these kings .........9 to 21, 129 to 148 fate; South Indian Sanskrit verses on its GAhunda, apparently a local designation of supremacy .............................. 46, 47 Siva, in one of the Tewar inscriptions ..... 210 fels, a copper coin ................................. 281 gairdta, in PAli geldta, a particular kind of Firdost's satire on Mahmud of Ghazni ........ 51 bird, probably derived from giri, a moun. fire, the offering of an oblation to, at the time tain ............................................. 74, 80 of making a grant, 13, 19, 134, 136, 187, 139, Gajapati, see Abvapati .......................... 133 140, 142 ; - perpetual fire, in Madras ...... 352 Gajpat Singh, founder of Jind, 996; -- his Grajpat Singh, founder of Jind, 320;fiscal terms, strings of ...18, 19, 21, 34, 184, coins, 826; -description of them ............ 881 185, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 galivanra, or galibandha, word requiring Five-hundred Elders, the,' of Pêror ............. 275 explanation ............. ...............172, 176 . 'five-hundred houses, the,' of Pêrar, 275,- Gambhu, a village in the Kadi district, men terms like this perhape give the average tioned under the ancient name of Gam. size of a vilage .................................. 275 bhith ...................................... ...177, 178 flowers fade on being touched by a woman ... 149 Gambhata, ancient name of Gmbha, and the folklore in Burma, 275; - in Malacca, 59, 60, chief town of # pathaka including one 61;- in Southern India, 40, 46, 47,87, 120, hundred and fourty-four villages ............ 177 348; - in Western India, 21, 146; - Gandhars country or people, mentioned in Ossetic, 29; - Sanskrit literary ............... 40 the Rdjatarangin ........................ 67, 98, 103 folk-medicine in Malacca .....................59, 60, 61 Ganga chieftains in Western India.........312, 313 folk songs of the Transilvanian Glipnios, 28; Ganga or Ganga family of Kalinga; genes - Persian, notice of, 152:- of the Sarta. 49 logical inscriptione, edited, 149, 161, 166,


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