Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 429
________________ INDEX. 397 ................. 170 172; - the Puranic genealogy, 170; - the Gipsies, notice of Von Wlislocki's, Songe of members of it belonged to the lineage of the Transilvanian .............. ******...... 29 Vishnu, and to the Lunar Race, 170 and n.; Gita-Govinda, an imitation of the ................. 28 - and to the Atrêya gotra, 164, 171, 176; Godanti, an ancient village in the Paschima- the origin of the name of the family, Chchhapana pattald ............................... 135 170; - intermarriages with the Vaidymva Godhara, a king of Kasmir ........................ 67 or Vaidumva family, 164, 175; - and with Gökarna, a king of Kasmir ......................98, 104 the Chôļas, 164, 171, 175; - the insignia of Gokarnasvâmin, a form of siva on the moun. the family ................. 164, 175 tain Mahendra............... 145, 164, 170, 171, 175 gangapuputaka, a particular fish of the Gan- Gökarnêsvara, a temple founded by Gokarna 98, 104 ges, remarkable for some protuberance...... 75 Golleti, or Gollêtisimei, a Tamil term of Gangavl i Ninety-six-thousand district, 313 ; contempt for the Telugu country............... 61 - mention of it as the Gangavadi vishaya, gonada-bedangi, an epithet of Akkadevi ...... 274 in a grant of the Gangas of Kalinga, 170;- Gônanda I., a king of Kasmir, contempora- another reference to it as simply " the neous, according to Kalhuna, with Yu Ninety-six-thousand district"............363, 369 dhishthira.......................... ................ 67 Gängêya, an ancestor of the Gangas of Ka- Gönanda II., a king of Kasmir, contemporalinga ............ neous, according to Kalhana, with the Gangêyadeva (Kalachuri of Chôdi)............. 215 Kurus and Pandavas.............................. 67 Garrez, Pierre-Gustave, the late; notioe of Gênanda III., a king of Kaşmir, 97, 100; his work ............................................. 378 his accession is placed by Kalhana in Garuda as an emblem on seals of grants ...10, B. 0. 1182.............................................. 66 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 231 Gopa, the name of some ancient agrahdras in Gavundu, the modern Gauda 'or Patil, 'a Kasmir ............................................ 98, 104 village-headman,' 37; - also Gavundu, 37; Gopaditya, a king of Kasmir .................. 98, 104 - also Gdvunda, 37; - instances of the Gôpådri, an ancient hill in Kasmir...98, 104 and n. mention of "Twelve Gavundus” ........... 37 Gopalpur, a village in the Central Provinces, Gayakarnadevs, or Gay&karnad@va (Kala- near Bhêra-Ghat, the inscription of Vijachuri of Chôdi or Tripura), 210, 215, 219; yasimbadáva, noticed as far as the rubbing his wife was Alhaņadevi, 215; - his Têwar is legible ......... inscription of the Chedi or Kalachuri year Gorakhpur District, an inscription from the, 902. edited .....................********............ 209 noticed ..................... ............... 20 Gayasada, a pataka of Manieri ............. 142 Gosaladêvf; she was really the wife of Gazzalt, a note on a new MS. of .................... 279 Jayasimbadeva (Kalachuri), not of Vijayagelata, probably = gairdta. ......................... 74 - simhadêva ........................................... 219 genealogies, Puranie; of the Gangas of K- gotra, 's family or clan;' cases in which linga ................................................... 170 royal families are allotted to gótras; the geographical notes; Belganm District, 310; Gangas of Kalinga, to the Atrêya götra, - Baroda State, 81; - Broach District, 164, 171, 175; - the Kalachuris of Chedi, 112; - Dh&rwad District, 37; - Gañjam to the Atrêya gótra, 210; - and the ances. District, 144; - Gujarat, 81, 176 to 178, tors of Ravidatta, to the KAấyapa gôtra, 266 - Kachchh, 108; - Kalmir, 67, 68, 365, 368; - an instance in which certain 69, 70 n., 72 n., 97, 101n.; - Kathiếwad, 111, Kshatriyas are allotted to the Vatea gotra, 112; - Málwa, 112, 233; - Miraj. State, 135, 137, 139; - names of gotras mention. 37; - North-West Provinces, 135, 137; - ed in records :Pañjáb, 112, 226, 227; - Rajputâna, 112; Ananta ............. .............. 210 - Raypur District ...... .... .................. 179 Åtrêya ..................164, 171, 175, 210, 369 Georgian Grammar, notice of Brosset's ..... 55 Bh&radvaja ................ .................... 270 géta, or more properly getu, an adaptation, in Kanvāyana ................................ 369 Kanarese, of the English 'gate'............356 n. K&śyapa ...........................365, 368, 369 Ghalis, a modern Musalman sect .............. 156 Kausika ......... **................. 13 Ghantelana, an ancient village in the Su Kautea ..... ****...... 235 rashtrâh mandala ........................111, 115 Sarkaráksha....... 134 Ghantiamauyi, a pdtaka of Gôdanti ........... 135 Vatsa...21, 110, 135, 137, 139, 140, 141, Ghassånis, notice of Prof. Nõldeka's biatury 142, 369 of the ................................................. 125 Govindachandra (GAhadavala), 15, 18, 20, 21, Ghulam Hussain Khan of KölA-MAlêr......... 328 132, 133 (see also Baskhi, Benares, Gagaha, ****... 218


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