[NOVEMBER, 1889.
e [ ingr] ß ws[la] - [jo]
Reverse :-Legend, very rough Marks : -None. No. 24.-Coin of the Sardar of Kaithal ; ex coll. R. C. T. Obverse :-Legend, rough but better than the two preceding.
uj [ns] – [0].06. [4]
[ ضرب [ جاوا س ۴ [ميمذ ]ت
Marks : - over 4. Reverse :-Legend Marks :-before the u- of ugle No. 25.--Coin of the Sardar of Kaithal: ez coll. R. C. T. Obverse :-Legend, badly cut and worn
[-][0]; [-]- [xl]43 Marks : -None, but the mark J is apparently meant for the tail of the p of plo. Reverse : -Legend
I wo [la] - [name] Marks :-None. No. 26.--Coin of the Sardar of Kaithal ex coll. B. C.T. Ovverse :- Legend, very rough Marks: -88 after wash. Rererse :-Legend Marks: --8 before the u- of water
Kotla-Maler. No. 27.--Coin of "Umr Khan: ex coll. R. C. T. Obverse :-Legend, finely cut
'[-] [') p ywj [-] - [t] Sude (9] ; [Ss] Marks: - Numerous and peculiar to this coin : 898 over us ; • under it; og under l
[01] = [54] [4]»» [4]
c[intere] ws[4]
.اوج after % ;سیم under & ززن inside the o of %%
Reverse :-Legend
wo [ilo] [**] wgl [ ] - [ ] [ ] Marks :- after the w of wogle; between the , and of this word ; and over the after you and over it the same mark. In the ww of so instead of we have the letter & the initial of 'Umr Khan's name as his sign. All the Kotla-Malêr coins have such an initial as a distinguishing mark. The omission of the in this place is very rare in these series. About E are 8 and 98 as marks.
No. 28.--Coin of 'Umr Khan: ex. coll. B. M.
Identical with the preceding specimen, except that the rare words slople on these coins are indicated on the obverse, and ofo is obviously used as an ornament in the u of uw glo on the reverse.
No. 29.-Coin of Asadu'llah Khan : ex. coll. R. C. T. Obverse :-Legend Marks :-p over was.. Reverse:-Legend
[حکم شد از [بیچون باحمد باد ش[9] س [که] زن برسد [م]
[ضرب جلوس ۴ ميمنت [ما [نوس
Marks :- between and, in wel; over, in the same word ; indications of the same flower ornament as in No. 27 and of a trefoil ornament in the v- of uw geblo. The distinguishing sign of this ruler is a straight after the in the ww of wogle