Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 413
________________ DECEMBER, 1889.) MISCELLANEA. 381 since of this year there are stated to have elapsed, | Vikrama 1303, the day of the Julian period for the at the time of the Maba-Sankranti, 4 months, 2 end of the year Sadhârana, the 44th year of a days, 6 dandas=122 days, 2 h. 24 m. of Jupiter's cycle. The year Plava of our date is the 35th own time, which are equal to about 122 days 10 h. year of a cycle, and, coupled as it is with Vikrama 45-4 m. of solar time, the result obtained by the 1353, it is clear that Plava does not fall in the Tables for the actual commencement of the year same cycle with the year 44, Sådhårana, of Table Dundubhi differs from the statement in the MS. 3, but belongs to the next cycle. To find the calendar by about two minutes. commencement of Plava, we must therefore take Owing to the unequal length of the Jovian years, from Table 3 the day of the Julian period put the Jyotistattvs rule requires another treat- down for the end of the year 44, Sadharana, in a ment, and the arrangement of Table 3 and 4 will line with Vikrama 1303, and must add to it, from therefore be found to differ considerably from Table 4, the number of days for the commencethat of Tables 1 and 2. Here, Table 3 gives in ment of the (16 + 35 =) 51st year, thus:the last column the day of the Julian period for Table 3, V. 1303, end of year the end of the Jovian year, the number and namo 44 .......... 2176 245-8692 of which are given in the column immediately + Table 4, commencement of preceding the last. The first column gives the year 51 . . 18 018-6490 European date for the day of the Julian period sum, commencement of year put down at the end of the same line, the third 95 = 60 + 35 (Plava). 2194 294.5182 column the expired solar Saka year in which that l. t ie., the 26th August, A.D. 1295, 12 h. 262 m. European date falls, and the second column the after mean sunrise. expired (northern) Vikrama year which approxi. mately corresponds to that Saka year. It should Similarly, if we had to find the commencement be particularly noted that the Jovian years are of the year knara, the oth year of a cycle, which here counted as shown in the auxiliary Table at in Table 3 is coupled with Saka 912, we should the foot of Table 3. Table 4 gives the number of start from the day of the Julian period put down days for the commencement of a series of Jovian in Table 3 for the end of the 59th cycle-year years, the numbers of which must not be con Krodhana, in a line with Saka 827, and should founded with the number of the years in Table 3. add to it from Table 4 the number of days for the The use of the two Tables will appear from the commencement of the (1 + 60 + 25 =) 86th following examples : year, becanse here the difference of 85 solar years According to Professor Eggeling's Catalogue between Saka 827 and Saka 912 would show us of the Sanskrit M88. I. 0., p. 23, a MS. of the that there lies a complete cycle of 60 years beKandinukramankd-vivarana is dated in the Vi tween the end of the year 59, Krodhana, which we krama year 1650, in the year Subhakrit. The know from Table 3, and the commencement of the year Subhaksit, - by the auxiliary Table the 36th year 25, Khara, which we are to find. Our calcayear of a cycle, which is here coupled with lation would accordingly stand thus :Vikrama 1650, must have followed upon the year Table 3, Saka 827, end of year 29, Manmatha, which in Table 3 is coupled with 59 ...... .... 2051 693-0488 Vikrama 1644; and it is clear that, to find the + Table 4, commencement of day of the Julian period for the beginning of year 86 . . . . . . . 80 682-7032 Subhaksit, we must add, to the day of the Julian sum, commencement of year period put down in Table 3 for the end of the said 145=60+ 60 + 25 (Khara) .. 2082 375 7520 year Manmatha, from Table 4 the number of days for the commencement of the (36-29=) 7th i.e., the 26th March, A.D. 989, 18 h. 2.9 m. after mean sunrise. year, thus: - Table 3, V. 1644, end of year Having found the commencement of a year, we 29 . ........ 2300 798.6897 find the end of it by adding 360-9730 days. But + Table 4, commencement of the end of the years actually put down in Table 3 year 7 . . . . 2 165-8379 must always be ascertained from that Table itself. sum, commencement of year 36 Thus, in the case of our two first examples, we (Subhakrit). .. . find : 3302 964 5276 i.e., the 4th March, A.D. 1593, 12 h. 39-7 m. after Commencement of Subhakpit ... 2302 964:6276 mean sunrise. + 360-9730 Above we have seen that an inscription at Jaun Bum 2303 925.5006 pur is dated in the Vikrama year 1353, in the i.e., the 28th February, A.D. 1594, 12 h. 09 m. year Plava. In Table 3 we find, in a line with after mean sunrise, end of Subbakpit; and,


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