NOVEMBER, 1889.)
[ضرب [جلوس ۴ [میمنت مانوس
Nos. 30, 81 and 32.-Coins of Amir Khan: Nos. 30 and 31 ex. coll. R. C. T.; No. 32 ex. coll. B. M.
These coins are practically the same as No. 29, except that the alif standing for the initial of el is a curved one, whereas that standing for the initial of all is straight. No. 32 is a rough, worn specimen.
No. 33.--Coin of Sikandar 'Ali Khan: ex coll. R.C.T. Obverse :-Legend
[]-dos ![:] [#] jl che plo Marks :- after w.s4. Reverse :-Legend
Marks :- (being a clear kalghi or crest) after the wu of wogle; and within the w of that. word the letter ju as the initial of , www over Z
No. 34.- Coin of Sabe Khan alias Mahbub Ali Khan: ea. coll. R. C. 1.30 Obverse : --Legend P[a] [9] [p] - W; [-S]-[x] [24] [54] Marks :- after whole Reverse :-Legend
Marks :-Same as on the preceding, but in of ge the letter p as the initial of Yye; and 88 under it. There are signs also of 898 under the y of you.
Nos. 35 and 36. Coins of Ibrahim Khan: ex. coll. R. C. T.
Two separate types : No. 35 is a fine coin with, on the obverse, over the w of slay and se over the , of Egl. The marks on the reverse are remarkable : after the wo of ungles and
within it, and d over it. Wel for polip are clear in both coins. The kalghi, is here, it will be observed, turned into a flower.
In No. 36 there is a clear return to the kalghi and the ornaments of Nos. 33 and 34, the mark peculiar to the top of the kalgkí being visible after the of ugle on the reverse, There are however 8 within the hand over it, as in the last coin. On the obverse the elaborate ornament over the of lawy turns into a simple :
ضرب (جلو) س م ميمنت [مانوس
Nabh8.40 L
No. 87.-Coin of Jaswant Singh: ex coll. R.C.T. Obverse :--Legend
s potis yo w jasno [0] []0[**]j! Marks :-None. Reverse :-Legend
Marks :- rude kalghi, the mark of Jaswant Singh ; ar is for inar, ie, St. 1888 - A.D. 1826.
No. 88.--Coin of Jaswant Singh : ex coll. R.C.T. Obverse :-Legend
[ ]! w; [87
];JG; [o]
ذميمذمت [جلوس مم سہ
Marks : before .جاد ماه in با
* These No. 83 and 34 have become reversed on the plate unfortunately. Sabe (or Mahbub 'Alt) Kkko preceded Sikandar 'All Khåó.
• The coins of this state in the plate are not according to date of striking, the order of which is 88 (probably), 89, 37, 40, 42, 41, 43 (P), 44, 45, 46.