NOVEMBER, 1889.)
1220 varshe Pausha-sudi 16 Gurau. And I may point out that this result is in perfect accord with a statement at the end of a MS. of the Kalpachurni, given by me in my Report on the Search for Sanskrit MSS. for 1880-81, p. 10, according to which the same Yakodhavala, who is mentioned as prime-minister in the present inscription, held the same position under Kumarapaladòva in “Samvat 1218 varshê dvio Ashâdha-kudi 5 Gurau," = Thursday, 29th June, A.D. 1161, s. e. within two years and a half of the date which I assign to the present inscription.
TEXT. 1... gha-gudi 16 Gurau | Adyha érimad-Ang-10 2... [j]Avali-virajita-paramabhatáraka-mahA-11 3. . . ti-vara-ladhva(bdha)-praudhapratâpa-nijabhaja-(vikra]."
... 8A(64)kambharibhopala-śrid13- Avantinatha-érimat-Ku-16 5... tan-niyukta-mahâmâtya-sri-Jasodhava-15 6... (sta)-mudra-vyåpårån=paripamthayat=ity=êta-16 7... [ja]dhiraja-sri-Kumarapaladevena nija 17
... lê tan-niyukta-mahâsâ(dha)nika-sri-Rajya)... [dhva(dha)?]-sri-Udayapur[e] [Sthêrôm P]vak-anvaya-mahara[ja]. ... mahârâjaputra-sri-Vasantap Al[&n=ktra anu- ?]
... khyastajie yathi || Adya somagrahana-parvvani 12 ... [svarņga ]19-samáhrita-tirthodakaiḥ snåtva jagad-[ga]
... (ava)-puņga-jaső-tivșidhayê 20 Udayapurd kåri. ...grih-Opota[n] ddvagrih-[vá]sana-paniya[k8]... là[di]-grih-Opêtam simgha-[dvaa ?] 2 tura[gas-ch=ishtan ?] ... m-Opêtam eri-Udalès va áva)ra-dévåya sasttra]m=&... så(á)sanena pradatta[m] tatha gré(sre)shthôda(kaka ?]
... kôdává i ka pradatta [H] Asmatuprada19 ... vamsa (sa)jaih pllaniyam [11] Asy=årth Cyâ anya-10 P]20 ... mangalam maha-éri[h*] 11 21
B.--Stone Pillar Insoription of the (Vikrama) year 1222. This inscription is stated to be on a pillar south of the east entrance of the great temple of the town. It consists of five lines. The writing covers & space of about 1'3' broad by 61 high, and appears to be well preserved. The size of the letters is between t' and '. The characters are Nagari; the language is Sanskrit ; and the whole is in prose.
The insoription records that the Thakkura, the illustrious ChAhada, apparently for the
. From the rubbing.
I believe the commencement of this line to have been : Om sarhwat 1220 varshe Pausha-rudi lo Gurau. See my introductory remarks.
10 i. e. -Ana hilup&tak samasta-rajavalt.. 11 i. e. maharajadhirdja-paramešvar-Omópativara-, or words to the same offect. 11 One would expect some such phrase as vikrama-randngana-vinirjita-.
18 This, frida, appears to have been the original reading of the stone; but the rubbing looks as if the two aksharas had been struok out and as if the proceding la had been altered to ld, thus suggesting the reading -bhapdiAvantinatha..
16 i. e. - Kumdropdladdva-kalydna-vijaya-rdjye. 15 i. e. -Yalódhavald srtörfkaran&dau samasta-mudra-wapdrdn. ** i. e. tammin lil4 pravartament mahardjadhiraja.
11 Here I should expect some phrase like nija-pratáp-8pdrjita-, followed by the name of a district or province, followed again by the word -mandale.
1 i. o. likhyatd; compare e. g. Professor Bhandarkar's Report on Sanskrit M88. for 1882-83, p. 328, 1. 23.
Here and below the rubbing in cortain places is so indistinct that I cannot be absolutely certain about the actual readings. * Road punya-yas8-bhivriddhaya.
Below this, there is one more line of writing which appears to be in a different hand and not to be connected with the preceding.
* Chahada appears to be the name of one of Kumarapaladeva's generals ; see ante, Vol. IV. p. 287.