[DECEMBER, 1889.
great consistency. Hence it appears that our knowledge is not complete, but is derived from accounts of a partial nature which is in need of additional supplementary testimony. Some of the MSS. afford at one time generous information and at another limited data.
The survey of contents of anga 4, contained in the detailed account of the angas, runs as follows: sê kim tam samavad? samaväê nazo sasamaya sûijjamti [294] parasamaya s. jávu lögalôgê sûijjanti86; samavaêņam égâdiyâņamêgatthâņam @guttariyaparivaddhiya67 (duvalasangassa ya ganipidagassa pallavagge samaņugâijjai) 68 thâņagasayassa bårasavihavittharassa70 suyananassa jagajivahiyassa71 bhagavató samâsêņam samâyâr872 ahijjaï; tattha ya nåņavihappagârâ jîvâjivå ya vanniya 7 vittharêņam, avaré vi ya ba huviha visêså naraya-tiriya7-maņuyasuragaņåņam åhår'-ussâsa-løsa-âvåsa-samkha-âyaya - ppamaņa - avavậya - chayaņa - ogában' - hi76 - veyayâvihåņauvaðga76 jóga-imdiya-kasaya,77 vivihi ya jivajoņi vikkhambh'-ussêhaparirayappamånam vidhivisasa78 ya, Mamdarádiņam mahidharaṇam, kulagara-titthagara-ganaharkņam samatta Bharaháhivåņam 79 chakkina chôva chakkahara-balaharâņa ya, vásâņa ya niggamál samaê, êtê anne ya êvam-ai etthae vittharêņam atthå samasejjamti.83 The commentary is by Abhayaddva.
(To be continued.)
amount of learning of varied kinds. His bent was The year 1888 was darkened by the deaths of two always towards foreign tongues, and he comgreat French oriental scholars, -Abel Bergaigne, menced with German and Italian. The perusal and Pierre-Gustave Garrez. Neither could be of Max Duncker's Histoire de l'Antiquité turned spared, for each was a high authority in his own his attention to the East, and armed with Benfey's domain. Bergaigne's Vedic studies were cut short Manual, he commenced, unassisted, the study of by a tragic aocident which occurred while he Sanskrit. The range of his studies quickly exwas still in the active vigour of his maturity, and tended. India led him to Iran, and Irån to the Garrez's death, as sudden as it was unexpected, Semitic languages and civilisations of ancient Asia. has left a void which will be none the less He studied, in turn, Zend, Persian, Pahlavi, felt, because his modesty prevented his name Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac, without being widely known beyond the immediate circle allowing the wide extent of his reading to interof the Société Asiatique.
fere with its depth. In India, too, the boundaries A short memoir of the career of the latter, of his researches approached nearer and nearer to from the pen of M. E. Senart has appeared in the the present day, and he made himself master of the pages of the Journale Asiatique, and a brief Prikrits, of the dialectic Sanskřit of Buddhism, account of the salient facts of his life will no and of the modern languages,-not only those of doubt be acceptable to the readers of the Indian the Aryan stock, but also the Drå vidian ones, and Antiquary.
more especially Tamil He was born at Rome in the year 1834, was. All this time spent in the acquisition of learnbrought up in Paris, and as a young man sawing gave him little leisure for the production military service in the Crimean war. He left of original compositions. Moreover, never satisthe army in 1857, and abandoned himself tófied with anything short of perfection, an unsparstudy with that inexhaustible energy, that labor ing and severe critic, he could not be prevailed improbus, which characterised all that he did, upon to publish to others that with which he and which resulted in the acquisition of a vast was not himself entirely satisfied. With such
06 N has instead of sdijjahti everywhere samfaijjarti and, as in the case of 8, the order jivA.., loé.., sasama. 67 parivuddhiya A.
e pallavå avayavke, tatparimpan samanuglyaté pratipadyatê. 9 N is much better : samaväe nam égåi-eguttariya thånasayavivaddhiyåņam bhåvåņam purůvani àghavij. jati: duvAlasarngassa gao gassa pallavagge samAsijjai, N omits all the following. As the words duvao gàijjai interrupt in anga 4 the connection, I have enclosed them in bracketa. 70 barassa A. 71 jiviyassa hi A.
11 °yari A.
73 viņiya A ; varpitâb. 64 taragatariya A. 76 ugghhinoyahi A ; avagAhan, avadhi.
76 uvaüga ABC. *** kasays A B C i prathama .. lopah. --So upanga 1, 103 presents Aranha-Achchuyatini ya (see p. 88, note 6 of my ed. of the text).-L. 78 viddhasésa A.
samasta Bharatadhipanám. $0 Varshiņim Bharatädikshetrápán.
$1 game ya BC.
$a Adi 'ttha A. 35 So A, samdhijjanti BC samfériyante, athavi samlayamte.