The "Knower" (Gnostic, 'Arif) therefore is he to revise his spelling of Sanskrit and other Indian who possesses this Love, and whose "faith" is words and names. Note 1, page 2, in addition based on love alone. No writer, in fact, deals more to giving Puranas and Bhagavat instead of severely with that faith which consists of orthodox Puranas and Bhagavata, contains no less than six dogmas (jama'at) and is based on orthodox customs mistakes in the well-known names which (acoord(taqlid). For mere ritual he expresses no respect. ing to the system aimed at) would properly have
Taking the above as a very brief expression been written Jambudwipa, Kuru, and Siddhapuri. of the cardinal points of the safl faith, as And still more remarkable peculiarity is expounded by one of their greatest representa- Mr. Garrick's use, all through the book, of the tives, it will be sufficient here to note one long w in Buddha and Buddhism, though the or two points of the practices he inculcated and merest tyro should know that this is a mistake. of the doctrines he taught, to show what a 1 Some of the footnotes are very wonderful from remarkable thinker and teacher we have before other points of view. In note 1, page 56, Mr. us in this book. The Sufis aimed at perfection Garrick tells us that " Merū is the Olympus of by self-annihilation fand) and JalAlu'ddin Rumi the Hindus: henoe the generic form of mer for countenanced ecstasy (hal) as an attendant of a mountain or mountainous district, and hence fand, though he was aware of its liability to abuse. also the affix of mer to such place-names as Ajmer, He believed in saints as the special favourites of &c., in India." !!! And in the note on the next heaven, gifted with miraculoas powers, which page he arrives at B.C. 1424 as the date of the were not, however, of much consequence; and he Bharata War; an error of 1024 years, since the also taught the doctrine of unrecognised saints, real date is B.O. 2448, as established by the well. or those who were endowed with spontaneous good. known completo version, - quoted by Vardhaness :-" against such as these there is no law." mihira and Kalhana, - of the first of the data
The poet also always, as emphatically as he mentioned by him. These are only typical could, taught the "paramount obligation of com- instances out of a large number of mistakes passion, humility, toleration, patience, and the which ought not to occur in even the lighter peaceful temper": the mystical meaning of the text writings of one who tells us, on the title-page of of the Qurân; the final restitution of those who the present book, that he is an Assistant Archwo. throw themselves on the mercy of God at the Day logist to the Government of India. of Judgment; and the doctrine that woman is "not As to the poetry," the kindest thing we can a mere plaything of man but a ray of the Deity." say of it is that it is on a par with the archæolo
We may justly quote, from Mr. Whinfield's gical knowledge and scholarship displayed book, his dying instructions (ob. A.D. 1273) throughout, as just noted. We can only hope to his followers as a means of judging what that it will afford as much pleasure, as it will no manner of man this remarkable philosopher was: doubt afford amusement, to that master of verse, "My testament is this, that ye be pious towards the Earl of Lytton, to whom we obeerve it has God in private and in public ; - that ye eat little, been dedicated by kind permission." sleep little, speak little; - that ye depart from wickedness and sin;-that ye continue instant in Ρουκ EDITIONo or ΣΤΕΦΑΝΙΤΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΙΧΝΗΛΑΤΗΣ, fasting and steadfast in vigilance; that ye flee from carnal lusts with all your might; that ye VITTORIO PUNTONI. Publications of the Italian endure patiently the contumely of all men ;- Asintio Society, Vol. II. Rome, Florence and Turin; that ye shun the company of the base and foolish, Hermann Loescher, 1889. and consort with the noble-hearted and the
The Fables of Bidpai, equally well known pious. Verily the best man is he who doth good
by their other title of Kalllah and Dimnah, in to men, and the best speech is that which is short
their Arabio and Syriac forms have long attracted and guideth men aright. Praise be to the God,
the attention of Orientalists; and the distinwho is the Unity!"
guished Italian scholar who has now presented us with four distinct editions of Stephanites
and Ichnelstes, as the title of the Greek version INDIA: A DESCRIPTIVX Pomy, by H. B. W. GARRICK, Assistant Archeologist to the Government of India.
runs, has earned the gratitude of all students of London, Trübner & Co. 1889.
this class of Folklore and conferred a lasting Before Mr. Garrick issues anything else, he benefit on the newly formed Italian Asiatio might advantageously get some competent friend Society.
1 Pubblicazioni della Società Asiatica Italiana, Volume Versione Groca del riesg alals is publicate da II. Srepavirns kal Ixiarns Quattro Recensioni della
Vittorio Pantoni. Roma-Firenze - Torino, Libreria di Er. manno Loescher, 1889.
by ,کتاب کلیله و دمنه the Groor version of