[OCTOBER, 1889.
2. Was there a Sankranti on the 13th of the bright half of Margasirsha of Vikrama 1187, current (above, p. 57) ?
Vikrama 1187, corrent, - next lower year in Table 3, 1108 ..................... 2104 625 Table 4, 79, Marga + 13,
29 129 Sum
2133 754 . - next lower number in Table 5 ........................ 2121 454
12 300; by Table 6 corresponds to
the oth of Pausha or the Dhanuh-sankranti. And accordingly there was a Sankranti on Mårgasirsha sudi 13 of Vikrama 1187, current.
In conclusion, it may be added that the Tables may be used for finding the weekday in a very simple manner. For, dividing the day of the Julian period by 7, the remainder 0 always indicates a Monday; 1, a Tuesday; 2, & Wednesday; 3, a Thursday: 4, a Friday ; 5, & Saturday; and 6, a Sunday. E.g, as 2133 754 divided by 7 leaves remainder 0, the Sankranti spoken of in the last example took place on, and Margasirsha sudi 13 of the example was, a Monday.
THE INSCRIPTIONS OF PIYADASI. BY E. SENART, MEMBRE DE L'INSTITUT DE FRANCE. Translated by G. A. Grierson, B..8., and revised by the Author.
(Continued from p. 108.)
SEVENTH AND FIGHTE EDICTS. (Formerly seventh and an eighth edict were distinguished, the latter being engraved circularly round the base of the column. Really, as Dr. Bühler has pointed out, these two form only one, and it is convenient to reunite them in a continuous text. A separate enumeration, 1, 2, &o., is however retained for the lines which go round the pillar.)
Prinsep, pp. 697 ff.; pp. 602 ff. - Lassen (p. 270, n. 1; p. 275, n. 3) and Burnout (p. 749 ff.) have only commented upon or given new translations of short fragments.
TEXT. 11 Dávånampiye Piyadasi lâjâ hêvar Ahå[.] yê atikamtath 12 amtalam lajánd husu' hêvam ichhieu katham janë 13 dhammavadhiy vadhôya no chu janë anulupaya dhammavadhiya 14 vadhitha [..) etam' dôvânampiyê Piyadasi lâjâ hêvan Abê [ - ] esa mê 15 hatha atikamtam cha amtalam hêvam ichhisu Ajând katham jane 16 anulupaya dhammavadhiya vadhôyâti nô cha janë anulupaya 17 dhammavadhiya vadhithâ [.] sê kida sa janë anupațipajêya 18 kins, su janë anulupâyâ dhammavadhiya vadhêyati kina sa kani 19 abhyuínimayêham dhammavadhiyati [.] êtam dêvånampiyê Piyadasi lâjâ hêvam 20 Ah [.] ésa mê huthi dharmasávanâ ni såvå payâmi dhaímántsathini 21 anasismi Atam jang satu anupațipajisati abhyumnamisati 1 (a) dhammavadhiya cha bådha vadhisati [.) étaye mê athaye dhammasivanani
så våpitâni dhamanasathini vividhani anapitâni (.) yathatiyipa' pi bahune janasi Ayata 6ta paliyovadisanti pi pavithalisanti pi [.] lajáka pi bahukesu pânasa tasalasesu dyatê tê pi mê ânapita hôvam cha hêvan cha paliyovad Atha
(a) Hore commences the so-called vilith Ediot.