Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 339
________________ OCTOBER, 1889.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 317 month) Karttika of tho Jaya samvatsara, which Now, as regards the application of the given is the eight hundred and fifty-sixth (year in the tithi, the Nirnayasindhu, pari. i., p. 7b, line 13 f., centuries of years that have gone by from the time gives the general rule that the fifth tithi is to of the Saka king, and on Wednesday." And be used or celebrated when it is joined by the the inscription records that on this day Bappuva- sixth tithi, i. e. on the day on which it ends. rasa came to the place, and made a grant of Whereas the Dharmasindhundra, pari. i., p. 5 a, (an image of) Nandik6vara, i. e. Nandi, and of line 5 1., states that the fourth and fifth tithis some rice-land. form a couple; as a consequence of which the Here the mention of the Jaya samvatsara fifth tithi may be used when it is joined by the would permit us to take the given year either fourth, i.e. on the day on which it begins. But, in as current or as expired. For, by the mean-sign the more detailed rules, the Dharmasindhusdra, i., Bystem, with Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit's Tables, Jayap. 8 a, line 11 ff., states explicitly that, except in the commenced on the 10th December, A.D. 932, case of the Skandópavdsa and the Ndgavrata, "in and ended on the 6th December, A.D. 933. any ceremony whatsoever the fifth tithi, both in And in this period Karttika sukla 5, of Saka- the bright and in the dark fortnight, is to be Samvat 856 current, ended on the 26th October, taken when it is cleft by the fourth tithi;" and A.D. 933, at about 18 ghatis, 26 palas, after the Nirnayasindhu, i., p. 13 b, line 12 ff., though mean sunrise, for B&dami. This day, however, seeming on the whole to maintain the correctness was a Satarday. And the details of the date of its own rule, quotes several precepts to the cannot be explained in this way. same effect. Also, Prof. Kielborn has given me On the other haud, by the southern luni-solar the following quotation from the Kalamddhava, system the Jaya samvatsara coincided with - Skandópavfsê pañchamt para-viddha, anyatra Saka-Samvat 857 current, i. e. with the given purva-viddh-êti sthitam, " it is established that year 856 as an expired year. And in this year, at the Skandspavása the fifth tithi (is to be used) with Prof. K. L. Chattre's Tables, Karttika when it is cleft by the following; on other oc. Sukla 5 began at about 5 gh. 15 p. and ended at casions, when it is cleft by the preceding." In about 59 gh. 65 p. on Wednesday, 15th October, the present instance the details of the date disA.D. 934. With these results, it would be an tinctly refer, not to the writing of the record, but expunged tithi. But the ending-time is so very to the occasion on which the ceremony of making close to the following sunrise, that most probably the grant was performed. Consequently, it ap& calculation by any of the Siddhantas would pears that the tithi would be properly connected make it end after sunrise on the Thursday; as with the Wednesday, on which day it began : and is the case with Prof. Jacobi's Tables, according that the correct English date is Wednesday. to which it began at about 2 h. 33 m., 6 gh. 15th October, A.D. 933, as found above. 22p., on the Wednesday, and ended at about In addition to this illustration of the use of & 34 m, =l gh. 25 p., on the Thursday. And I current tithi, this date is of interest in giving an think it may safely be taken for granted that the instance of the use of the southern luni-solar tithi did end on the Thursday, according to the system of the Sixty-Year Cycle of Jupiter, almanac consulted by the person who drafted the for a time not very long after the period that I record. Consequently, the date of Wednesday, have indicated for its introduction (see ante, Vol. 16th October, A.D. 933, can be accepted only if | XVII. pp. 142, 143.) the tithi was used as a current tithi. J. F. FLEET. NOTES AND QUERIES. VENKATACHALAPATI; A MADRAS LEGEND. , Vishnu's bull and the latter Gangå's bull. The Every now and then, throughout Madras, & origin of the first is given in a legend, but that of man dressed up as a buffoon is to be seen the last is not clear. loading about a bull a fantastically got up as The conductors of these bulls are neatherds of himself with cowries and rage of many colours high caste called Paidaiyan, i.e. Flower Neatherds, from door to door, for the purpose of procuring and come from villages in the North and South religious alms. The operation is accompanied by Aroot (Arkât) districts. They are a simple and such music as the man can command. ignorant set, who firmly believe that their occupaThe bull is called in Tamil Perumal erudu tion arises out of a command from the great god and in Telegu Ganga eddu, the former meaning Venkatachalapati - the Lord of the Venkata1 I think that in line 10 f., instead of nandiktsara- of) Nandikivars," as published, we should read nandi. (ma-nellu-geyuvarl," three rioe-fields at (the villagok aaramu [h] nellt-geyuuuh.. . The times here are for Badami, all through.


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