died in the interval, and at least four years before the date of the present record. And the same inference is to be drawn from the omission of his name in the genealogical part of this record. The use here of the dative case with paróksham seems certainly peculiar, even in Old-Kanarese. And the sense of the passage could be considerably altered by the insertion of an anustára after Tribhuvanamalla, in line 32; thus making it a nominative case, instead of taking it, as part of a compound. The meaning might thus be arrived at, that it was Tribhuvanamalla, .e. Vikramaditya V., who had previously granted the Pêrûr agrahára, to a god named Vikramadityadeva after himself, and who had caused the hall of the Traipurushas to be built; and that, on the specified date, Akkadevi simply made a grant of land for the purpose of feeding students. But this seems hardly a satisfactory method of dealing with the passage; especially because it leaves paróksha[in vi]nayadi, line 32-33, and mánigaļ=ayníér. varmi, line 34, without any apparent context and meaning, and because line 40 expressly refers to a "pious act of the Five-hundred" which can only be found in line 34f. And taking the passage as it stands, including the perhaps wrong or at least exceptional use of the dative case with paróksham, the meaning seems certainly to be that Akkadevi granted the agrahára and caused the hall to be built, and did so "behind the back, or in the absence," or, as I understand it, "after the death, and in memory," of Vikramaditya V.
TEXT.5 1 [Om Sva]st[i] Samastabhavanaśraya sripri(pri)thvîvallabha maha
råjadhiraja 2 [pa)ramêsvara paramabhattarakan Satyasraya-kuļa-tiļakam 3 [ChAjluky-ábharanam śrimaj-Jagadekamalladóvara vijaya-ri4 [iya]m-uttar-Ottar Abhivriddhi-pravarddhamanam=i-charidr-arkkataram 5 [sa]lattam-ire 1] tadi)-Jayasimha-chakravarttiya nij-âgrajäte 11 6 [Ka] 11 Srim-vanitey-enisid-Akkadevige v åg-dévig=akhila-jana7 nuta-Sitâdê vige Mâdêvige bhû-dévige samanremba n ți8 pa-sata-samudayaman 11
Gunada-bedamgiy=enal-sad-guna9 man negald-êkavákyey=ene sânţitaman raņa-Bhairaviy=ene san(sau). 10 ryyada gagaman=ad=en=emda bangipem nri(nri)pa-suteyam | Vpio 1 11 (Ja]nakam10 sri-Dasa(ka)varmmadevan-abhayam Chaľukys-vajram
ainesa-nibham Bhaga12 ladevi puạyavati saty-alâpe tây=chakravartti nija-proj[jo]vala-kirtti. 13 mûrtti Jayasimham tamman-amd=ande mêdiniyo! sri-nega!d-h14 kavákyeya yasa(sah)-prakhyati-såmânyame 11 Avinamn(mr)-åri-nri(nri)15 pâlaka-prale(la)ya-sampâda-ksham-ôchchaņda-Bhairavi tân=îgiyum-e16 yde simtatara-růp-inviteli nirbhbhatsanta-rava-sinh-agrajey=A17 giyum mada-gaj-dyad-ydneywerd=amdu dhâ(dhau)ta-vichitram nega?d=éka 18 vâkyeya charitraṁ bhûri-bhûchakradol 11 Jina13-Buddh-Ananta-Ra19 dr-agama-nigadita-dharmmamgala [m] madi kayyantana[---]
vrajakk-app-e. 20 nitap-anudinam kotta sarvy-ôrvviyoladana-nay-alan kire rara21 jigidal-akhila-vidyârtthi-din-avali-nandiniy-Akkadevi dharmm-âgra 22 [io] vimala-vacha[b]ári-jayasri-yasa bojári | Vachana || Anta . saks 23 la-jagat-pranateyum .
samasta-ripunpipa-charanâravimdeProm the original stone.
1... karde.
* Metre, Kanda ; and in the next verse 11... mahdAvige.
1.6. upitta.
10 Metre, Mattēbhavikridita; and in the next verso 11 Monier-Williams gives both formi, anvita, and anota. I have met with the latter in other Old-Kansrose inscriptions, and also with prandta, whioh oooura in line 23 below, or else with vindta; though I cannot just now give the references.
19 Read nirbbhart sand.
15 Metre, Mahl-Sragdhark; 6... Sragdhara, with two short syllablon, instead of one long, at the commencement of each pdda.