* (JULY, 1889.
to find the end of 'Subhakțit (the next expanction being due only in Saka 1424 expired). We have thennumerator 1000 = 194-80463 days
200 = 38-96093 50 = 9.74023
= 0-58441
1996 = 244.09020 days; and for the commencement of Saka 1396 expired, by Table VII. -
1000 = 365 258-68055 300 = 109 57760416 90 = 32 873-28125
6 = 1751 812-74998 1396 = 2259 522:3159 commencement of Saka 1396 expired;
- 244 0902 2259 278-2257 end of Sarvarin (No. 34);
+ 360-9730 2259 639-1987 end of Plava (No.35) or commencement of 'Subhakrit;
+ 360.9730
2260 000-1717 end of Sabhaksit (No. 36). Converting now the days of the Julian period for the beginning and end of 'Sabhakțit, we find :commencement of Subhaksit : 22nd July, A.D. 1474, 4 h. 461 m.;
of Subhaksit : 18th July, A.D. 1475, 4 h. 72 m.
(o). The year Subhakrit by the Brihat-Samhita rule. Having already found the commencement and end of Subhaksit by the Jyotistattva rule, we find the same, in accordance with the Bțihat-Samhitâ rule, by deducting from the sums of days found, in either case, 0.6818[1]. Commencement of 'Subhakgit by Jyotistattva rule: 2259 639.1987
2259 638-5169, ise. 21st July. A.D. 1474, 12 h. 24.3 m., - commencement of 'Subhakrit by Brihat-Samhita rule. End of 'Subhaksit by Jyotistattva rule: 2260 000-1717
- 0-6818
2259 999.4899, i.e. 17th July, A.D. 1475, 11 h. 45.5 m., - end of 'Subhaksit by Bțihat-Samhita rule.
(a). By the Telinga rule the Jupiter's year for Vikrama 1531 and Saka 1396, both expired, would be the 28th year of the cycle, counted from Prabhava, i.e. Jaya, and the year Subhakrit would not be due till
Vikrama 1539 or 'Saka 1404, expired. · The result then is that the year Subhakrit, which is mentioned in the date, lasted, - by the Sarya-Siddhanta rule, -
without Bija, from 10th August, A.D. 1474, 10 h. 35.9 m., to 6th August, A.D. 1475, 11 h. 14-4 m.; with Bija, from 16th September, A.D. 1474, 3 h. 35-7 m., to 12th September, A.D. 1475,
4 h. 25-7 m.; by the Jyotistattva rule, -
from 22 nd July, A.D. 1474, 4 h. 461 mi, to 18th July, A.D. 1475, 4 h. 7.2 m.; by the Brihat-Samhitå rule,
from 21st July, A.D. 1474, 12 h. 24:3 m., to 17th July, A.D. 1475, 11 h. 45.5 m.