Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 237
________________ JULY, 1880.] MISCELLANEA. 221 addicted to gambling;" where the contrast would to a certain time on Åbvina krishna 14, Tuesday, be furnished by the other meaning of a-bahula- of the ourrent year, corresponding to the 26th ana, nut POBBessed of much coin. Accepting October, A.D. 1886, and, after that time, the the first correction, but maintaining lapana, the name of Vikárin, No. 33. act of speaking, talking,' I feel more inclined to (2) A development of this system in Northern prefer - "who, lord though he is, yet does nut India, which would best be named the northern indulge in (tao) much (needless) talking." luni-solar system. According to this, each sanwatsara extends over the same period with a Miscellaneous. Saka or a northern Vikrama year, commencing, P. 138, note 2, on the word bhdmichchhidra. for the civil reckoning, with Chaitra sukla 1; and For kerishya-yogya bhah dc, read krishy-ayogya every eighty-sixth samvatsara, or nearly ao, is bhah, land not fit for oultivation.' actually expunged or passed over altogether. 6th March, 1889. J, F. FLEET, An instance of this, coupled with the next system, is furnished by the Suyana-Pañchdig for A NEW SYSTEM OF THE SIXTY-YEAR Saka-Samvat (1808 expired and) 1809 ourrent," CYCLE OF JUPITER. and northern Vikrama-Samvat (1943 expired and) On the Sixty-Year Cycle of Jupiter, & 1944 current; which tells us that the same luni. valuable paper by Prof. Klelhorn, with Tables for solar period, from the 5th April, A.D. 1886, to calculation, is given at page 193ff. above. And the 24th March, A.D. 1887, is known, on the south I hope that hereafter we shall have a full his- side of the Narmadá, by the name of Vyaya, torical account of it from Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit. No. 20, and, on the north side of that river, by Meanwhile, for my present purpose, I have to the name of Vilambin, No. 32. note that the following three varieties of this And the real rule for it must be, that, whatever cycle are already known: samvatsara is actually current according to the (1) The true astronomical system, usually mean-sign system at the commencement of a Saka called the northern system, but, - since, in early year, that savvatsara is to be taken as coincident times, it was current in Southern, quite as much with the whole Saka year, and with the entire as in Northern, India, - more appropriately Vikrame year which, at some period still to be named by Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit the mean-sign determined, came to be made identical in system. According to this, the commenoement Northern India with the Saka year, of each aanwatsara is determined by the passage The time at which this system was developed of Jupiter among the signs of the sodiao; and, on and brought into use, remains to be determined. the exaet analogy of expunged tithis, on certain When it can be fixed, we shall probably find occasions a sarivatsara is expunged, or, more pro- that the system started with a year in which two perly, for the purposes of the civil reokoning its at least of the following conditions oodurred on name is omitted, though astronomically the period one and the same day; vix, the ending of Chaitra of the sanvatsara remains extant. sukla 1, as the beginning of the civil luni-solar For modern times, an instance of this, year; the Mesha-Sankranti, as the beginning of coupled with an illustration of (3) below, is the solar year; and the commencement of a furnished by the Gwalior almanac for Saka- savatsara by the mean-sign system. Samvat (1808 expired and) 1809 current, and | (3) The so-called southern system, which northern Vikrama-Samvat (1943 expired and would best be named the southern luni-solar 1944 current;' which, following in this respect the system, and which must be the South Indian practice of Southern India, gives Vyaya, No. 20, development of the original mean-sign system as the name, according to the chandra-mdna or According to this, each sariwvatsara extends over lunar reckoning, of the luni-solar period from the the same period with a Saka year, commencing. 5th April, A.D. 1886 (Chaitra sukla 1), to the for the civil reckoning, with Chaitra sukla l; and 24th March, A.D. 1887 (amanta Phâlguna, or the samvatsaras run on in regular unbroken pürnimánta Chaitra, krishna 15); but adds that, succession, without any expunctions. according to the bdrhaspatya-mana or reckoning An instance of this, in addition to that noted of Jupiter, in documents the name of Vilambin, under (2) above, is furnished by the Siddhanta. No. 32, is to be used from a certain time on Panchangam for Saka-Samvat (1808 expired and) Agvina kļishna 7, Friday, in the preceding year, 1809 current, and the Telugu Calendar for corresponding to the 30th October, A.D. 1885, up Saka-Samvat 1809 current;* which give Vyaya, See ante, Vol. XVII. p. 2. * See ante, Vol. XVII. p. 206. * See ante, Vol. XVII. p. 207, and note 10, .. See ante, Vol. XVII. p. 207.


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