JUNE, 1889.)
destruction of the earth, may these (garlands), the fragrance of which intoxicates the bees, serve for the worship of Srikantha, whose neck is (black) like a bee !
(L. 16.) -The illustrious Krishnanandin, a home of prudence and kindness, the son of the illustrious Devanandin, the physician, 17 has composed this eulogy.
(Continued from Vol. XVII. p. 345). 7. kusilaparibhâsiyam obhâså V, kusilaparibhâshâ, with 30 vv.; sarvé jívá sukhaishinak.
8. viriyam with 26 vv.; of bála and of pandiya; in v. 25 buddhâh in a good sense = jnátatattvás.
9.dhammð with 36 vv.; in v. 1 máhanéna maimaye, bráhmaņéna matimatá referred by the Schol, to Vira. It concludes : göratani ya savváni nivvánar sandhaét muni tti bémi (264).
10.samahi, samadhi, with 24 vv. ; it concludes: no jíviam marand 'bhikarikhí charejjá bhikkhú valagd vimukko tti bêmi; in place of valagá we find in 12,23, 13,23, where the same conclusion recurs: valaya, and in the schol. valayan is explained by bhavavalayari, máy, sassdrah. If this reading is correct, perhaps Vådic valaga might be thought of 3
11. maggð, marga, with 36 vv.; in v. 1 máhanéņa matématá as in 9, 1.
12. samsaraṇam, samava', with 22 vv.; kumárgatyágah; four samavasaranáni paratir. thikábhyupagamasam úharúpáni, i.e. the 180 leiriydvái etc. (see p. 259, 266).
13. ahataham, yathậtatham (hence by the ampliative ika or ya also): dhattahid, Ahittihie, áhattahijjam ; avitaha (Av.), with 23 vv. ; samyakcharitram.
14. gamtha (gamdh8 V), grantha, with 27 vv.; granthai dhanddikain tyaktva. . 15. jam-atam, yam atitam (according to the opening words), or ddániyan; with 25 vv.
16. gâh' or gath&shodasakam;despite this name, a proge explanation of the names mahaņa, samaņa, bhikkhu, niggamtha and their identical signification (ékártha).
b. Second brutaskandhs. 1. pundarie, Oriyar V, paņdarika. Comparison of the bhikkhu with a lotus flower in the middle of a pond; it begins (see above, p. 248): suari mé dusamn, tê nani bhagavayá [265] évam atkháyam: iha khalu poindariya naman ajjhayané, tassa na ayari afthé pannatte. This introductory formula, the second part of which occurs again in anga 6 et seq., is repeated with corresponding modification in ajjh. 2-4. All four ajjh. are in prose.
2. kiriyâshanam, of the 12 or 13 kriyásthána.
3. Ahâraparinna, oparijñà. In the schol. & variant of the scholars of Nagarjuna is adduced with the words Nagarjuni(y)s tu pathamti. Ndgajjunavayaga, or oráyaria, onarisi, is mentioned with great honour in the opening of the Nandi and of the Av., in the list of teachers v. 39, 40, 45, and in fact as separated by three gradations merely - Bhúadinna, Lähichcha and Dûsagani - from the author him.self, whom the scholiast calls Dévaváchaka = Dêvarddhigaņi, Jacobi, Kalpas. p. 150.
4. pachchakkhâņakiriyâ, pratyakbyânakriya.
5. in S. Au. V. anagaram (rasuya S.); here however correctly anâyárasutam, anâchârasrutam, in 34 vv. ; it opens as follows: adâya bambhachêram cha Asapanne (Asuprajñaḥ paņditah) imam charam assini (asmin) dhammê añâyâram n'ayareyya kaya i vi II
6. Addaijjam, Ardrakiyain, in 55 rv. A sermon of Årdraks, the son of a merchant who, according to the scholiast, from the sight of a picture of Jina sent to him as a debt of
11 Or, simply, the learned.'
1 moksha sardadhyat. . of. also the manner of death valayamayakam up. I. 70, "death by magic arta P". Little can be made out of the commentaries. See the excellent glossary of Leumann which reaches me, May 1883, while these sheets are in the press. igalth Mahodni Akhyath shodatam adhyayánam. In V. gehdaslasago ndmagal.
. cf. anga 6, 1, 19.