JUNE, 1889.]
verse from Mr. Sarvadhikarin's Tagore Lectures, in the Abhandlungen der Arischen Section des but have since verified it, as well as the pedigree VII. Intern. Orientalisten Congresses, pp. 101-109. of Madanapala in the copies of the Madanavino. He shows that the Visishța Advaita system of danighantu preserved in the India Office Library. Râmânuja is a somewhat modified and more Visvesvara's date is of some importance, because methodical form of the ancient Bhagavata, PAă. his commentary on the Mitakshara is held to be charátra or Såttvata religion, which is named of authority, and because his patron rescued the and described in the Santiparvan of the MahaManubhashya of Médhátithi from destruction. bharata. This creed, which inculcates the wor. The remarks on the Vivddárnavabhañjana have ship of the supreme Vasudeva and teaches the been made before in Dr. Peterson's Second Report, doctrine of bhakti, has originally nothing to do p. 53.
with the Vedas and Upanishads. It arose from the In the next class, - Poems, Plays, and same current of thought from which the BhagaFables, there are some new anthologies, one of vadgitali sprang. Its sacred books are the Samhitås which comes from Kasmir, and a new com- of the Naradapancharatra, some of which turned mentary on the Mahanataka by Balabhadra. up at Anhilvåd, while one has been printed and The Vrittis on Kalidasa's and Bhåravi's poems known long ago. Its founder was a Kshatriya, like are already represented in the earlier collections, Sakyamuni-Götama and Vardhamana, thematika and among them Jônaraja's commentary on the who originated the systems known as Buddhism Kirdtarjuniya, by five copies which I brought and Jainism. He seems to have been Vasudeva of from Kasmir. Dr. Bhindarkar shows that the Sattvata sub-division of the Yadava tribe. Jônarkja wrote this work in Saka-Sarhvat 1370. Or it may be that this Vasudeva was a king of
An ancient copy of a portion of the Kdbikde the Sattvatas, who after his death was deified, Vritti on Pånini's Satras permits Dr. Bhåndárkar, that a body of doctrines grew up in connection p. 58, to slightly modify the prevailing opinion as with his worship, and that the religion spread to the share which each of the two joint authors from his clan to other classes of the Indian took in its compilation. Jayaditya, it now people. In its origin this religion must have appears, wrote the notes on Adhyâyas i..v. and developed into the Pañcharåtra system of the (not i. iv.) and the remainder belongs to Vamana. Samhitis. Then it was mixed with other ele. The general results of an elaborate note, pp. 59- ments, indicated by the names of Vishnu. Nani60, on the family of Ramachandra, the author of yara, Ksiahna, Rauna, gods and deified heroes, who the Prakriyakaumudi, are, that it belonged to were identified with Vasudeva. Hence arose the the Tailangi subdivision of Brahmans, and that various forms of modern Vaishnavism. In order it counted among its members several writers on to prove the great age of the original worship of the Sastras. From the copy of the Puna Sanskrit Vasudeva, Dr. Bhandarkar points to the oftenCollege Collection it appears that Ramachandra quoted Satra of Panini, iv. 3, 98, where the wrote in the middle of the fifteenth century. formation of the name of a derotee of Vasudeva
Under the heading Kôshas, p. 61ff., Dr. is taught, and to the remarks of Patañjali thereon, Bhåndarkar gires, in connection with the descrip- who states that the Vasudêra meant is tatra. tion of a copy of RAyamukuta's Padachandriki, bhagavat. He further shows that the Panchaa list of the authors and works quoted by that ritra system was known to Sankaricharya as well voluminous scholiast in his notes on Kinda i. of the as to Bana, and that one of the Sainhitis is Amarakosha. This list is further extended to quoted by Ramanuja. Kandas ii.- ., on p. 467ff., by Pandit Durgapra. I believe that Dr. Bhåndarkar is on the right såd. It seems to have escaped the notice of Dr. track, and that, if he fully works out his ideas Bhâudárkar that the same task had already been with the help of all available materials, he will done according to three MSS. by Professor be able to offer the outlines of the earlier history Aufrecht in the Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgen- of Vaishravism. The task is of course a very ländischen Gesellschaft, Vol. XXVIII. pp. 109-121, difficult one. It will require a careful study of still more elaborately and on principles which the Sathhitás, and of their history, and a careful make the verification of the quotations much easier. utilization of the hints contained in Brâhmanical,
In the next section Dr. Bhåndårkar discusses Jaina, and Buddhist literature, as well as in the the contents of the philosophical works purchased, inscriptions. among which those on Ramanuja's system and on It will, I firmly believe, eventually appear that Kaśmirian Saivism are particularly interesting both Vaishnavism and Saivism, which Dr. Bhân. Here we have also, pp. 69-74, the nucleus of his dirkar too declares, p. 76, to be perhaps as old as new theory on the Bhagavata sect, which has been the worship of Vishņu, are co-eval with even the set forth more fully in his valuable paper inserted earlier portions of the so-called Vodic period.