APRIL, 1889.]
60.-Maha kû helai P - Hél, v., obtain, get. 61.-Ma yad bukta or Adiga må bûkta ?. Yád, pers. pron. 2, thee; simple nominative form, assisted by the consonant y. Búk, v., be sick: búkta, 2nd pers. sing. pres., habitual. 62.-Ghalabka kolaigi kü-ridd. Ghalab, s. m., baggage. Kolai, s. m. basket. Kú-ridd, v., throw, put.
V., come.
63.-Dakso kalė. Dakso, adv., quickly. Kalé, interjec., come ! 64.-Aniga kü-yeḍai: mahad iman waidi P Yed, v., call, send for. Iman, p.p. of imo, Waidi, 2nd pers. sing. pres. of wa, not found. (H. s. 90). 65.-Usaga waran ba kû-dilai. - Dilai, 3rd pers. sing. perf. of dil, v., kill. 66.-Usaga dabarka waran ba kû-waremai, Dabar, s. m., back. Waren, v. 1. stab, thrust. Waremai, 3rd pers. sing. perf. (the letter n changing into m in the inflexion). 67.-Haga in-an tago ban ka baghaiya. Baghaiya 1st pers. sing. pres. of bagh, V., fear. [It is somewhat curious that in Somâli, as well as in Arabic, Persian, Hindustânî, &c., the verb 'to fear' should be preceded by the sign of the ablative case (ka)].
68.-Lo'da sided karshi yan kû sinaiya, Lo', s. f. cow. sided, s. f., eight. 69.-Harråd badan bai haiya, Harrád, s. m., thirst. Bai, compounded of ba and i, to or by me. Haiya, from the verb hai, have, possess. (H. s. 251).
70.-Wa kuļůl badan yahai.
Kulol, adj., hot, warm.
71.-Halka fadiso. - Fadiso, v. 8., sit, remain.
72.-Albabka fur. Albâb, (Ar.) 8. m., door. [It may be noticed that this word has here a double article: the Arabic article (al) prefixed, and the Somâli (ka) added; but the former has become an inseparable part of the word in Somali]. Fur, t. v., open :-(it also means divorce.')
73.-Maghaladaidi ban tagaiya.
74.-Kitabki meh ? Kitdb (Ar.) s. m. book, meh, adv. of place,
where ?
75.-Adiga sidas in-ad fasho må karta. Si-dás, adv. of manner, thus. In-ad in, that and ad, thou. Fasho, 2nd pers. sing. pres. subj. of fal, do.
76.-Mahad arkaisa ?
La the passive
77.-I-dê immisa la-sinaiya,-Dé v. aux., say, tell. I-dé, tell me. particle. (H. s. 243). Sinaiya, 3rd pers. sing. masc. pres. of si, give.
78.-Darka hagge bad ka ibsadtai. Dar, s. m., cloth, apparel. Bád, thou (H. s. 52). Ka, prep., from. [This particle is here (for the sake of euphony, I suppose), separated from hagge, the word to which it really belongs. Rejected by hagge, it would then naturally unite with beadtai; but as the junction of these two words looks awkward in Arabic characters, I have written the ka as an affix to bád; thus treating it somewhat similarly to the pronominal affix in Persian.]
79.-Ma yad ibaadtai, misse wa dorsatai? change.
80.-Donida nakhuda-hedi meh ? - Hed, (H. s. 55).
Misse, conj., or else. Dori, v. 3, barter,
possess. pron. 3rd pers. sing., fem., her
Heb, s. f., shore; hebta, adv., ashore. The final u in hebtú
81.-Nakhûda hebtû Jira. is the pron., he.
82.-Kursiga ken o ka fadiso. Kursi, s. m. (Ar.), chair. O, equivalent to wa. (H. P.
83.-Gormad shughlka samainaisa ? Gormá, adv. of time, when? [Gormád is really a combination of three words: gor, s. f., time, má,-what P and ad. pers. pron. 2, simple form.] Shughl, (Ar.), s. m., work, business.
Darárro, pl. of darár, s. f., day.
84.-Aniga afar dararro dabaded wå damainaiya.Dabaded, adv., after. Damai, v. 5, finish.
85.-Aniga Zel's (or Audal) birran tagaiya. Zel'a is the Arabic, and Audal the Somali name of the town. Birri, s. f. to-morrow, birrán-birri+án, pers. pron. 1. 86.-Bariska midab-kiss i-tas. Midab, s. m., sample. Tús, v. imperative,-show.