[APRIL, 1889.
this day there was an oolipse of the sun, to indicate for certain whether it is the new-moon visible in India.
tithi, or the full-moon tithi, that is thus numbered It is to be noted that, in the second and third in the Jaynagar record; though it may be inferred dates, in which the results work out quite regu- to be the new-moon tithi, in accordance with larly, the term vystipata is not used. And, de what is the more general custom in the present there is no reason for suggesting that any portion day, even in Northern Indiało. of the record is not genuine, the explanation of
J. F. FLEET. the discrepancy in the results for the first date in it, is perhaps to be found in the use there PROFESSOR KIELHORN'S EDITION OF THE of the term in question; which may indicate some
MAHABHASHYA. astrological conditions that necessitated the Excellent as is Prof. Kielhorn's edition of the observance of the rites of that eclipse on the | Mahabhashya, hyper-criticism can still lay its following day, Sunday, instead of on the day on finger on a fault here and there. Prof. Kielhorn which it actually occurred. I hope that someone has, for instance, unfortunately followed the will be in a position to examine and explain this Indian copyists in regard to the divisions of the point. The only other solution is to assume a Mahâbhâshya into Åhnikas ; i.e. he too has mistake in calculation by the person who prepared numbered the Paspas&hnika as the first; and the the almanac, from which the date was taken by Åhnika treating of the fourteen Satras, given the preparer of the record.
according to tradition by Mahadeva to Panini, 28 No. 28.
the second, serially with the rest. Whereas, At the same village of Hulgar, on two of the atrictly, these two Åhnikas should be separated faces of the lower part of a pillar in the well from the others, as introductory to them. The called Kallamnathada-bhavi in Survey No. 78, first Satra of Pånini is Vriddhér adaich, and not there is a Sanskrit and Old-Kanarese inscription Atha labdanuádsanam, which was only added on of the Devagiri-Yadava king Mahadeva, in by Patañjali to bring Panini's Satras into confor. which the date (from an ink-impression; line mity with the usage prevailing in the Sutra15 ff.) is-Saka-varshada® 1189neya Prabhava- period. The usage was, always to declare the samvatsarada Jydehtha-ba-80-Budhavára surya subject of every set of aphorisms at the beginning, grahanad-andu, -" Wednesday, the 30th tithi, in and so to pre pare the student for what he might the dark fortnight, of (the month) Jyeshţha of the expect, as is shown by the declaratory first Prabhava samvatsara, which is the 1189th of Sátra, commencing with Atha, of the Darsathe Saka years; at the time of an eclipse of the nas, Grihya and Srauta-Satras, and PrátisAkhyas. sun.”
Moreover, all the editions of the Ashtadhyayt, By the southern luni-solar system of the Sixty. which I have seen, separate the fourteen Satras Year Cycle, the Prabhava samvatsara coincid. of Mahadeva from Påņini's text distinctly. The ed with Saka-Samvat 1190 current ; 6. e. with the serial divisions of the Great Commentary proper given year, 1189, as an expired year. In this year, should, therefore, extend from Vriddhér adaich Jyêshtha itself was intercalary, according to the and the Bhashya thereon. High example may Tables. And I find that -
be pleaded in favour of the current division; but The natural amanta Jyêshtha krishna 15 ended only example, and nothing more. For, so far as at about 48 ghats 45 palas, after mean sunrise, the present writer is aware, Kayyata and for Bankåpur, on Thursday, 23rd June, A. D. Någôjfbhatta have not given any reasons for 1267; on which day there was no eclipse of the their adherence to it. The fact of their adherence sun. But the intercalated amanta Jyështha can be explained away, by supposing that they krishna 15 ended, as required, on Wednesday, were too much absorbed with their commentaries 25th May, A. D. 1267, at about 20 gh. 45 p.; and to bestow any time on such a comparatively on this day there was an eclipse of the sun, unimportant work as formal improvement in the visible in India.
text they were dealing with. By the way, why This record is of interest, in giving an instance should not the name of the author of the Bhashya. of the quotation of the new-moon tithi as the pradipa be spelt as Kayyaţa P The analogy of thirtieth tithi of the month, instead of as the Mammata and Ubbata speaks in favour of thie fifteenth tithi of the dark fortnight. An analo- form, as against the other ordinary forms of gous instance is to be found in an inscription at Kaiyata and Kaiyyata. It is supported by Jaynagar in the Mongir District, Bengal Presi- ancient MSS. as well. dency, dated in the reign of Madanapaladeva,
GOVINDA DASA. " the year 16 (P), Åsvina 30." But there is nothing Durgakund, Benares.
* id. pp. 228, 229, and Plate 114.--Soe also the Dégéve 1 . id. pp. 288, 289, and Plate 119. inacription of Kaliyuga-Samvat 4275 expired, ante, Vol. XVII. p. 986, No. 17.
Archaol. Surv. Ind. Vol. III. Pl. xlv., No. 17, line 4. • The actual reading in the original is varufada.
10 See Mr. Sh. B. Dikshit's remarks, ante, Vol. XVI. The actual reading is jeshta.
p. 114.