Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 139
________________ APRIL, 1889.] MISCELLANEA. 127 ments of the n-declension in Sanskrit which is CALCULATIONS OF HINDU DATES. favourably noticed by M. Louis Duvau. The most No. 27 interesting case notioed is the # in terminations In the back yard of Yellappagauda at Hulgar, of genitives plural like sêndnám. Dr. Hanusz a village about seven miles to the north-east of shows that the # was first borrowed from bases in Siggâmve, the chief town of the Bankâpur Taluka n to form the genitives of bases in a long, and then of the Dharwad District, Bombay Presidency, to form those of bases in a short. there is an Old-Kanarese stone inscription of (k) April 2nd. - Commences with a review by the Kalachuri' king somêsvara, which contains M. Rubens Duval of Mr. Margoliouth's edition of three dates. the Oriental versions of the Poetics of Aris The first date (from an ink-impression; line 18 totle. The texts published are the Arabic version 2.) is - Saka-varsha 1096 neya Jaye-samvatsarada of Aba Bashar, the definition of tragedy in the Jyoshthada amåvåsye Adityavára sdryyagrahaņaSyriao dialogues of James Bar-Shakaku, the vyatspåtad-andu, -"the new-moon tithi of (the Arabic Poetics of Avioenna, and the Syriac Poetics month) Jyêshtha of the Jaya samvatsara, of Bar-Hebræus. The reviewer considers that which is the 1096th Saka year; Sunday; at the Mr. Margolioath has shown in his edition an equal time of the vyatip&t& of an eclipse of the knowledge of Greek, Arabic and Syriac, and future sun." publishers of Aristotle's Poetics will be bound to The second date (line 35 f.) is - Saka-varshada take his work into consideration. 1096neya Jaya-samvatsarada Margaśirada pun. • (1) April 23rd. - Passing over notices of an nami Adityavára somagrahaņad-andu, - "the edition of the twenty-first volume of the Kitab full-moon tithi of (the month) Margasira of the al-aghant, by Dr. Brünnow, and a review of the Jaya samvatsara, which is the 1096th of the Rev. A. Foster's Elementary lessons in Chinese, Saka years; Bunday; at the time of an eclipse we come to a short article by M. Baudouin on of the moon. Prof. Windisch's work on the characteristio r in And the third date (1.40 2.) is-Saka-varshada verbal forms. Dr. Windisch ponjectures that 1096neya Jaya-samvatsarada Margasira-babulad= originally for the middle and active voices there amavasye Mangaļavåra suryagrahaņad-andu, - were two sets of inflexions, characterisod re- "the new-moon tithi of the dark fortnight of the spectively by the presence or by the absence of the month) Margasira of the Jaya samvatsara, and the t. In the middle there would be for the which is the 1096th of the Saka years ; Tuesday : first and third persons of the singular, and for the at the time of an eclipse of the sun." third of the plural, the terminations -, -, -re, By the southern luni-solar system of the Sixtyand (Gr. pax P) and to, ntd; in the active they year Cycle, the Jays sath vatsara coincided would be, a (-4P), -a, -ur, and -mi, -ti, nti. The with Saka-Samvat 1097 current; i. e. with the reviewer considers that this conjecture is very given year, 1096, as an expired year. And, by plausible, and that it throws an entirely new light Prof. K. L. Chbatre's Tables, I find that, in this on primitive conjugation. year,We may pass over two favourable reviewe, one The amanta Jyoshtha krishna 15 ended, not by M. A. Barth on Dr. Cust's second series of on a Sunday, but at about 22 ghaths, 53 palas, Linguistic and Oriental Bays, and the other by after mean sunrise, for Bankapur,' on Saturday, M. Sylvain Lévi on Dr. Speijers' Sanskrit Syntax, 1st June, A.D. 1174. On this day there was which has been already noticed in these pages, and an oolipse of the sun," which was visible in India. come to a short paper by M, V. Henry on Dr. But the wook-day does not correspond with P. von Bradke's Essays on the Prehistorio that given in the record; at least, it does not Development of the German Language. do so, if the record is to be interpreted as meaning The principal argument of Dr. von Bradke deals that the tithi ended, and the eclipse occurred, on with the influence of subject races on the language the Sunday. of the conquerors, and, as an example, he would Margasira sukla 15 ended, as required, on guperimpose a Græco-Italo-Oeltio group of lan. Sunday, 10th November, A. D. 1174, at about guages over the already accepted Italo-Celtio 36 gh. 42 p. And on this day there was an groups, explaining by foreign influence the eclipse of the moon, visible in India. numerous and important differences between the And the amânta Margasira krishna 16 language and civilisation of Latium and Hellas. ended, as required, on Tuesday, 98th Novem G. A. GRIERBON. bor, A. D. 1174, at about 13 gh. 51 p. And on 1 In line 2 of this record, the dynastic name is very of old was a town of considerable importance. distinctly written Kalaturys. 3 See von Oppolzer's Canon, pp. 228, 229, and Plate 114. 1 The times here, all through, are for Badkápur, which id. p. 861.


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