MARCH, 1889.]
madman, but finally made himself so obnoxious, called kyphi. The Greek authors Dioscorides, that he was put to death. The king referred to Plutarch, and Galen, have transmitted to 11s is Muhammad Abd'l-Fath, surnamed Al-Malik recipes for its composition, and similar formula al-Kâmil. The paper contains notices of contem. have also of late been discovered in Egyptian porary history and geography, together with the hieroglyphic texts, dating from the reign of text and translation of the whole work.
Ptolemy VII. The author utilizes these two sets Next follows a continuation of M. Abel Ber of directions for the identification of a number of gaigne's Researches into the history of the Egyptian names of plants and drugs. Rig Veda. These have been already referred to A note by M. Clément Huart on the Musalman more than once. His main theory may briefly be religious movement called Babism, and another described as follows:-He takes the well known by M. de Rochemonteix on the identification adhyaya division of the Rig Veda. There are 64 of some Egyptian place-names, conclude the of these divisions, all of which should be of about number. equal length. Some adhyâyas, however, exceed the (4) The second number of Vol. X. commences proper length in a degree which cannot be explained with a study on the Arabio dialect of Da. in any satisfactory way, and it hence follows that mascus, by Mgr. David, Syrian archbishop of they contain interpolations of later date. By a that city. The article is supplementary to one series of elaborate and ingenious calculations, he written on the same subject by M. Huart in 1883. is able to point out the passages which he suspecte It includes notes on pronunciation, orthography, to be interpolated. It would be impossible to inflexion, and vocabulary. give a satisfactory account of his full theory in a The next article is a summing up by M. H. summary like the present. I may add here that Sauvaire of his series of papers on the numishis conclusions are combated by Dr. H. Oldenbergmatics and metrology of the Musalmans. The in the 41st Vol. of the Zeitsch. des Morgenland. article principally consists of valuable lists of Gesell. (p. 508 and ff.); and that on p. 488 of Vol. X. prices of necessaries from the 7th to the 17th of the Journal Asiatique, M. Bergaigne replies centuries A. D. to Dr. Oldenberg, and also denies that he is This is followed by the text and translation of indebted for any portion of his theory to Mr. the History of King Na'aman of Khurasan, Pincott.
an Arab tale in the vulgar dialect of Syria. It is (3) Volume X.--commences with an interest- communicated by M. A. Barthélemy. It is a ing paper by M. J. Darmesteter, on Points of story worthy of the Arabian Nights. Contact between the Shah Nama and the
ween the Shah Nama and the M. Urbain Bouriant next gives us some further MahAbharata. He takes for his text the Maha. fragments of the Theban Romance of Alexander prasthanikaparpa of the later work, and the account already mentioned. Three more leaves of the MS. of the Renunciation of Kai Khusrd in the former. have been discovered at Akhmim, by the author, There is a great resemblance between the final who gives text, translation, and notes. scenes of the life of Yudhishthira, and of the Two reviews conclude the number. One refers Persian hero, and M. Darmesteter, after dealing to Dr. W. Radloff's erumples of the popular with them in some detail, comes to the conclusion literature of the North Turkish tribes, and that the portion of the Mahabhdrata in which the the other deals with two grammars of the episode is described is a later addition, and that dialect of Algeria. the original version is the Persian one con (5). Part III. of Vol. X.--commences with tained in the Shah Nama. The legend probably three vocabularies of Dialects of Berber by M. filtered into India between the Seythic inva- René Basset. They were collected in the course of sion and the 6th or 7th century of our era, | two missions on which the author was sent by the but nearer to the earlier than the later epoch. The Governor-General of Algeria. The first dialect is story of the renunciation and the ascent into that spoken in Gourara and Touat. The second heaven of Kai Khusra, has not only travelled is the argot of Mzab, and the third the dialect of eastwards from Persią, but has also been adopted the Youaregs Anelimmiden." in the East. We find it, in the 12th century. This is followed by notes by M. Barthélemy, attached to the patriarch Enoch, in a Jewish principally on Grammar, on the Arabic Story of work, the Book of the Just (Sefer Hayyashar), Na'aman dealt with by him in the previous which colleots all the legends formed round the Book of Genesis.
In the next paper, as already mentioned, M., The next article, by M. Victor Loret, leals with Abel Bergaigne, writes a postscript to his paper the Sacred Perfume of the ancient Egyptians, on the division of the Rig Veda into adhydyas
* These words are spelt as in the original.-G. A. G.