Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 84
________________ 72 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1889. (153) Then a prince called Damodara (II.), who was either a descendant of the race of Asoka, or was born of another family, protected the earth. - (154) Even now tales are told of the miraculous power of this (king), who was highly resplendent with superhuman faculties, and was the crest-jewel of the worshippers of 'Siva. — (155) (The god) Kovêra himself concluded Friendship with that happy and virtuous favourite of Siva. -(156) Being the foremost of kings, like Kavêra, he ordered the Guhyakas, who obeyed his commands, to build the long (causeway called) Guddastu. - (157) By this causeway he sought to bridge the water at the town which he had built in the (swamp called) Sada Damodariya. - (158) Since the good deeds of men (in former births) are limited, obstacles arise-alas! - to a man of lofty mind, who wishes to produce some uncommon beneficial work. - (159) For he strove to cause the Yakshas to build in his country long causeways of stone, in order to stop inandations.-(160) Inconceivable is the power of the austerities of mighty Brahmans, who will reverse the power even of such (kings). - (161) One has seen the fortune of kings rising again, after it had been destroyed by the power of an heir or of others; bat if (lost) through contempt of Bráhmang it will never return. — (162) Once the king, who was going to bathe on account of a sráddha, was asked by some hungry Brahmans (to give them) food before bathing. - (163) When he, who wished to enter the (river) Vitasta, refused to give them food until he had entered it), they placed that river before him by their religions) power.-(164) Although they told him - Here is the Vitasta; touch her, and feed us!" yet he believed that the river had been brought by (oinful) witchcraft (and not by the righteous power of austerity). - (165) When he said to them—"I will not give food without having bathed (in the real riter); depart (sarpata), yon Brâhmans, at once !" they cursed him-"Become a serpent (sarpa)!" - (166) After he had implored them for mercy, they spoke“Your curse will cease after you have beard the whole Ramdyana in a single day, and not till then)." - (167) Even now, when, ont of thirst, he is rushing far into the (swamp called) Damodara-sada, people recognize him by the smoke of his breath, which is hot in consequence of the curse. (168) Then there were three princes in that same country), called Hushka, Jushka, and Kanishka, who built three towns that were designated by their names. - (169) The pureminded Jushka, the founder of Jushkapura with its vihara, also built Jayasvamipura.-(170) Thongh they were descendants of a Turushka race, these pious princes built mathas, chaityas, &c., at Bushkalotra and other places. -(171) During the long period of their reigns, the country of Kasmira was, for the most part, in the possession of the Bauddhas, who had acquired great power by renouncing the world (pravrajya). (172, 173) At that time, one hundred and fifty years had passed in this earthly sphere since the complete extinction (pariniruritt) of the divine Sakyasinha (Buddha); and a Bodhisattva became sole king in this country; this was the glorious Nagarjuna, who resided at Shafarhadvana. 14 999 P. 146 One of Kavera's names is R Ajarkja, the king of kings'; he is the lord of the Yakshas or Guhyukas. gà ° P. 10 PT. TATTET P. pat P. Erera PC. 14. HP. 20 for a P. 10 Huahkapura, Jushkapura and Kanishkapura have been identified by General Cunningham with Ushkar, Zukra, and Kampur; see A. G. p 99ff. 110 T P. PC. On Sashkalētra, see Dr. Bühler's note on verse 102. 111 4 P. FR for P. 111 T P. 9° PT. TRIP. 173 AT P. P. t o PT. According to Schiefner's Tibetische Lebensbeschreibung sakyamuni's, p. 810, Nagarjuna, the founder of the MAdhyamika school, was born in the time of Kanishka. Kalhape agrees with this tradition in placing Nagarjuna just after Kanishka. On the other hand, his report that Nagkejuna beanme king of Kasmir, seems to be as fanciful w his assertion that he lived only 150 years after Buddha's parinirvana.


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