The contents of Gommațasára. This book is really a very brief and hasty glance at the Great Theme, a feeble human effort to give a rough idea of the soul-astounding extent of Divine Ominscience. It confines itself to a short account of Spritual Stages and Soul-quests which are the wellknown Jaina ways of the considering the soul.
Jíva Kánda is only the first part of the great work Gommațasára; the second part being the Karma Kánda. The two Parts together are a brief expansion and explanation of the beautiful little Dravya Samgraha, by the same author. Jivamajivam Davvam (tara ze), the living and the non-living substances are the opening words of (Dravya Samgraha). Gommațasára simply deals with these two mighty categories with the living soul in the Jíva Kánda, and with the non-living Karmic matter in the Karma Kánda.
Dravya Samgraha is the merest enumeration of the topics of Jainism with their main divisions and sub-divisions. It consists 58 Gáthás and 5 Parts. Part I. Substances. The Mundane Soul. Gáthás 1 to 14. „ II. The Non-soul ; Matter; Motion ; Rest; Space; and Time.
15 to 27. III. The 7 principles and 9 Categories.
28 to 38. IV. The way to Liberation,
39 to 46. „ V. Concentration.
47 to 58. Karma Kánda consists of 972 Gáthás, divided into 10 parts. Part.
Gáthás. I Nature of Karmic matter.
1-86. II Bondage, operation and existence of Karmas 87-357. III Various stages of existence
358-397. IV Sub-chapter on the above three
398-450. V Chapter on different places
451-784. VI Causes of Inflow
785-810. VII Sub-Chapter on thought-activites
811-895. VIII , 3 special thoughts
896-912. TX Method of distributing Karmas as per duration
913-964. X History of writing of book
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