Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 39
________________ THE GRAMMAR OF SAKATAYANA. JANUARY, 1887.] those of the Jainéndra-grammar. The Anubandhas attached to case and personal terminations, and to primary and secondary suffixes, are on the whole the same as in Panini's grammar. Not taking any account of the accent, Śâkatayana would naturally omit those of Pânini's Anubandhas which were intended merely to indicate the accent. Where any of these Anubandhas have nevertheless been retained, a different meaning has been assigned to them; thus the Anubandha, attached to a suffix, indicates that the noun formed by such suffix is feminine, and the Anubandha q of a secondary suffix shows that the original base takes its masculine form. In these as in other respects Hemachandra has copied Sâkațâyane. I should have been glad to give together with these remarks a portion of the text of the Sabdánusásana which I have been preparing for my own use; and to show more fully how Šakaṭayana has borrowed from or imitated Chandra, and how Hêmachandra again has copied Sakatayana. But I abstain from doing so, because I fear that all this would interest a very small number of scholars only, and because the works of the grammarians named must, after all, be published in their entirety, when better MSS. and sufficient funds are available. I cannot, however, refrain from adding a few words on the authorities named by Śâkațâyana in the text of his Sûtras. In my remarks on the Jainendra-vyakarana (ante, Vol X. p. 77), I have drawn attention to the fact that the compiler of that work has invariably omitted the names of the grammatical authorities mentioned by Pânini, the rule for which an authority is quoted by Panini being simply made optional in the Sakatayana's Pratyahara-Sutras are: अ इ उण् || १ || ऋक् || २ || ए ओड् || ३ || ऐ औच् || ४ || हय र लज् || ५ || अ मङण नम् || ६ || ज ब ग ड दच् || ७ || झ भ घ ढ धष् ॥ ८ ॥ ख फ छ ठ थ ||९|| चट तब् ॥ १० ॥ क पय् ॥ ११ ॥ श ष सं अः क ७पर् || १२ || हल् || १३ || Those of the earlier redaction of the Jainendra are Pagini's, while those of the later redaction are as follows: अ इ उण् || १ || ऋक् || २ || ए ओड् || ३ || ऐ औच् || ४ || ह य व र लणू || ५ || ञ म ङ ण नम् || ६ || झ भञ् ॥ ७ ॥ घ ढ धष् ॥ ८ ॥ ज ब ग ड दश् ॥ ९ ॥ ख फ छ ठ थ च ट तब् ।। १० ।। क पय् ।। ९९ ।। श ष स अं अः क ७पर् ।। १२ ।। हल् ॥ १३ ॥ 27. Jainendra; and that, on the other hand, the compiler has mentioned authorities of his own only in such rules as are optional in Pânini's grammar. I suggested, at the time, that the names so put in were simply added pújártham, and were of no value for the history of grammar. Now exactly the same practice, which has been followed in the Jainendra, has been observed also in the grammar of Sakatayana. Šâkaṭayana too makes rules, for which Panini happens to quote an authority, optional, by substituting the particle for the name given by Pânini; and he too quotes authorities only in such rules as are optional with Pânini. It is in this manner, that, e.g., Panini's rules III. 4, 111 and 112, लङः शाकटायनस्यैव द्विषश्च, in the grammar of our Sakatayana have received the wording f rule which teaches exactly what Pânini intended to teach, and does not teach what the ancient Sakaṭâyana, who is referred to by Panini, is supposed to have taught. On the other hand, the three names," which happen to occur in Sâkațâyana's grammar, Aryavajra, Indra, and Siddhanandin, have simply taken the place of the words, or विभाषा, or अन्यतरस्याम्, of the corresponding rules of Pânini's. Thus Sâkatâyana's rule II, 1, 229 : teaches the same as P. v. 4, 154 शेषाद्विभाषा, the rule I. 2, 37 जराया far the same as P. VII. 2, 101 Farer, and the rules I. 2, 13 and 14: :: teach the same as P. VII. 1, 79 ar age and Vârt. 5 on P. VII. 1, 72 ere. Sakațâyana in these cases has taken the substance of his rules from Papini and Kâtyâyana. convey is, not that nations is changed to What he intends to before certain termiaccording to the Hemachandra has no Pratyahara-Sutras, but employs, | instead of Pratyaharas, the terms svara, namin, sama. na, sandhyakshara, vyañjana, dhut (for Panini's ), aghisha, ghishavat, antaḥstha, and fit (for Sakatiyana's शब्). Malayagiri, again, uses Hemsohandra's terms, but in that portion of his grammar, which has hitherto become accessible, he also employs Sakatayana's Pratyaharas अण्, इक, एक, एच and यञ् (for y, v, r, 2). In addition to the above, Sakatayana twice refers to the opinions of others by the expression any@sham, and twice by ékesham. It seems to me very probable, that at any rate in one of these cases the scholar referred to is Chandra. While, according to Panini, a reduplicated form cannot be reduplicated again, Chandra by his rule पुन: does allow & second reduplication, and this view is allnded to by Sakatayana in his rule द्विरेकेषाम्. Hemachandra, copying from Sakaṭayana, has .


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