Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 308
________________ 284 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1887. literal meaning of the words, and not with Daniel's (stolen) from the kaluar, and divided them. mystic interpretation. An interesting reference Here dhal'wdr is altered from kalvdr, tikun from is also made to a possible connexion with the bik, and chakh'ra from bakh'rd. The terminaEgyptian vignettes depicting the throned Osiris tion 'tu is apparently only a pleonastiq addition. watching the soul of the defunct while it is being Another example is 'khur'kd ks daukhild dasur weighed before him. das.' Here khur'kd is altered from ghord, and The next article is a continuation of M. Senart's dasur from de. Das is the ordinary Bhojparf Essays on the Inscriptions of Piyadasi, which imperative of ds. The sentence means, feed will be dealt with separately. the horse with grain' (Hindi, ghord ko dánd The last paper is a continuation of M. H. khild dd). A third example is Ndheb chalkhasu Sauvaire's treatment of the history of the arta,' the adhib is coming. Here adhib has been Numismatics and the Metrology of the changed into ndhab, chalanu into chalkhasue, and Musalmans, and it again deals with measures of bața into ar'td; chalasu bats is, however, ungram. capacity. matical Bhojpari. The grammatical form would The appendix of this number commences with | be adheb chalat bags or chalatdre. Again daróga, a review of the gastronomical poems of AbQ a police inspector, becomes narogd, and jamddar, Ishaq Hallaj Shirazl, which I have already men- & head constable, namaddr'tu. Constable is tioned, under the head of the Revue. Critique. I corrupted into thil'nd." The present review contains a useful list of the I have asked B&bu Śiv Nandan LAI Ray to words contained in this work, which are not collect for me a number of these words with found in native and European lexicons, their Hindt equivalents, and in the meantime I M. Darmesteter has made a communication to forward the above interesting communication. M. Renan concerning a page in Zend hitherto un GEORGE A. GRIERBON. editud. He gives the text with a French translation. In a subsequent letter he gives an account of Gaya, 13th June 1887. Jamråd, and shows how the legend of Jamshid The above note may well be compared with my has been attached to it, and has thus been lo papers on the Trade Dialect of the Naqqish, or calized in India. painters on papier mdché in the Panjab and An extract from a letter from M. A. Jeannier Kasmir," Journal 4. 8. B., Vol. LIII. pp. 1-24, to M. Barbier de Meynard gives some interesting and on the Dehlt DalAls and their slang," ante, particulars regarding the Arabs of Jeddah. Vol. XIV. pp. 155-159. The number concludes with an appreciative R. O. TEMPLE. review of Mr. Robertson Smith's Kinship and Marriage in early Arabia. GEORGE A. GRIERSON. CURIOSITIES OF INDIAN LITERATURE. THE BES IN THE Lorus. LANGUAGE OF MAGAHIYA DOMS. The following lines, said to be anonymous, are In dealing with the question of Gipsies I well known in Mithild. They refer to the wellhave often had occasion to refer to the tribe of known fable of the bee imprisoned in the lotus, Magahiya Doms, one of the criminal tribes of which is released at sunrise. Bihår. भवनावसरे प्रियः प्रियाया Their language, so far as the grammar goes, is ordinary Bhojpurt (a dialect of Bihårt), but when गलितो भोजनभाजनेन सयः। they do not wish to be understood by outsiders, they have a different vocabulary, closely re अथ नायविमोचनाय भेजे sembling, in the principles of its formation, the "thieves' Latin" of London. दिननाथ वसती सती बनान्ते ॥ Babu Siv Nandan LAI Ray, a Deputy Magis. While eating, the lover was separated suddenly trate at present stationed in Champaran, where from his beloved, by the closing of the) vessel these Magahiy& Dôms are specially strong, sends which contained his food. So to release her lord, me the following excellent examples :-"A thief, the chaste (female bee) dwelling in the skirts of who is, of course, a Magahiya Dôm, having the forest adored the lord of day.' stolen some utensils will say to the women It should be remembered that the lotus closes of his family, ahal'w dr'tus@chev'san tiloun ke at sunset, and opens at sunrise. chakh'ra laga Uhas, he has sold the vessels G. A. GRIERSON.


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