Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 314
________________ 290 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [OCTOBER, 1887. In the meantime the disappointed gods com- not interfere with Môhini though they knew plained to Vishņu of their great loss, who com- well that it meant death and destruction to forted them by assuring them that they should them. soon have the amrita, and ordered them to Seeing his brethren thus treacherously debe ready to drink it as soon as he should get it prived of the precious amrita, Rahu, one of the. from the demons. The demons went on quar-mighty demons, resolved to get a drink of it by relling, when, behold! there appeared a most some means. He disguised himself in a god's beautiful damsel, who won all hearts by her be- form and sat among the gods, soberly waiting for witching smiles, graceful movementsand charm- his turn, but the Sun and Moon perceived his ing looks. She seemed to take great interest trick and pointed it out to Vishnu; for who in the matter, and as the demons wished to but Vishņu of all the gods could so perfectly get some pretext to address the young lady, disguise himself in a woman's robes and play his hey gladly seized this opportunity. They ex- part so well? It was Vishnu in fact that had plained the whole thing to her, and asked her appeared disguised as Môhini and had deceived to express her opinion on the subject. But she the demons. He concluded his work by modestly and courteously refused to do so, for instantly cutting the head off Rahu's body she said she was only a woman, and could just as he had taken a sip of the amrita. His not presume to give judgment on the conduct body fell down dead for he had not time enough of the great Kabyapa's sons. The foolish to swallow the amrita before his head was cut demons were now more than even eager to get off. The head, however, became immortal, a few more words out of her, her voice was darted upwards, and became a great planet in so sweet, her smiles so charming, and her the heavens. The gods drank all the amrita, looks so enchanting. They earnestly besought and felt very proud of the victory they had so her to settle the quarrel by giving her foully obtained over their cousins, the demons, opinion, promising at the same time to abide who bravely fought for their rights, but were by her advice, for they were sure of her soon reduced to submit to the circumstances. superior wisdom. "Well then," said Mohini, But Rahu, or rather his head, still stands as a for such was her name, "give me the vessel champion of the demons, fighting the gods with containing amrita and I will do with it as I all his might. He takes revenge on his old deem proper. But you must take care not enemies the Sun and Moon, trying to swallow to interfere with me in whatever I may do, them whenever he comes near enough to get a though the act may for a time seem to be bite at them. When the Sun and Moon are very unjust." They agreed to this proposal either partly or completely hidden in Rahu's and entrusted her with the precious drink, for mouth, they are said to be eclipsed. There is which they had worked so hard, and even no danger of their being digested by Rahu quarrelled with their own kith and kin ! Alas since he has no stomach, but this fact renders for the poor demons, foolish though they were, his jaws all the more dangerous. For his teeth, they still deserve the sympathy of all true and being indestructible might at any time grind the just hearts, for they were brave and truth- two ruling lights under them, if they were not loving men! interfered with in their fearful proceedings by Mohini, now proceeded to execute her task. the powerful weapons shot from all over She made the gods and demons sit in separate India! rows, and began deliberately to serve out the But the Hindus do not always put their trust Amrita. How surprised and indignant the in their arms, they also believe in a peaceful demons were at Môhini's conduct, when she policy. They try to please Rahu, by giving began to give the amrita to the gods abundantly alms to the otherwise despised and shunned and pass quietly by the demons without even Bhanght on these occasions. Rahu, as everylooking at them, can better be imagined than one knows, is of the Chandala caste, and is described ! But the demons kept their pro- no doubt much pleased to see his Bhanghi mise like brave and honourable men, remember- brethren occasionally honoured by the proud ing that they were in honour bound, and did high-caste Hindu !


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