NOVEMBER, 1887.)
He then paid a visit to the embassador to Muhkam Chand was despatched in command of apologise for what had taken place; but the the troops to Ambala, the population of which, latter desired the Akalis to be punished, which unable to offer resistance, surrendered the place, the Maharaja promised to do. After this the when Ranjit Singh appointed an unknown but ambassador remained at Amritsar, whilst very loyal man, Ganda Singh by name, to be Ranjit Singh marched to the banks of the Governor. The Dêwâli festival being near Satluj, with the intention first of bringing all Ranjit Singh determined to pay a visit to the the chiefs of that region under his sway, and river Jamnâ for his purificatory ablutions, and then of fixing the boundary between his own on the way there levied tribute on every chief, and the British dominions in concert with the bat gave away again a portion of it as alms near ambassador. He hastened to cross the Satluj, the river. On his return to Lahor he ordered and a few days afterwards invited also the Eng. the reconstruction of the fort-wall and had also lish envoy to come; after which he sent Karam a fosse excavated around it. After inaugurating Singh Châhil, a brave.commander with troops these works he departed to Amritsar, where he to Faridkot, the commander of which was laid the foundation of a citadel, which he surBoon constrained to surrender the keys of the named Gobindgadh. On that occasion, howfort. The same thing took place afterwards ever, a courier arrived from Ghamrålå with the at Firozpur, whereon all the chiefs of those information that the English had treacherously regions and among them Bhoj Singh, Jaswant alienated from the Mahârâjâ all the chiefs on Singh, and Lal Singh, hastened to wait apon the other side of the Satloj, who had now cast the Mahârâja and to pay him allegiance. Lastly off their allegiance to him and become British he appointed Diwan Chand to be governor subjects. Moreover an innumerable English army of those districts. After having thus regulated commanded by Sir David Ochterlony had the administration, Ranjit Singh hastened to arrived from Dehli, and encamped at Lôdiana. pay a visit to the Nawab of Maler KOTIA, The Maharaja being greatly perplexed, conwho, having already paid tribute and being sulted his amirs, and made preparations for impoverished thereby, had begged to be al- resistance. Meanwhile the ambassador Mr. lowed a respite of a few months, when he pro- Metcalfe arrived with a friendly letter to inmised to satisfy all demands. Ranjit Singh form Ranjit Singh, that all the Chiefs, Rajas would not, however, accept any excuses, but and Mahârâjâs of the region of Sarhand and sent out his own tax-gatherers in every direc- the country round about had unanimously placed tion, and kept the Nawab besieged for some time themselves under the jurisdiction of the British in his own fort, till the Mahârâja of Patiala Government, which being desirous to remain took pity upon him, paid the required sum of on friendly terms requested him in future money, and thus liberated him from durance to consider the river Satluj as the frontier vile, The demands of Ranjit Singh having between his and the British dominions. After the thus been satisfied, he marched to Bhatinda ambassador had delivered this message, Ranjit which being a dependency of Patiâlâ, the Singh convoked his counsellors in darbár. Mahârâjâ of that district was frightened, and They were unwilling to cultivate the friendimmediately despatched to Ranjit Singh the ship of the English, but he was of the contrary money he intended to extort. The sovereign opinion, and informed the ambassador to this of the Pañjab now marched to Jind, the chief effect. He therefore agreed to withdraw his of which place immediately sent an enormous troops from the Trans-Satlnj districts of Kôtla, natarána, whereon Ranjit Singh went to Ambala, Narayangadh, Faridkot, Kaithal, NADLA, but after levying tribute, he was unable Pațiâlâ, Nabha and Jind, all of which were to to tarry there, as news had arrived that the be restored to their former owners. The treaty governor of Ambala had suddenly expired with having been signed by the representatives of oat leaving any progeny. He therefore marched the two Governments, the evacuation of the immediately to that town with the English said districts was forth with begun. ambassador who was kind enough to accompany After the Mahârâjâ had returned from Am. him ; both halted however, and remained safely sitsar to Lahôr, an envoy from Sansar Chand in the fort of Ghamrala, while the Diwan called upon him to inform him that the Nepalis,