NOVEMBER, 1887.]
fort that most of the inhabitants fled, and the wonderfully effective cannon that was in his remainder were killed by the Sikhs, who possession, as well as of a necklace consisting succeeded at last in taking it. The defeated of one hundred precious stones of enormous chief Quțbu'ddin craved for pardon, offered value, Ranjit Singh at once marched with his gifts, promised tribute and was again received army. But he had scarcely crossed the river into favour by Ranjit Singh, who then went Biyâs, when the Maharaja of Patiala sent him straight to Multan, and after encamping in the the news that he had himself settled all his vicinity of the town, sent a message to the difficulties, and achieved peace, by installing Nawab, reproaching him for having failed to Karam Singh as his heir apparent, and reconpay tribute and for casting off allegiance to the ciling his discontented Maharani by bestowing Sikh government, with a threat of annihila- upon her a jágir near Thânêsar. Ranjit Singh tion in case of his failing to repent of his nevertheless continued his march and when he errors. The Nawab replied that he was the had arrived near Patiala, the Mahârâjâ met him humble servant of the Mahârâjâ, but was too at a distance of two or three miles, and presented poor, and that therefore the latter .ought to him with a nazarána of money and jewellery, relax his heavy demanda, and to be contented holding back the gift of the cannon and the with the tribute to be paid at the end of very necklace he had promised, but he was comyear. Ranjit Singh, who was not satisfied with pelled afterwards to surrender them when this excuse, made preparations for laying siege Ranjit Singh threatened him with his wrath. to the place, whereon all the inhabitants, who The latter, however, ultimately again presented could do so, left it, and the Nawab retired to the heir-apparent, Karam Singh, with the precious the fort; but on being closely pressed he at last necklace, and then departed to Malêr Kota, satisfied all the demands of Ranjit Singh, who on arriving near which he sent a message to thereon departed to Bahawalpûr, the chief of the chief of the place, requiring him to pay which district, Nawab 'Azizu'ddin Bahawal homage, and in case of refusal to be prepared Khan waited apon Ranjit Singh as soon as he for the consequences, whereon he humbly obeyed had crossed the Satluj, but sent him first rich the summons, paying all the money he was able presents. His apology was accepted, and he was to afford. Ranjit Singh, now pleased with his confirmed in his position, but mulcted in a large prompt submission, confirmed him in his posieum of money. Then the Mahârâjâ returned tion, settled the amount of the annual tribute, to Lähôr, and rested several months. His and departed to Narayangadh the young expedition to Kasûr had however resulted in chief of which, Kishọ Singh, had been reprethe abandonment of the town by the population, sented to be disloyal and perpetually engaged and other localities were also deserted; he in carousals. Ho was therefore deprived of his therefore attempted to collect the inhabitants district and plundered of everything he poswho had dispersed, and by bestowing some sessed, not, however, without a sanguinary favours upon them to induce them to settle conflict. For after devastating the surrounding again in their deserted homes.
country, Ranjit Singh was under the necessity 22. Although most of the chiefs of the of taking the fort of Narayangadh itself, and Pañjâb had paid homage to Ranjit Singh, some this brought on an engagement in which all were still recalcitrant, and he was determined the Sikh forces, consisting of 300 infantry to reduce them. The Maharaja of Patiala was and 100 cavalry took part. The enemy, whose loyal himself, but was in danger of being forces amounted to double the above number, deprived of his authority because his spouse was defeated, but the Sirdar Fath Singh Åhlo. had taken a dislike to him and had induced walia, staunch adherent of Ranjit Singh, the nobles of his court to conspire with her to was slain. When the fort was entered, not depose him, and place his son Karam Singh, a living soul could be found in it; so all the who was yet a child, upon the masnad. This property was confiscated and a garrison left information having been conveyed to Ranjit there. Singh by an envoy of the Maharaja, who After this Ranjit Singh crossed the Satluj. requested him to come to his rescue and pro- bestowed the government of the Dakb upon mised to make him a present of a large and his faithful Diwan Muhkam Chand and