Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 369
________________ NOVEMBER, 1887.] MISCELLANEA. 348 the copper coinage of the last but one of the the beginning of the sixth century. But the Mosal Å't baqg, Badru'ddin Lala, of the year 656 earliest version has not been found; the earliest A.H. (=1258). Two words on the fifth line of the known being that of Simeon Metaphrastes, who, inscription on this coin are still obscure. Lane- in all probability, made considerable alterations Poole's Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British in the story. The Syrian version exists in two reMuseum is cited. Tysenhausen disagree with censions, of which the most ancient belongs to the those who see in the two words a further title sixth century. The Arabian versions are of two given to Manga Khan, and thinks that it is only kinds, Arabo-Christian and Arabo-Musalman. the expression of a pious wish for the increase of The Arabo-Christian version in AUDpored to belong his honours. A further note is added on the only to the eighth or ninth centuries. From this specimen known of a silver coin of the last Masal version comes the Ethiopic, belonging probably to Atabaq Isma'il, son of the abovenamed Badru'd. the fifteenth century. The Armenian version din Lala; coined at Môsal in 660 A.H., and now comes perhaps from some Greek text more ancient preserved in the Hermitage at St. Petersburg than the composition of Metaphrastes. The reviewer O. A Specimen of Persian Humour, by V. | winds up with the expression of a hope that som Zhukovski. It is a song, which the writer took of the Arabo-Christian manuscripts in the Vati. down when at Isfahan, but he regrets that he was can, which have not been properly examined, may not able to get another of the same sort. It is throw light upon early parts of Russian history. made the more comic by being in the metre of (5). Ein Buddhistischer Katechismus nach the Shahndma, and is a satire on Persian boast- dem kanon der kirche des südlichen Indiens fulness and swagger, thus - bearbeitet von Henry S. Olcott, Präsident der Theo"I am that warrior, whose dagger in the day sophischen Gesellschaft ! Leipzig, 1885. This Cateof battle makes a hole in transparent water!" chism was first published in 1881, and had a The writer adds that about 20 years ago, as he is remarkable success. In about three years 17,000 told, there was a little book of verses much circu- copies were circulated among the various schools lated in Persia, the authorship of which was and families of the Buddhists of Ceylon. In assigned to the well-known'Abbas Mirza, the son the year 1885 a Burmese edition of 15,000 copies of Fath Shah. The poet declares that he is going was prepared both in the native language and to sweep the Russians (Urds) from the face of the in English. The same year the Catechism was earth. The writer was not able to procure a published at Washington. In the following year, copy of this work, which seems to have fallen into 1836, an excellent edition appeared in French at neglect, partly no doubt in consequence of the Paris, and now it has been translated into disasters experienced by the Persians in their wars. German! (j). Reviews. (1). By V. Nalivkin and M (6). Hunter's Gazetteer.—The Imperial Gaset. Nalivkina :--Sketches of Female life among the teer of India, Vol. VI., 2nd Ed., London, 1886. inhabitants of Fargana. A valuable work for The reviewer praises the Essay on India, which is making us soquainted with the mode of life of complete and conscientiously written. But some women in Central Asia from the cradle to the reference should have been made to H. Limmer's grave. Altindisches Leben, Die Kultur der vedischen (2). Translations of the Orthodox (Greek) Mis Asien, and R. Roth's Die Todtenbestattung im sions of Eastern Siberia, published by the Com- Indischen Alterthum. We get many curious mittee of the Society at Irkutsk. Some of the details, e.g., of the great development of the articles are of general importance, e.g., Remarks drama in modern India, &c. The work is in. the Shamanism of the Buriats, Buddhist accurate in thinking the date of Påņini settled, Cosmogony,'' Religious Beliefs, Family Rites and and Burnell was wrong in the period he fixed Sacrificial Offering of the Shamanist Buriats of for the Laws of Manu. "The trifling deficiencies the northern region of Lake Baikal,' Lamaiem which we have found in the book of Mr. (Sir beyond Lake Baikal,' &c. W. W.) Hunter, do not detract from its import(3). La Réforme monétaire en Egypte. Le ance, and we part with it with an eager desire to Caire, 1886. Founded chiefly on the labours of meet it again soon in a Russian translation." Marsden, Bernard, Lane-Poole, Rogers, &o. (7). Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des (4). Ignasio Guidi. Testi Orientali inediti sopra Morgenlandes, Contains articles in the German, i sette dormisenti di Efeso (The Seven Sleepers of French, English, and Italian languages. The Ephesus). Roma, 1885. The Greek text of this | Reviewer wishes all success to the new understory, which is the earliest, was composed about taking. W. R. MORFILL. [Notioed in these pages, ante, p. 119.-ED.)


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