(NOVEMBER, 1887.
it was turned by the Russians again into a Chris- manuscripts, even of Nestorian origin, these intian church. Stary-krim possesses a great scriptions show ug in what way the Uighur quantity of Tatar monuments. Many of these system of writing was developed out of the Syrian have unfortunately been destroyed. One large alphabet, and especially the alphabet of the mosque remains, that of Usbag. There are also Nestorians of those localities. The Estrangelo in Stary-krim the ruins of another large building writing could never have developed itself of Tatar origin, called by the inhabitants "Khan- straight from the old Syrian alphabet. BATA1." The writer thinks the place was once & 9. Supplement to the Essay on the Oldest caravan-serai. There are also other ruins which Chinese Coins. Here the writer gives references are called among the people the "Jewish School," to several works on this subject some by Englishand are probably the remains of a Karaite syna men, such as Dickinson, Williams, &c. gogue. The present town of Stary-krim covers (g). A Notice of the Coins belonging to 8. Cha. ground full of antiquities. Recently in laying khotin, previously spoken of, by Tysenhausen. down water-pipes they came upon the ruins of a Some of these are common and of but little importbath with stoves, &c. The writer regrets that ance; two, however, demand our attension. Of the antiquities of the place are not better presery one of these this is the first specimen known, and ed. About five versts from the town is an old the other although two specimens have been found, Armonian monastery, built in the year 1838. stands in need of further explanation. UnfortuThere is a curious picture in it of late execution, nately both coins are in a bad state of preservain which knives and forks are introduced in the tion, so that it is difficult to assign them to any "Last Supper"!! The monastery is called that known class. On one of them occurs the name of the Holy Cross. On the road from Stary-krim Addu'ddaula Sanjar, which shows that the to Karasu Bazar are some old Armenian money was coined between 530-555 of the hijra churches. That at Ortalan is especially remark- Under this name the Saljuq Sultan Sanjar, able. At Bakche-Iliu is the house of the Murzas son of Malik Shah, is known, who ruled from named Shirinski. This exhibits a specimen of 511 to 552. The second coin belonging to the ancient Tatar domestio architecture, which 639th year of the hijra has been twice published, unfortunately is doomed by the proprietor to but the inscription incorrectly read destruction. The writer also gives an account of (h). A Notice of some other Coins sent by 8. the excavation of some graves. The article is Chakhotin, by Tysenhausen. Among the ten eastern accompanied by three photographs, vis.:-(1) The coins newly sent the first place belongs to the inscription on the mosque of Usbaq Khan at unique copper coin, unfortunately badly preserved, Starykrim. (2) Another view (the left side) of belonging to the Byaxntine-Arabian coinage of the same. (3) the Tatár house at Bakche-Tliu. the first century of the Musalman era, that is to
(6). Additions and corrections to the Essay on say, the seventh according to our reckoning. (2). tho Nestorian Inscriptions in Semirechia(vide supra An 'Umagad dindr of the Khalifa 'Abdu'lp. 276.) by Dr. Chwolson. In this article the writer Malik, in the eightieth year of the hijra ( 699. corrects some of his previous interpretations of the 700 A.D.).(3). Dirham of the year 193 (= 808-809), stones by the help of 180 new photographs. With struck at Madinat-as-Salyam. A coin of the the addition of the newly-received copies of the 'Abb&st Khalifa Haran-ar-Rashfd. (4 and 5). inscriptions, the number of them mounts up to Two little silver coins, very much rubbed, appa209 inscriptions, as the writer says, from rently Saljuq; at all events on one of them is read places where no such discovery could ever have the name of the Saljuq Amir Kaiqubad, son of been looked for, and belonging to a people, from Kaikhusrav. (6). A silver coin with a bilingual whom up to the present time, no written memorial inscription of the Armenian Tsar Khetum I. with whatsoever had been handed down. The inscrip- a representation on one side of the Tsar on tions range from 1226 to 1373 in date. The horseback, with a sceptre in his right hand, and Nestorian-Christian settlement, as it appears, an Armenian inscription; on the reverse an suffered very much during the two years in which Arabic inscription on the sides "Coined at Bisn, the plague raged, 1338 and 1339, for no less than in the year 649 (?)" (= 1244-5). A coin of the 37 inscriptions refer to these years. In a linguis. Ortaqis, Qutbu'ddin al-Ghazi, with a representic point of view these inscriptions exhibit tation of the busta of two figures, coined in the much that is curious, and furnish valuable year 577 (=1181-2). (8). A copper coin of the material for Byriac lexicography. In a palæo. Ortaqis, Nasiruddin Ortaq Arslan, year 620 graphical point of view the inscriptions have (= 1223-4). (9). A copper coin of the Ortaqis, great importance. Independently of our finding the same ruler coined, it appears, in the year forme among them which are not met with in Syriac 611 (=1214-5). (10). A beautiful specimen of