Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 395
________________ Dhangadêva, king (Chandella); his Nanyaura grant of Vikrama-Samvat 1055; edited...202 Dhara, a town in Central India; notes on its history......... 253 Dharasêna IV. (of Valabhi); remarks on the date of his Kaira grant of the year 330...142ff Dhiniki grant of Jâikadêva of Vikrama-Sam-vat, 794;-calculation of the date, 197f;it must be a spurious inscription............ ... 198 Diamond fields, region of the..... 4 diamond Fields of South Africa.............. 75, 77 li (see ba di), an abbreviation of dina, diné, divasa, or divasé; instances of its use without ba or va, or éu, 145;-of its use with éu, 153, 203, 208, 254, 351;-of, its use with va, 147, 175 113 ********** dina, a 'solar day'. Disarming Act of 1857, a Kanarese Ballad on the subject of the ...............................................356ff disguises in folktales.. ...324, 325 distance, measures of, in the time of Buddha 50 divasa, a solar day'. 113 Diwan-i-At'imeh, a notice of the .............. 198 doggrel verses in mixed Sanskrit and Bihari, 4 ***********. INDEX. 200, 256 52 28 362 ************ *************** domestic life in the time of Buddha Dôms, language of the Magahiya doni, probable Indian origin of.... .......................................***** Dravida, Dravida, a maritime country in the Dakhan........ 4, 5 ************** ************ Dravidian Literature, Early, the importance of........................ .....158ff drawing and painting in the time of Buddha....... dress in the time of Buddha..................... Drôṇilaka, a Brahman's name..................... Duddhigrama, ancient name of the modern .. *********.. ****************** Dudhgamv, q.v. Dudhgâmw, a village near Kôlâpur; ita ancient name was Duddhigrama...... dung of birds, healing properties of the, in folktales........ ......................................325, 326 Durvahara, name of a place ....201, 204 Durvesh 'Ali Khan Hazara, Governor of Hirst................................................... 266 Dvaraka, references to............. 85, 86, 87 dvikarako nirdésaḥ, a grammatical device 249 *************** ... 54 52 99 20 20 eclipses, lunar. .......................20, 74, 201 solar......43, 45, 74, 109, 197 5 ***************** education in the Dakhan in the time of Buddha 54f Eedzeitha, see Adzeitta egg-heroine-variant of the........ 198 Egypt and Greece, ancient relations between. 76 Ekalinga, near Udaipur, a reference to 345n., 355 ékaséshaniraséa, a grammatical device.........248f ékayogaḥ karishyaté, a grammatical device 247 éké, a term in the Mahabhashya for grammarians anterior to Kutyayana elephant or ox-goad emblem on the seal of a grant... 16 207 Ella, a Brahman's name Elliot, Sir Walter, obituary notice of the late. 160 emblems engraved on an inscribed plate, instead of on a seal attached to it......207, 252 English Dates, a method of working out, for Hindu tithis Enrichez, Francisco, his visit to Akbar Epigraphist to the Government of India, the post of 165 Eran inscription of Budhagupta of the year 165; calculation of the date...116ff, 151ff eras, dates recorded in various : " " 367 ,, Gangêya.... 133f 22 ,, Gupta-Valabhi 142, 147, 151, 152 Hijra...... .................................................................... 147 Saka ........20, 43, 46, 74, 109 Sinha 147 ,, uncertain.......................................... 99 Valabhi 147, 152 Vikrama, northern or southern (to be ************** settled) .................................... .....201, 202 ,, Vikrama, southern. ..147, 197, 2531, 355 Ethiopia, notice of Cecchi's travels in......282, 283 expired and current years, a note on............ 43f 39 ************ 103 ************* 121f 135 ************** Faizullah Khan Rohêla joins Aḥmad Shah... 271 fan, miraculous, in folktales. 324 Farzand Khani Shuja'au'ddaula ............. 271 Fatehpur-Haswa District, an inscription *********** .173# Fath Singh Ahluwalia joins Ranjit Singh, 308; his death.............. from the Faulad Khan Tatar, coins of.... 335 277 282 Fayam MSS., paper of the ... fire, a sacrifice to, when making a grant, 206, 209, 253 flowers, presentation of at Hindu temples 13 Folktales, in Kasmir, 66ff, 185ff, 219ff, 221ff; in Southern India, 31ff, 107ff, 139, 194ff, 214ff, 229ff, 258ff, 293ff; in Salsette, 327ff; in Western India, 28ff, 188ff, 210ff, 322ff; of the Yakuts, 278; of the Spaniards, its Oriental character fools in folktales, 294ff, 296ff; pretended, in folktales ****************** 231 59 ***********... forests of the Dakhan, 2-the forest of redsanders............. fortnight, a lunar, of thirteen solar days, 81ff-actual instances, 81, 84, 150n;-a reference to such a fortnight in the Mahabharata, 82f;-such a fortnight is an illomened period ............ 831 3


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