Janjerò, account of the......
..... 283 Kamrêj, a village in Gujarat; perhaps one of Jantaka, a name of the patron of Nagarjuna, its ancient names was Karmantapura ...... 100
9.0. ...... ....................................... 170 Kamul held by Chagatai ......................... 122 Jagavara, a Brahman's name ..................... 207 Kanarese Ballads; the Beas of Halagali; Jasrðta, subdued by Ranjit Singh ............... 336 edited ........................... ................. 356ff Jata, a Brahman's name ......................... 209 Kanauj; notes on its history, 178;---it also Ját origin of the Gipsies.........................36, 37 had the name of Mahodaya ..................... 178 Jåts of India, the ..................................... 166 Kanchipura, the ancient capital of Dravida, Jatts = Gipsies...................................257, 258 9. v. ............................ Jayavarmadêva, king (Paramara) ............... 253 Kanghi chain, the, Ogotai's boundary, 123; Jetaka, the name, as a child, of the patron of Tului's boundary ............. ............... 123 Nagarjuna, q. o.
170 Kangpå passes into the hands of Ranjit Jijeghan, a daughter of Chinghiz Khan ...... 97 Singh ...........
..............337, 338 Jissu, a chief wife of Ohinghiz Khan............ 97 kangre of Kasmir ........... ............. 61 Jissaken, see Jissu.
Kanhayya LAI, his works ..................... 305 jildpaka, jñápayaty dchdryah, a grammatical Kargårv, capital of As&m in Aurangzeb's device .........
................... 244 time ................................................ 223 Juchi, son of Chinghiz Khan, 97; his Khanate 122 Karimdad Khan Bamizki at Panipat ............ 273 Jupiter, samvatsaras of the Sixty-Year Karmäntapura, perhaps ancient name of Cycle of, mentioned in records :
Kamrêj, q., ................
................ 100 Kródhana.......................................... 43 Karnata country, a reference to the ......346, 352 Kahaya................................................
Kasapura, an ancient territorial division ...... 99 Sarvajit ........................................
Kiçiká, = Benares .............................. 201, 204 Saumya......... .......................
Kafikd-Vritti, grammatical devices used in Vijaya ..........
the .................... ........................... 2441f Jurjeai, see Jurjetai ..............................
Kasmir taken by Ranjit Singh ................... 389 Jurjin, see Jurjetai ...............................
Kasmirf language, its allies. ................. 165 Jurjetai, a son of Chinghiz Khân ............... Kasdr, attacks on, by Ranjit Singh, 308, 309; Jwalamukhi visited by Ranjit Singh............ 340 335; Ranjit Singh's dealings with, 309;
Ranjit Singh's abortive attack on ........... 309
Kathahau (P), a village in the Rajapura Kacchi taken by Ranjit Singh ........
avastha ............................................ 201, 206 Kairu grant of Dharasêna IV. (of Valabhi) of Kathiawad ; inscriptions from; noticed, 145, the year 330; remarks on the date...........142ff
152, 197 Kalabhôja, a Guhila prince .................. 346, 352
Kauthêm, village in the Miraj State; grant Kalachuris, references to the ................... 17, 18 of Vikramiditya V. of Saka-Samvat 980, Kalachuris of Chêdi; an intermarriage with edited, 15ff;--a calculation of the date ... 201 the Guhilas ............
........... 3461
Kavihaskdhi, an intermediate form of the Kalanjara ........................ 201, 202, 204, 206, 209 name of Kösåd, 9. v. ......... ............ 101 Kdlañar-ddhipati; a title of the Chandella Kavithasadhi, ancient name of Kosád, q. 1.... 100
kings Dhangadêva, Dévavarmadêva, and Kavyamala, notice of the............................ 48 Madanavarmadêva ..................... 204, 206, 209 Kåwali = Gipsy .................. ............. 257 Kalas-Budrůkh, a village in the Ahmadnagar Kayalik, a capital of Ogotai.............. ...... 123
District; a grant of Bhillama III. (Yadava) keéchid dhuh, see apara dha ........... of Saka-Samvat 948; noticed, 43ff;---a cal- kendra, an astronomical term; explained...... 115 culation of the date
........... 44ff Kêsari Singh of Jaipur, defeated by Ahmad Kali, legend of ........... ............. 261- Shah .............
.................. 265 Kalinga, a maritime country in the Dakhan, Kettata, a village in the Dâvanna pañchalt, 3, 4, 5, 49 9 , v. ..............
............... 132 Kaliyaga ; epigraphical instances of its use Khándah District, an inscription from the, are rare .............. ............... 141n edited ...........
........... 98 Kaliyuga, folk-origin of the ........................ Khan Khanan, see Mir Jumla ...................223ff Kalmuck, a Dictionary of...........
.......... 278
Kharak Singh, son of Ranjit Singh, his birth, Kamanauda, an ancient village...............202, 209 308; his marriage ............................ 339 Kaman@ya, Kammanijja, Karman@ya, ancient Kharwasa, a village in the Surat District; its
names of Kamrój, q. 1. ......................... 100 ancient name was Khaurachhaka ............ 100 Kamavaturai, see Caumavatoura ............... 6 Khata=China-Burma .......
. 1041