........ 310
Arbuda, ancient name of Mount Aba...346,854,355 | Bengal Presidency, an inscription from the ... 63A architecture, domestic and religious, in the Bengal Asiatic Society; the grant of Dhan. time of Buddha ................................... 51
gadê va, of (Vikrama)-Samvat 1055, edited; architecture of the Himalayas and that of 202ff. ;-the grant of Dévavarmadêva, of
Europe, connection between .................... 11 (Vikrama).Samvat 1107, edited; 204ff.;Arisimha, a Guhila prince......................346, 353 the grant of Madanavarmadáva, of arithmetic, ancient Hindu ........................ 163 (Vikrama)-Sat vat 1190; edited ........... 2074 Arjunadôva (Chaulukya); calculation of the Bengali Printed Books, notice of a Catalogue date of his Verawal inscription of Valabhf.
...................... 297, 3128 Samvat 945 ...........................................147 Bengalis; their unpopularity in Bihar ......... 226 Armenian language in Hungary, the ......... 282 Bhadrapali, perhaps the ancient name of arts, the higher, in the Dakhan in the time of Bardöl, q.....................................
***................ 100 Buddha, 54;-decorative, 54;-mechanical. 54 Bhailasvamin, an ancient name of Bholsa, Asim, its geography in Aurangzeb's time,
.................. 202, 209 223, 224; its products, 224; its people, 224, 225 Bhâmaha, & proper name, in the form of Asia, origin of the name ......
Bhammaha, q................ .***** ***** Asiatic Society of Bengal, inscriptions in Bhammaba (BhAmaha), a Rashtrakața king.. 19 the............ ............... 202ff, 204ff, 2078f
Bhånddp grant of Chhittaraja (SilAhára) of Asnt, a village in the Fatehpur-Haswa Dis- Saka-Samvat 948; a calculation of the
trict; the inscription of Mahipala of (Vik. date ................................................... 45
rams).Samvat 974; edited ......................173ff Bhangis, the, their rebellion against Ranjit Asoka, M. Senart on Sanskrit in the days of.. 315 Singh ............. aspect of teacher and pupil in the Eust......... 293 Bharad vajtyas, a school of grammarians...... 105 Assaka, a kingdom and city in the Dakhan...4, 49 Bhartfibhaga, a Gubila prince...............346, 352 Astfka, modern version of the legend of ......291ff Bharukachchha (Broach), a city in the Dak. astronomers in India, the three schools of ... 113n han ......................
6 astronomical terms, Hindu, explanation of ...1134 Bhêle, a village in Soindia's Dominions, afuddha, used for the dark fortnight...... 46 and a mentioned under the name of Bhailasva. abukla, used for the dark fortnight .......... 174 min
......... 202, 203 Atak taken by Ranjit Singh ...................... 340 Bhendawaden, a village near Kolapur; its 'Atê Khán Qandahari at Panipat, death of... 298 ancient name was Bhendevada .............. 20 'Ata Muhammad Khan at Panipat.............. 273Bhendevada, ancient name of the modern Atharva Veda, the Vasudeva and Gopichan
Bhendawaddin, q.v................................... 20 dana Upanishads of the ........................ 84ff Bhillama IIL. (Yådavas of Saunadošu); his Avanti (Ujjain), an early mention of............ 3, 4 Kalas-Budrakh grant of Saka-Sathvat 948; avastha, a territorial term ......................201, 206 noticed............
*****........ 434 avibhaktik8 wirddkah, a grammatical device... 249 Bhils&, see Bhêlgê ............
. ... 202 ayanambas, an astronomical term, explained.. 114 Bhimbar taken by Ranjft Singh ................. 338
bhogya-tithi, 'the portion still to run of a
tithi' ..................................................... 118 ba di, or va di, and bu di, are abbreviations, Bhôja, a Gohila prince .........................346, 352
not words 147 n; see va di ............. 147, 175 Bhöjadêra of Dhêra; notes on his family ... 253 Bagni, a village near Kolapur; its ancient Bhopal grant of the Mahdkumdra Udayavar.
name was Vangi........... ................ 20 man, of Vikrama-Samvat 1256; edited...... 252ff Bahawalpur, Ranjit Singh and the Nawab of. 335 bhakta-tithi, "the elapsed portion of a BakshAli MS., a notice of the ................... 163
***................ 118 Ballads, Kanarege; the Bidas of Halagali; Bhuvanadêvt, wife of Vijayapaladêva, q.o. 201, 206
edited ....................................................356ff Bidart Ware ...................... ............... 75 Båndá District, an inscription from the ...... 207 Bihar, the unpopularity of the Bengalis in, Bappa, Bappaka, a Guhila prince ...846, 351, 352 226f;-the opinion of Anga or Western Bardoli, a village in Gujarat; perhaps its
Bengal ......................... ....................... 227 ancient name was Bhadrapall.................. 100 Bihart language, connection with Gipsy, 38, 39, 40 bargains of animals in folktales ................. 318 Bihári and Sanskrit, verses in a mixture barter in the time of Buddha .................... 60 of...................................................200, 256 Badas of Halagali; a Kanarese Ballad ; Bilhans, author of the Panchakika................. 282 edited ...............
.............. 356ff Birdibaq, coins of ..................................... 277 Bêdas of Maisar, a criminal tribe ............... 159 Bishbaligh held by Chagatai ..................... 122