(NOVEMBER, 1887.
whom he had already on a former occasion of conquering all the localities belonging to expelled from the country of the just-mentioned sahib Singh, whom he first pursued to the chief, had again invaded it and were besieging fort of Islâmgadh, but he escaped thence, and him in the fort of Kangra, which he however afterwards also from JallAlpar. Lastly Ranjit now promised to cede to Ranjit Singh, if heSingh besieged and took the Kachhi, from would deliver him from his foes. Pleased with which region he despatched a brave officer, the offer, the Maharaja immediately departed 'Atar Singh, to conquer the fort of Sahiwal and towards the mountains, and forthwith demanded the town of Khushåb. the fulfilment of it, but Sunsár Chand demurred, Whilst engaged in these conquests, Ranjit alleging that he was afraid to abandon the fort Singh received the intelligence that the unfor. whilst surrounded by the invaders. At last, how- nate Shah Zaman, sovereign of Afghanistan, ever, he admitted Ranjit Singh, who then set having been deprived of his kingdom and about expelling them, and after they had been afterwards even of his eye-sight," had sought defeated they agreed never again to croes refuge in the dominions of the Maharajá, and the boundary. After this victory the Râjâs was now at Rawal Piņdi; moreover, that of Mandi and Kulld likewise paid homage Shah Shuja's had also been dethroned, become to Ranjft Singh, acknowledging him as the a fagitive, and likewise pleaded for hospitality. sovereign of the mountains. He bestowed On the receipt of this news Ranjit Singh apon Sansar Chand the town of Nadaun in the hastened to RÂwal Piņdi, but when he pitched Kangra District, and then departed to the his camp near Hasan Abdál, Sbkh Shuja's met gasba of Hariânå in the Jalandhar Deab, the him in that locality. After receiving him in chief of which however refused to make his & friendly manner he assigned him Talambá appearance, and was accordingly deprived of his for his place of residence, where he would be wealth. Then the Maharajâ proceeded to Amrit- furnished with everything he required by the sar, where he spent a couple of months near the governor of the district, and might make his temple of Råmdás, and lastly went to LÅbôr. sojourn pleasant in every way.
24. Ranjit Singh at this period introduced Now Ranjit Singh despatched Faqir Asisthe English drill into his army, but no men- u'ddin with troops to Bhimbar to punish tion is as yet made in this book of his French Sulţin Jan the Governor, who at once submitted, officers. He also appointed his Diwan Muhkam but was nevertheless deprived of his wealth Chand to be governor of the whole country be- and thrown into prison, whereat the Mahatween the Satluj and the Biyas, and despatched râjâ was highly pleased; but mercifully his other Diwan, Bhawani Das, who was at restored Sultan Jân to his former position, and his court, with abundant troops to conquer the then marched to Gang, a stronghold in the mountain region of Jammun, which exploit the mountains, the garrison of which he comsaid Diwan accomplished in one month. Then pelled to surrender, by taking possession of the Maharaja intended in person to join the the only source from which it could obtain troops, but he had scarcely crossed the Ravi and water. Then the Maharaja despatched Faqir plunged into the desert, when he was over- Azizu'ddin to Palal with instructions to taken by & courier with the news that Jodha annihilate Bagh Singh its chief if recalciSingh, the rebellious chief of Wazirabad trant, and then to reduce to obedience all ceased to live, and that having been a foe to the rebels of the district of Wazirâbâd by the Mahârâjâ, the wealth of the deceased plundering them; and lastly to march to chief onght forth with to be confiscated. He Labor. After seeing these orders properly accordingly at once marched to the said town, carried out, Ranjit Singh hastened to pay * subjugated it, and then departed with the visit to Shah Zaman, who, hearing of his same intention to Gujrat, which he subdued approach, went to meet him, and was cordially with the same facility, and conceived the idea received. Then Ranjit Singh went to Lahor
** By his own brother Shah Mahmod, who acceeded Talamba is on the left bank of the RAVI, 30 miles him on the throne and kept him oonfined in the BALA in a straight line from its confluence with the Indus, Hight of Kabul, but still feared him, and took this and nearly 60 miles N. E. of Multin, dependency horrible means of ensuring his own wafety.-Tarkk of which it was at the time. Sukdul, P. IV