[OCTOBER, 1887.
in the colophon, it has Mrityulângula. There sarvêbhyah pâtakebhya apapatak@bhyascha is therefore a decided preponderance of evidence sadyo vimuktô bhavati | Sakrijjaptêna manin favour of the name which Dr. Burnell trêņânêna Gâyatryashțasahasråņam phalani adopted, and which also heads this paper. bhavanti | ashtan Brâhmaņân gråhayitva BrahThe following is the text
marudralokam avâpnôti | Yah kaschin na Om mrityulâ ngalam vyakhyasyâmah idadâti sa chitri kushthi kunakhi và bhavati asya mrityutângalamantrasyânushtup chhandah yah kaśchid diyamânam na pratigrihộâti sô Kalagnirudrô dêvatâ Vasishtha rishir Yamo 'ndhô badhirð mûkê và bhavati 11 Msityåv dôvata i mrityupasthånds viniyôgah | Athâtô upasthite shanmasâd arvaņmantrô 'yam naśyati yôga jibvå madhumati vâjiny aham êvabam anê na mrityalángalâkhyasya mahamantrasya kalam purusham urdhvalingam virů pâksham kritajápyêna bhagavân Dharmarad Yama viśvarûpâya vai namo namah | varavsishabhaya priyatâm | Om fitam nashtam yadAkálê sphêna kapilarūpâya namo namah | Ritam shaņmasêna marishyati satyam tu pañchamê satyam param Brahma purusha krishnapin. mâsi param Brahma chaturthake | purusham galam |ûrdhvalingam virů påksham viśvarûpåya cha tsitîyê vai dvitiyê krishnapingalam namo namah | Om krâm krim svahî | Ya Ardhvalingam tu måsêna virupaksham tadaimam mrityulangalam trisandhyam kirttayatirddhake vigvarapam tritiyo 'hni sadyas sa brahmabatyam vyspôhati suvarmastêyi as-chaiva namo naman sadyas chaiva namo têyi bhavati gurudåragâmî agami bhavati' nama iti 11
BY R. D. M. It is a custom among all classes of Hindus how they should be able to gain the victory to bathe, pray, and give alms when either the over their enemies. The four-headed Brahma Sun or the Moon is eclipsed. These acts are wisely advised them to consult Vishnu on done in order to rescue the Sun or the Moon, this all-important matter, for he was the most when either of them is attacked by his mortal faithful and the wisest friend of gods. Accordenemy Rahu, who, it is believed, tries to ingly they called at Vaikuntha, the beautiful swallow up both his rivals whenever he meets mansion of Vishạn, and besought him to gracithem, taking revenge for old wrongs. The ously assist them in their efforts. He promised devout Hindus try to repel the dangerous to do so, advising them at the same time to foe of the ruling lights by virtue of their secure the alliance of the demons; "For," meritorious acts, which are believed to become said he, "you will have to churn the ocean. powerful weapons of defence to assist the Sun to obtain the drink by which you will get your and Moon. How and when the enmity was immortality. But it is not possible for you established between these personifications is alone to churn the ocean. The demons must explained in the Mahabharata and the Puranas. do it along with you, for they have much The legend is as follows
physical strength in them." The gods and demons, being mortal enemies, Thereupon Indra, king of gods, negotiated were ever engaged in fighting each other, and with the demon-king Bali, who agreed to give the loss was very great on both sides; more his assistance on condition that the immorso on the side of gods, for the gods were talizing drink obtained by churning the ocean by no means superior in strength to the should be equally divided between gods and demons, and since they were all mortals, they demons. Indra good-naturedly agreed to this, were being gradually reduced to insignificant as he was advised by Vishnu, but he knew factors, and were in danger of losing their full well how the demons should have in the position altogether. So the gods held a council end their labour as their only reward. on the summit of Mount Meru, to consider Preparations were now made by the united
So all the MSS. although the divata has already . Instead of this compound, two M98. road kritina. been named.
. So all the MSS.; but the nominative is required. So M98.; but no doubt mrityupasthand is meant.