[OCTOBER, 1887.
pitched his camp near the town of Vatâla, abandoned the siege of Akalgadh, and devasRani Sada Kanwar, joined her troops to his tating the district, marched to the fort of own for the purpose of conquering Lahôr, Gajrât, in which he had compelled Şahib Singh and aided him also with treasure. When to take refuge. The latter being closely pressed, Ranjit Singh arrived in Lähôr, he alighted in at last sent out his own namesake, sahib the Waziri Bagh, on which the gates of the Singh Bodi, a descendant of Nanak, to plead town were at once closed and preparations for for peace, and the Mahârâjâ, yielding to his resistance made by the three governors, but entreaties, not only abandoned the siege of the inhabitants having admitted Ranjit Singh Gujrât, but gave up also the intention of taking the three tyrants fled, leaving all their wealth Akálgadh and marched back to Lâhôr. Acto the Mahârâjâ, who thus inaugurated his cording to our author all this was effected by reign in St. 1856 [A.D. 1799]. When the the gentle suasion of the chief of the Bedi rumour spread that Ranjit Singh had assumed tribe and descendant of Nanak, şahib Singh, the government of the Paõjab, three of the but the truth seems to be that the Mahârája Sikh tribes, namely the Bhang is, the RÂm was not yet strong enough to overcome the gadhiâs, and the N&ikâs, who bore him ill-will, resistance offered by the forts, although able united to oppose him. As his antagonists enough to devastate the country round, and were marching towards Lahor, the MaharajÀ making a virtue of necessity, returned to hastened to meet them, previously securing the Lahor, where he was informed that his prifort with its artillery and treasure, but they fled Boner Dal Singh had died. The Maharaja in dismay after their commander Gul&b Singh made the best use of this event by forth with Bhangt had expired in & fit of intoxication proceeding to Akalgadh and sending into the at a distance of a few marches from Lahôr. fort a very friendly message to the widow of In St. 1857 [A.D. 1800], a son was born the Sardar, to invite her to surrender, to which to the Maharaja, whom he named Kharak proposal she agreed on condition that he should Singh, celebrating the happy event with great not exact any treasure from her. He consented, rejoicings.
but as soon as he had taken possession of the 14. Sahib Singh Bhangt, the governor of town, he plundered it, and confiscated all the Gujrât, having revolted and committed depre- guns, ammunition and treasure he found in the dations with the forces he had gathered, Ranjit fort. He made, however, arrangements for the Singh marched there and besieged him, when support of the two little song the deceased he surrendered and was mulcted in a large sum Sardar had left, by assigning to them jágirs: of money, and then the Maharajá returned to 15. Having subjugated various districts of Lahôr. But the news soon arrived that Dal the Pañjab, Ranjit Singh convoked a darbár, Singh, the governor of Akalgadh, sympa- inviting the chiefs whom he imagined to be thised with the above named Sardár of Gujrat, friendly to him, to pay him homage. Not one, and would soon make common cause with him. howover, answered the call except Fath Singh, Ranjit Singh therefore despatched a letter to the chief of Kapurthall, and thi Maharaja Dal Singh, in which he held forth the brilliant was 80. pleased that he bestowed many gifts future in store for him in the conquest of the apon him, and exchanging his own turban whole of the Paõjab. The bait was taken, and with him, called him his brother. To prove As soon as he arrived, Ranjit Singh imprisoned his allegiance this chief first of all sided Ranjit him and marched to the fort of Akalgadh, to Singh during his expedition to Chiniot, the which he was under the necessity of laying Sardar of which district defended his fort siogo, because the wife of Dal Singh was not bravely; and the news having arrived that only determined to defend it, but had also meanwhile the Sardar of Kasur had made invited Şahib Singh, the Sardêr of Gujrat, and use of the occasion to plunder two mile'as, Jodha Singh, the Sardar of Wazirabad, to come Fath Singh was despatched to Kasur and to her assistance. Accordingly Ranjit Singh was joined by the Maharaja himself, who
• The purden of the Nawab Wasir Khan in the locality Anarkall.
In the GujranwAlA District. It is custom in Northern India to swear terms
friendship by exchanging turbane. Nadir Shah according to well-known story obtained the Koh-i-Nar by such ma exchange of turban