Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 330
________________ 806 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (OCTOBER, 1887. years as sovereign of the Pañjab, but fell sick, (A.D. 1636] to the river Ravi to perform and leaving this world departed to the abode his ablutions, he disappeared, and was seen no of eternity. more; his jailors, who diligently searched the 10. There was in the Pañjab arr ascetic, river for his body, not being able to find a addicted to solitude, despring the world, not trace of it. His son, Har Gôbind, succeeded him, moddling with its affairs, constantly meditating but died two years afterwards in St. 1695 (A.D. On the unity of God, outwardly poor, but 1638). This last Guru was likewise succeeded inwardly rich, whose name was Nanak, and by his son, Har Rai, who died in St. 1716 he preached monotheism to Hindas and to (A.D. 1659). The eighth Guru, Har Kishn Muslims, enjoying the veneration of both was placed upon the masnad at the age of classes. The religious turn of his mind mani. seven years, and superseded his elder brother. fosted itself when he was yet in the house of The latter, however, hastened to represent the his father, Kala Khatri, but when he grew wrong done to him, to the emperor Shah up, it was further developed by his associa- Jahân, who thereon summoned Har Kishn to tion with holy men, and wandering about the court, but on arriving in Dehli he was preaching and making converta, first among saddenly carried off by small-por, making the Bedis, his own sept of the Khatri tribe. room for Tégh Bahadur, the ninth Guru. The He first established his abode at Kartapur elder brother, whose age exceeded also that and afterwards at Dórá Nának. He was born of the last named Gard, now betook himself to in Bt. 1525 (A.D. 1468] during the reign of the the court of Aurangzeb asking for justice at Emperor Babiel of Dehli, and died in St. 1596 his hands, and representing Tégh Bahadur to (A.D. 1589]; he had therefore attained the be warlike and turbulent man, likely to enage of 71 years. He had two beloved sons, Sridaeger the peace of the country. He was Chand and Lakhmi Chand, who were however socordingly invited to Debli where he would absent when he died, and he made one of his have lost his life, had it not been saved by the disciples, Labai by name, who was with him, his kind intercession of the Mabäraja of Jaipar. $2.000sbor us Gart, and surnamed him Angad. After this he led thenceforth a migratory life, Ho also was a pions man, who sugmented visiting the tirthas of Hindustan and gathering the number of converts to 100,000, and died in adherents, but not again returning to the St. 1609 [A.D. 1552] after having occupied the Pañjab. At last he ventured once more to make masnad 13 years. He was succeeded by Amar his appearance at Dehli, where he was received Dis who died in St. 1631 (A.D. 1574), and with open arms by the population, but the was followed by Ram Das, a learned and God- representations of his elder brother, that. fearing man, who onjoyed the protection of the the Gurd was capable of exciting a rebelgreat emperor Akber to such a degree that the lion so impressed the Government, that he lattor supplied him with large sams of money was summarily decapitated in St. 1732 (A.D. for constructing the sacred tank of Amriteer; 1675). Gobind Singh, the 10th Garl, who where he afterwards found it most convenient desired to avenge the death of his father, and to take up his abode. But he remained Gard did his utmost to impart a military training only sovon yours, and died in St. 1638 [A.D. to his followers, now armed them, drilled 1581). His son, Arjan, became the fifth Gart, them, ordered them to keep their hair long, to but an evious fellow, Dewi Chand by name, promise him perfect obedience, and to make damaged him in the sight of the mighty emperor the words Fath Wah Garujt their war-cry. Jahangir, by telling him that Arjan had become the valiant but inexperienced troops of the extremely wealthy, and was collecting tributo Gurl advanood, met the imperial forces and from the population, which obeyed him like were, after some fraitless battles, dispersed. king; and that being, moreover,dangerous The four sons of the Gurd having been captured, mau, bo ought to be thrown into prison. This and afterwards beheaded at Sirhind [Sarhand), was done, bat his oonfinement in Lahor does he abandoned all further military operations not appear to have been very close, because we and lod wandering life, going with some of are told, that when going one day in St. 1693 his disciples first to Bengal, and then to the . According to a marginal note said to mone "The WAL-Gurd, i.e., Nanak, will give you victory."


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