camp and baggage, retreated with some of his Khan, whom they had captured. When this men towards Dehli. When the flight of Shah - information reached Qamara'ddin Khan, he nawaz Khân became known next morning to was much displeased, and forthwith marched his own troops, they imitated his example, and towards Sarhand; but as Ahmad Shah Durrani Ahmad Shah took possession of all the property, was likewise on the road to it, the two armies artillery and baggage of the camp, transferred encountered each other at MAhipar, which is six the whole of his own the next day to the other karas distant from Sarband. For some days side of the river, and marched with great pomp skirmishing only between the outposts took into the city of Lâhôr. As Shahnawaz Khan place, till at last Kosart Bingh, Raja of Jaipur, had left a great deal of camp equipage, artillery, who was one of the greatest Rajas of India, and many elephants, all of which fell into the advanced and attacked Ahmad Shah Abdali, possession of Ahmad Shah Durrani, they con- but was disgracefully beaten and fled. tributed greatly to augment his pomp and glory. | After this, but during the battle, a cannon He received also the allegiance of the Rajas ball happened to strike one of the sons of of Jânt, of Bamů,' and of all the other Rajas Nawab Qamara'ddin Khân, the Wazîr, and kill of the Pañjáb.
him, whereon a hot contest ensued. Although Muhammad Shah Gargant (the Emperor),
the Durrani braves overcame the Indians in this however, who governed Dehli, had ere this battle, & strange adventure operated against despatched a numerous army in command of them. They had got into their power some his own son, Ahmad Shah-with Nawab
| artillerists at Lahor, whose services they intendQamaruddin Khân the Wazir, and Abdu'l- ed to make use of on the present occasion, but
angir Khan Safdar Jang. and Kêgari Singh as they did not understand their business, they Raja of Jaipûr, and Jamal Khân Talpuri and fired in the direction of their own camp, so that Rai Galla Jagruant and Allah Ala] Singh Jatt many Durranis perished, and the rest fled. For Zamindar of Patiala, and 'Abdu'llah Khan
this reason Ahmad Shah Durrani, who had and Faizu'llah Khân, sons of 'Alt Muhammad
now become powerless, concluded peace, and Khan Rohels, as chiefs to annihilato Ahmad the river Sind (Indus] having been constituted Shah Durrani. This army was met by Shah
the frontier, according to the agreement of nawas Khan in his flight, who, fearing to Nadir Shah, he marched back to Qandahår.
enged of cowardice and folly. so extolled Ahmad Shah Gurgâni also returned to Dehli, the strength, perfections, numbers, and ex
and baving during the march been informed of cellent arrangements of the Afghêng, that the
the demise of his father Muhammad Shah mere narrative filled the hearts of the Amîrs of Gürgâni, ascended the throne' as soon as he the Gürgâni monarchy with terror, to such a arrived, and appointed the Nawab Safdar Jang degree as to induce the Nawab Qamaru'ddin to be Wazir, whilst he made Mir Manů, son of Khan the Wasir, to send away his family, Nawab Qamaru'ddin Khải, Subahdar of Lahor baggage and property to Sarhand, in charge of
and of Multân. Ahmad Shah Durrânî, whilst 'Abdu'llah Khân and Faizu'llah Khai, the sons marching back, confirmed, in each of the newly of 'Ali Muhammad Khan Rohêls, whilst he acquired districts, his own trusted officials in himself marched with his army for the purpose
their positions, and thus reached Qandahår :of fighting, in the direction of Machhivara.
By the aid of God, and the power of good When Ahmad Shah Durrani was made aware
He became lord of the country, of a diadem of what had taken place, be sent a numerous
and a throne. force in charge of some of his great Amîrs, to
He opened the door of the treasury and subjugate the district of Sarhand, which they
called the army did, and brought back into the camp a great And poured into its lap gold, silver, and deal of booty with the song of 'Ali Muhammad
. (Who were these P-ED.)
of Shah-Aulum, the present Emperor of Hindostan, &c. . Mahmud Shah sent a large army against him under. I London, 1798, p. 1-2. the command of his son Ahmad Shah, attended by the In the end of April 1748. Grant Duff, History of vixir Cummer-o'deen Cawn, and his son, Mohin ool the Mahrattas. London, 1820, Vol. II. p. 29. Moolk. The Abdaloe was worated, and abliged to fly to The above veryos Are taken from Firdansi'e his own country."-W. Franklin's History of the reign Bahndma without acknowlodgment.