Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 16
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 305
________________ SEPTEMBER, 1887.] MISCELLANEA. 281 not think that much amber came from Samland (a kind of gong). The pandita decapitates a hen, as few Kufic coins are found there. Saveliev has praying to Allah that he will protect his an opposite opinion on this point. The reviewer worshippers from misfortunes and contagious wonders that no special name has come down in diseases, and on the completion of the sacrifice, Russia for these Kuflo coins (dirhams), perhaps he cries out in his miserable Arabic,-a language they are meant by the word nogata used in the which the Mindanao priests literally break upon thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, corrupted the wheel-bismil-la herrac-man-herra him. He possibly from the Arabic naqd. then throws the head of the fowl under a fire(n). 7. R[osen.) Compendium libri Kitabi brand on a little altar, while the congregation al-Boldan auctore Ion-al-Fakih al-Hamadhan remains engaged in prayer. They have adopted quod edidit indicibus et glossario instruxit M. J. a great number of their other habits and de Goeje, Leyden, 1885. (Bibliotheca Geographico- customs from the heathen tribes of the interior rum Arabicorum.-Ibn-al-Fakih-al-Hamadani (the Moros of the Gulf of Davao, especially the wrote at the end of the 3rd century of the hijra Mandayas), including their marriage customs (about 290: A.D. 903) a book of countries.' and the auguries with the limóco or limócon. (a This has not come down, but abbreviations of it wood-pigeon, phabotreron brevirostris, Schadenhave. One of these was by Aba'l-Hasan-All- berg). On the other hand, they reckon their time ibn-Ja'far ash-Shaizart compiled at the begin not by nights, but by days. The days of the ning of the fifth century A. H. (about 1028), and week they call thus: Monday sapto, Tuesday ahat, this is published by De Goeje in 5 vols. The Wednesday isnín, Thursday sarasa, Friday arobaja. work is a very rambling one, but very valuable, Saturday cammis, and Sunday, diammat." giving important accounts of the literature and A paper by F. Kallenberg, Jun., on the Trade manners of the period. The article winds up with of Corea(that politischer Tummelplata or wrestling a list of the contents of the work. It is full of ground of nations, as the author calls it) follows anerdotes, proverbs, tales, &c. The article hardly comes within the province of W. R. MORFILL. the Indian Antiquary. The two principal articles of export are gold and chinseng root (Aralia quinquefolia), a medicine in great repute amongst PROGRESS OF EUROPEAN SCHOLARSHIP. the Chinese. The essay concludes with an interestNo. 6. ing note on Corean Coinage. (1) Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Prof. Dr. Rein follows with a review on AnderOrient; 15th August, 1886.-The number opens son's Pictorial Arts of Japan, after which comes with an important paper on the Spanish troubles a review by Alfred Kirchhof on a work on the on the Rio Grande of Mindanao, one of the Marshall and Gilbert Islands written by Carl Philippine Islands. The author is Prof. F. Blu- Hager (Leipzig, 1886). Both reviews are favourmentrite. The following extract, referring to the manners and customs of the Moros, or Musal. Amongst the miscellanea may be mentioned mans, of Mindanao, may be found interesting:- a description of a series of models of the old "They call their Ramazan Sambayang, and it Jewish Temples in Palestine. They have been lasts seven days, during which time they only eat made by the well-known Baurath C. Schick in once in the twenty-four hours,-at midnight. The Jerusalem, and are the result of long studies Sambayang is celebrated in the lañga, a kind of on the spot. Prof. Dr. J. Rein contributes a valu. shed which serves them as mosque. Anyone able article on two species of rice. Among the who can read and write is called pandita, and many kinds of rice in the oldest tracts in which it officiates as a preacher. The priest proper bears is cultivated the monsoon countries of Eastern the title of sarip, and the teacher of the pandita Asia, the Hill rice (Oryza montana, Lour.) and is named guru. After the conclusion of the the Gluten rice (0. glutinosa, Ramph) are most Sambayang, a great purificatory bathing ceremony worthy of notice. The one, because it prefers a occurs, which is followed by a feast at which poniam drier soil, and comes to maturity in a shorter and sindo (two dishes of soup strongly enriched time, and the other because its flour gives an with cocoanut oil) play a prominent part. They extremely elastic glutinous dough, like that of baptize their children with water, murmuring the most glutinous wheat-flour. Gluten rice is prayers the while, after which follows a baptismal called by the Japanese mochi-gome, in China no feast. At the nine-days' sacrificial feast the flock and by the Malays palut. The Japanese name of Believers is called together by the agung refers to the small cakes (mochi), which they * Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim, in the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate. The spelling throughout this extract is that given in I the original, and the translator is not responsible for it.


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