(d) Are Objects of Antiquity Fabricated in sword. The custom of placing stone figures near Central Asia ? by Veselovski.-The author thinks graves is connected with the ancient worship it improbable. The artisans are too ignorant of ancestors, and the burying of their likeand clumsy in their work, and the demand has nesses in the earth. In the interior of Russia, not been great enough ; nor does he think that similar stone figures have been found buried in it would be worth while for agents to bring fabri- kurgdns. cated antiquities from India to sell in Turkistán. (h) A Chinese Grun, preserved in the Artillery
(e) Note by Tysonhausen on the Masjid Museum of St. Petersburg, by 4. Pozdneiev.(Mosque) of 'AU Shah at Tabris.He gives an Fifteen years ago a small gun was removed to St. extract from the chronicle of Badru'ddin Al-'Aini, Petersburg from Orenburg along with some dated 855 A.H. (=1451 A.D.) which is known other weapons. Various accounts are given of under the name of the Chain of Pearls. Among its origin; it is generally called the gun of the celebrities who died in 724 A.H.(=1324 A.D.) Bukhård, but the author goes on to show that it it commemorates the death of Taja'ddin Aba'i. is really Chinese. The metal is iron, covered
lasan 'All Shah of Tabriz, who was wazir to over with copper. He then proceeds to translate the Hulaku Sultan Ultaj (P Uljait) and his son the inscriptions on it :-"The manifestation of the Sultan Abu Sa'id. In the obituary notice what is warlike. The character Shen No. 8, the of this official, remarkable among other things for great, wonderful gun. Ona lucky morning of the not being able to read or write and for being the 7th moon of the 23rd year of the reign of Tzian lun only one out of fourteen Hulaka wazirs who died the artisan Ho-chan of the family of Sha, made a natural death, there is a short account of the this--the great, wonderful gun. On a lucky day great moeque erected by 'Ali Shah in his native of the ninth moon of the 28th year of the reign town Tabriz.
of Dao-huan, the artisan Tian-sin of the family (f) A Hoard of Money found in the Govern. U repaired it anew." The author then explains ment of Tula, by Tysonhausen.-The author says the custom of giving titles to guns in China, that Prince S. S. Abamelek Lazarev had shown and gives an account of a weapon preserved at him a hoard of Tatar coins of the eighth century Pekin, richly decorated, which has a title: having A.H., the fourteenth of our era, found in the year been used to resist the attack of some rebels in 1884 on his catate Krapivinka in the Government 1814. The gun here discussed was cast in 1759, of Tula. The hoard was in a copper cup slightly and was repaired in 1849, the repairing probably silvered, and covered with a lid, and consisted of being the coat of copper. Up to the middle 148 silver coins. The greater part were coins of the present century there were only two of Tuqtamish (733-792 A.H.) struck among the places in China were guns were cast, Pekin and Horde at the towns Kam(= Solchans), Azaka, Mukden. Julistan, New Saraf and Khazma. There are three (1) The First Period of Chinese History coins of Usbag, one struck at Sarbi in the year 722; I (to the time of the Emperor Tsin-shi-khwan-di), ten coins of Birdibag (759-760) struck at by Sergius Georgievski, 1885. This is a long and Julistân; three coins of Birdibag(759-760), struck learned critique by Posdneiev. The book is the at Julistan; two coins of 'Abdu'llah, one of which first attempt at a History of China in Russian. bears no date ; and another struck among the The author has divided his work into sis chapters: Horde in the year 1770; one coin of Faulad Khan, in the first four he gives a history of China to without year or name of the mint; one coin of the times of Tzin-shi-khwan-di, and in the two Muhammad Khan, without date, struck among last he makes us acquainted with the character of the Horde; one Chughatai coin with the names Chinese historical authorities, and finally com. of Buyurgatmish and Timar struck at Samar- municates his own views on the development of qand in the year 784, and finally 46 imitations of the inner life of the old Chinese people. The the coins of the Golden Horde.
work is too condensed and without system, but (9) Archological Discoveries in the District is better than any which has been written in of the Seven Rivers. An account of some stone other languages, e.g. by Gutzlaff, among ourselves. idols found by Dr. Poyarkov near Tuqmdq, in the He is too dogmatio (illustrated by examples). He Semirechia (near Pishpak, already mentioned.) ought to have divided his history into two parts, They are eight in number, and were found near -a) legendary, from the beginning of the world some kurgáns, Threu of them are represented with to the dynasty of Sha; (b) historical, from the cups in their hands. They are of very rude work- dynasty of Sha to Tzin-shi-khwan-di. manship. To what people these carvings are to ( 4 Russo-Kalmuck Dictionary, compiled be assigned is as yet unknown. They certainly by order of the Chief Curator of the Kalmucke already used arms, as one of the figures wears a people. Astrakhan. 1885. This work,-Bays the