(JUNE, 1887.
there, before you three, I shall deliver ap What Sugani said seemed ridiculous to the the ring, explaining how I got it. When His brothers; but they allowed her to have her Majesty desires me to name my reward I shall way, and waited to see patiently what would do so, and beg of you never to contradict or take place. gainsay my desires, if they appear very humble The whole town was gloomy that night, in your opinion."
except Suguņi's house : for, by order of His The brothers agreed, and they all started to Majesty, no light was lit in any other house. the palace. They had a very great respeot for The Ashtalakshmis--the Eight ProsperitiesSuguņi, and expected a good result from this entered the town that night and went house visit to the king.
by house into every street. All of them were The palace was reached, and the ring was dark, and the only house lit up was Suguņi's. given back to the king with the explanation. They tried to enter it, but the brother at the His Majesty was charmed at the modesty and door stopped them and ordered them to take truthfulness of Suguņi, and asked her to name the oath. This they did, and when he came her reward.
to understand that these ladies were the Eight “My most gracions Sovereign! King of Prosperities-he admired the sagacity of his kings! Supreme lord! Only a slight favour brother's wife. . thy dog of a servant requests of your Majesty. A nimisha after the eight ladies had gone in It is this, that on a Friday night all the lights there came out of the house a hideous female in the town be extinguished, and not a lamp and requested permission to go, but the brother be lit even in the palace. Only the house of at the back would not permit this unless she thy dog of a servant must be lighted up with swore never to come back again. She solemnly such lights as it can afford."
swore, and the next moment he came to know "Agreed, most modest lady. We grant your that she was the Müdéví, or Adversity, the request, and we permit you to have the privi- elder sister of Prosperity. lege you desire this very next Friday."
For she said: "My sisters have come. I Joyfully she bowed before his Majesty and cannot stay here for a minute longer. God returned with her husband and the others to bless you and your people. I swear by everyher house. She then pledged the last jewel thing sacred never to come back." she had by her and procured some money. And so, unable to breathe there any longer,
Friday came. She fasted the whole day, and Adversity ran away. as soon as twilight approached she called both When the morning dawned, the Prosperities the brothers of her husband, and thus addressed had already taken up a permanent abode with them :
the family. The rice bag became filled. The "My brothers, I have made arrangements cash chest overflowed with money. The pot for lighting up our house with one thousand contained milk. And thus plenty began to lamps to-night. One of you without ever reign in Suguņi's house from that day. The closing your eyes for a moment must watch the three brothers and her father-in-law were overfront of our house and the other the back. joyed at the way Sugani had driven away their If a woman of a graceful appearance and of poverty for ever, and even Suguņi's parents feminine majesty wishes you to permit her to did not feel it a disgrace to come and beg their enter it, boldly tell her to swear first never to daughter's pardon. She nobly granted it and go out again. If she solemnly agrees to this, lived with all the members of her family in then permit her to come in. If in the same prosperity for a long life. way any woman wishes to go out, make a It is a notion, therefore, among orthodox similar condition that she must swear never to Hindus, that light in the house brings prospereturn at siny time in her life.”
rity, and darkness adversity."
See also the second tale in this series ; ante, Vol. XIII. p. 226.