deity. That day too she came according to success in having won a kingdom of his own her usual custom and worshipped the goddess. in addition to the empire he got with his After her prayers were over she requested wife. Kali to give her a good and noble husband and The story is now almost ended, but a word at once a voice was heard in the sky: “There as to what had become of Tan Singh all this lies a prince in my holy presence. He shall be while, and of the slippers hidden in the temple thy husband." She ran headlong and instead of Kali. Tan Singh, as his son had so intelliof a man sleeping she found a lifeless corpse. gently prophesied, became poor very soon after With the true faith of an affectionate wife she Kțishna Singh left him, and with his wife and began to weep and wail, and at once another two other sons was living in a hole and corner, voice was heard : “My child, all this is my having been by his own foolishness and extratrick to prove you. Now that you have so suc- vagance reduced to his original condition of cessfully stood the test, return to my holy poverty. Krishņa Singh had found this out as presence and with a handful of the sacred ashes soon as he reached Pushpapura, but did not like go to him again, sprinkle them on his face, to disturb his own plans by revealing himself just and request him to rise." She obeyed the orders then. However, now that everything was about of the Ambika" and to her joy the man rose to be settled he ordered a palanquin of flowers up, when she took hold of his hands and to be brought to the temple of Kali, took the humbly asked him to accompany her home, slippers with which his father had beaten him telling him what had happened.
out of the hole, placed them on it and brought By this time the princess of Dhårâpura, them to the palace. He then sent word to his finding that her husband was not returning, father Tan Singh that the king of the town suspected 'something wrong, and flew to the wanted him with all the members of his family grove with Sellam. When they reached the immediately. Tan Singh did not understand temple of Kali, what did they find but another what the orders meant, but he was obliged to woman asking his hand! After a while the obey them. news of all this reached the ears of the old Krishna Singh at once recognised his parents king, who was very glad to think that & and brothers, but none of them recognised divine order had been given to his daughter to Krishna Singh in the young king, so he explained marry the young king. But after having cele- before the whole assembly all about his adven. brated the Swinging Feast he was unable to tures from the time he had been beaten ; and, deny the right of wifeship to the Dharapura pointing to the slippers he said: "By the good princess, and so to avoid all misunderstandings fortune of my father's slippers I am now the he had them both married to Krishna Singh. husband of princesses. He punished me for
Invitations to the marriage were sent out in having demanded one, but as the shoes are a all directions. The Emperor of Dharapura also, I pair they have given me a pair of wives !" who had by this time come to know everything, With these words he prostrated himself beproclaimed that he meant to give his daughter fore his parents and brothers. They all wept Chandramukhi in marriage to King Kfishņa for joy and sorrow, and he at once took them Singh in Pushpapura. A closed palanquin, into the palace. King Krishṇa Singh after containing nothing, accompanied the female this lived a very long and prosperous life with retinue of the Emperor, and in it the princess his two beautiful wives, sometimes in DhariChandramukhi was supposed to go to Push- pura and sometimes in Pushpapara. papura, where the marriage was celebrated with | The story has ended, and nothing remains all deserving pomp, for kings bore the marriage to be told. except that Krishna Singh had a palanquins of Krishna Singh and the two prin number of sons to console the sonless age of cesses. The Emperor was extremely pleased at the old King of Pushpapura and of the Emperor the adventures of Krishna Singh and at his of Dhârâ pura.
* Goddess.