JULT, 1887.)
only thing you seem to have studied in your The rice he brought for his meal is hanging younger days was sichchhadritti-the collection in the ingudi tree. I am very hangry. Let of alma! I beseech you to go somewhere and as both eat of the bundle and then pursue return with some learning in yon."
our way." The Brahmaņi's words infused shame into The great god could not bat agree. He her husband, and he resolved within himself to himself took down the bundle and went up to start the next morning in search of some know- the flowing stream. Pârvati followed and they ledge to eke out honourably the remainder of both ate their fill and came back, while Bhikshu his life. His wife, too, did not cook all the was still asleep. rice he got that day, but reserved a portion to "Poor soul, he sleeps soundly enough, withgive to him for the way.
out knowing that we have emptied his bundle Early next day whon Bhikshu went for his of rice. What will he do for his meal when bath-for Brahmanism is lost if the morning he gets up P" said Parvati, and the great god, bath and ablation are renounced for & day asking her not to be concerned abont it, took even-his wife rose up and bathing hastily in five gold oups from under his feet, and tied the well in her garden, cooked the remaining them ap in the empty cloth. The goddess's rice and made ready a small bundle of food for face glowed with joy and she huing the bundle her husband's use. When Bhikshu came back with the five cups in it where the bundle of he smiled upon his wife for her kindness, and rice had been, and went behind her lord to passing his left hand under the bundle placed | Mount Kailasa. it firmly on his left shoulder. His wife then In the evening Bhikshu. awoke, and there ran out before him to see whether the ometa were only five or six ghatikds remaining before was good. An old lady with a ghara (pot) the sun would set. He snatched down his fall of newly drawn water was coming towards bundle hastily and flew to the stream. It felt a her:
little heavier, and not knowing how to account "My dear husband, the great god favours for this he opened it, when lo ! five cups madu your journey. A sumangalis approaches. Start of gold and arranged one over another met his at once," cried she, and off went her husband. eyes. As he separated the cups, from out
Bhikshu had to go through a pathless forest of each there came out a being of the Divine to find some strange country in his search after World (dévalóka), and served him with # knowledge. The scorching sun was too much for thousand varieties of dishes. He was delighted him, and he was greatly tired; but though his at what he saw, and at once interpreted it to hunger was great he did not mind. He walked be a divine gift. When he put the cups back and walked, till he came to the banks of a dry into their original position the goddesses river bed in one part of which, however a small disappeared, and he thought within himself that stream was flowing gently. His fatigue was so his poverty must have left him from that moment, great that he took the bundle off his shoulder, and returned home hastily with a cheerful and after hanging it on the branch of an countenance to meet his wife. ingudi tree fell into a deep slumber beneath it. Alas, poor woman! She had given away the
Fortunately for him, while he was thus sound little rice she had that morning to her husband, asleep, Parvati and Paramebvara happened to when she sent him on his expedition in search pass that way. The goddess was very hungry. of knowledge, and as there was no one to give Said she to her lord !
her another handful she had fasted the whole "My great lord, here sleeps a poor Brahman. night, and was praying for death or the return
A married woman, whose approach is a good omen. Omens differ in different countries among tho Dravidians the good omens' are married woman, virgin, dancing-woman,“ double Brahman, music, flowers, fruits, flag, umbrella, sugar-oane, cooked rice, milk, Reah, fre, tal, elephant, horne, 00W, cloth, king. pearls. clarified rice (akshata) and fried rico (14ja). If any of there approach the omen is supposed to be good and the purpose for which one goes out will succeed. The bed omens are & widow, "single" Brahma, three Vaiiyas, two Sadras, tiger, serpent, fuel, soythe, wood-axe, crow
bar, oil, now pot, a man in a masque, butter-milk (chach) eurde, cough, any utterance of a preventivo anturo, untimely rain, thunder, wind, fasting person, pornon with his head newly shaved, sorrowful exclamations of Ha! Hala! &c.
. (Terminalia catappa), s tree that grows in marrhy places and by the sido of rivers always described by Sanskrit poets in wild scenes; it occurs in the Randyana, sakuntall and other works.
The abode of siva in the Himalayas..